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[Newbie] Is that the map system consists of flat, vertical squares as bases?


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If you're using origins, you can change the size of a character by simply adding a new sprite into the correct file.  Origins supports a few different sizes of sprites, like 32x32, 32x64, 64x64, and a couple more I believe.  If you need more info on adding sprites, look here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68363.msg736616.html#msg736616

In order to change the shape of the tiles in the map editor, you will have to do a good bit of engine editing.  You will need VB6(more info here:http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68399.msg736833.html#msg736833) and you will need sufficient knowledge of how to edit it.  I myself don't know much about editing it, but here's a nice tut on VB6: http://www.vbtutor.net/vb6/vbtutor.html
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For the first question, by now that's a no. I suppose that you don't have a lot of programming experience, am I right? But you can do a little trick ;). That is, making the graphics in isometric view, and maybe if you get the grasp of the engine source (after a little time), you could change the directions and make it 8 directional :). Or maybe someone would help you to do it, but making something by yourself is much more satisfactory.

The second question is very easy ;), at least if you're using the Eclipse Origins. You just need to change the size of your character's graphic file (see your "client/data files/graphics/characters" folder). By default, since it uses RMXP templates, it is 128x192\. Your character is 4x smaller than your graphic size, because the file is "cut" into 16 pieces, in the default template is 32x48\.
(Each "piece" is a pose, there are 4 poses for each of the 4 directions).
So, if you want a 64x64 character, you need a 256x256 size graphic file.

Hope it helps,
L'ark Mitsinikos
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Thank you for your speedy replies !!

Yup, i don't have a lot of programming experience, and it is the very first time experience in game programming.

I have dream of reconstructing an online game, called "LifeStorm 2" by a Japan company, that I played 10 years ago, and I finally found this engine, is very similar to that game.

I am able to understand, or interpret some easy game logic. Anyway, EO is fantastic starting point for me.

It is only the second day I work with EO. It is quite difficult to identify which part of script I should work on since there is a lack of descriptions. EO is still great though.
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Changing into 8 directions movement ! Great ! Let's see if I could do sth. on it.

For the second question, is that the system will automatically divide a template into 16 equal pieces, and the size of those pieces are whoely depending on that of the template?? Is there any size limitation then ?
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> Changing into 8 directions movement ! Great ! Let's see if I could do sth. on it.
> For the second question, is that the system will automatically divide a template into 16 equal pieces, and the size of those pieces are whoely depending on that of the template?? Is there any size limitation then ?

No there is no size limitation. For example, the default characters come like this:

| 32x64 | 32x64 | 32x64 | 32x64 |
| 32x64 | 32x64 | 32x64 | 32x64 |
| 32x64 | 32x64 | 32x64 | 32x64 |
| 32x64 | 32x64 | 32x64 | 32x64 |

But you could have a character like this, and the engine will read it automatically:

| 96x96 | 96x96 | 96x96 | 96x96 |
| 96x96 | 96x96 | 96x96 | 96x96 |
| 96x96 | 96x96 | 96x96 | 96x96 |
| 96x96 | 96x96 | 96x96 | 96x96 |
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