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[Tyras] Looking for Programmer and Web Master


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I have restarted Tyras using the Eclipse Origins Engine and I am off to a great start with mapping, skills, and items. Still, there are some features I want, but can't program. I also have a website for the game, but it's not working the way I'd like it to. I've been working on this game on multiple engines for about three years now choosing different graphics styles. So I am not a total noob when it comes to game dev and graphics design. But as far as programming goes, I'm lost  :huh: So here's the breakdown of both jobs:

I want quests, plain and simple. Now I don't want to sound like everyone else on the forums begging for a quest system "JUST LIKE WoW!!!1!" I want just something that works, that's visual, and can incorporate a lot of different quest types (Kill X amount of Y, Talk to NPC, Give Spell after Quest). I also am looking at various spell types, but that's not too major. Just remember, it's for Eclipse Origins on Vb6 so you should be familiar with Robin's changes to various key words in the code.

**Web Master**
I want a fast loading, website with content easily accessible. Nothing fancy with flash or all kinds of art and effect everywhere. Eclipse's new website is a perfect example of a nice website. It's simple, it gives you the basic info, and it's all centered around the forums. As for forums I want a simple phpbb or SMF. I know those are really easy to set up for some people, but not really for me :P This is the current website BTW: http://tyrasonline.com/

So that's pretty much it. I really hate to pay people because prices are either too low and people don't work as hard or too high and I'm emptying my wallet. I don't want to say much more than that.

Also, I've attached some screenshots just to show the game is being made with custom graphics and that I've put a lot of work into it. I don't plan on letting it die anytime soon.
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