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Is there a way to make it so when you create an account, you get to start out with more then one character, like you start out with four people, all level at the same time, but each attacks and you can move each of them around seprately, or together. Like a game when you select one you can move it and the rest follow you and when they die they die seprately. like a war game.

If there is a way to do this please tell me, :D Thanks: Airdude2
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Yes there is, but there's no tutorials for it. We don't do requests.

Anyway, you'd probably look at how movement is processed to start, and check which character the player is moving. Then you'd have to allow the player to update the position of all his friends, if they're alive. You'd have to keep track of everyone's health, MP, all the stuff you normally keep track of.
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If you are new or for the most part don't know how to program in VB6, I recommend you just let this idea go for now. It requires too many changes and unless you can pay someone a hefty amount to code it in for you, you're pretty much skrewed as I don't think anyone would fulfill that kind of request for free.
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Wow thanks guys, the only good thig is i know its possible lol, but no one can do this for me? D: or at least tell me what to change. Or its a good guide somone could do :D lol, but i kno its gota be hard. Wells, can somone at least give me a starting point, what to look for? for:
multiple people:
Maybe seprate levels:
These are the three main things i need D:

: if i figure it out ill make a guide for everyone :D :
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