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Moonvale- Animation artist needed


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Moonvale is a MMO dungeon crawler currently in development, featuring beautiful landscapes created with the use of my custom retro Tileset.  While I am an experienced pixel artist, animations come slow to me and to progress more quickly would be a very good thing.

We currently are in need of a talented spriter who can create retro sprites, spell animations, and possibly paperdolls in a style that matches mine.

Now for some information about the game:

>! **Templar**- Templars are clever warriors who are skilled with blades.  They are more intact with the gods of eld than most of the other warriors, however the gods of Eld have prevented the Templar from hurting other creatures as much as they otherwise might be able to.  They are great tanks for the party, but can also use some healing.  Legacy Techniques: Divine Shield, Regal Blood.
>! **Celestial**- Celestials are skilled mages who can use healing spells with spectacular efficiency.  They are cherished by the gods of Eld, and they have many abilities given to them by the gods.  They are the essential role of healer in most parties, but with proper pruning they can also be a damage dealer or support role.  Legacy Techniques: Spiritual Solace, Tranquility Aura.
>! **Berserker**- Berserkers are powerful axe wielders who can attack fast and strong.  They do not have any magic skills, but they make up for it with their ability to dual wield and there powerful attacks.  They are almost exclusively damage dealers.  Legacy Techniques: Fury Strokes, Twin Blades.
>! **Skirmisher**- Skirmishers are warriors that come from the eastern deserts.  Hundreds of years ago the nomadic eastern peoples migrated to the forests of Eld, and have left their ancient techniques with their heirs.  While the skirmishers cannot communicate with the gods of Eld, they have their own macicks.  Skirmishers are mostly Damage dealers, but could be more of a support role if trained correctly.  Legacy Techniques: Raider's sting, Desert Speed.
>! **Immortal**- Immortals are an odd folk.  They were originally trained in the darkest forests of Eld, but now they have passed their skills on to many.  Immortals commune with the gods of Hell, and have mighty spells to destroy their enemies.  They are mostly damage dealers but could be tanks or supporters if played with correctly.  Legacy Techniques: Guardian Spirit, Lethal mind.
>! **Barbarian**- A sheer warrior.  Barbarians wield axes and brutally destroy their enemies.  They migrated from the western mountains, and have kept their old ways of agression and brutality.  Barbarians have no magical abilities, but are still powerful.  They can either be a Damage Dealer or Tank.  Legacy Techniques: roar of the fallen, Mighty Grip


>! In the outskirts of the Eld Forests lies Moonvale.  Moonvale has always been a center for all things magical, as the gods of Eld enjoy interacting with the people in Moonvale.  Hundreds of years ago, the skirmishers invaded, the Barbarians came, and Immortals started emerging into the city, but that's not important.  What is important that only a short time after that one of the gods of Eld got angry.  Very angry indeed.
>! Deep inside the mushroom forest, a god of Eld emerged.  Rigala.  God of Wrath.  He descended and planted his hand into the ground.  In a flash of red, the forest grew alive with evil.  The mushroom trees turned into living beings, the rats grew angry, and snakes seethed with hate.  Rigala had taken the first step to destroying the Haven of Eld.
>! A few days ago, Rigala had been banished from the land of the Eld Gods.  Because of this, he  tried to destroy the Gods' favorite city, Moonvale.
>! Ever since then, hundreds of adventurers have flocked to Moonvale.  They could strike up a fortune by simply cleaning up the sewers, or they could sell mushroom caps to the alchemists and walk out with a burgeoning purse.  The forest had become a very dangerous place, and only the adventurers could reap its rewards.  The world is largely the same today, so you adventurer, venture forth and vanquish the evil.

The game will be largely boss oriented.  As I said it will be a dungeon diver, and have many many bosses.  Each dungeon will have at least 1 mini boss room, 1 boss room, and 1 co-boss room.  Larger dungeons may have up to 3 boss rooms, 5 mini boss rooms, and 2 co-boss rooms.  Boss battles will be custom coded using Lightning's Framework.

The dungeons will also include basic puzzle solving.  If I can make it amazing and complex I will, but my Coding skills aren't the best.  I do however have the skills required to do all of the required edits such as different stats, unique boss battles, unique spells, and more.

Now, for screenshots:

>! ![](http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/4805/map4o.png)
>! ![](http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/3329/map5l.png)
>! ![](http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/3892/map6m.png)
>! ![](http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/8324/map7w.png)
>! Screenshots will not be used in game, they are here simply to give you a feel for the tilesets used.

Me: coder, designer, Tile artist, Mapper
Bloodmorphed:  Host, Assistant Mapper

Feel free to message me if you have more questions!
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Awesome you posted it :)

EDIT: Btw I'm trying to get some GUI's made, if you want me to give it a shot for you let me know (This will require me to use the Client source as I will be doing the GUI a different formant then it)

Origins comes like :

Well you can look at it and see lol.

How I will do it: I'll post a SS when I'm done doing my basic one. (Note I will not be using the "main.jpg" anymore so I will be commenting that out.)

Actually you know what? It might be better to PM it you once I'm done. Also PM me your MSN so I can contact you.
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> Awesome you posted it :)
> EDIT: Btw I'm trying to get some GUI's made, if you want me to give it a shot for you let me know (This will require me to use the Client source as I will be doing the GUI a different formant then it)
> Example:
> Origins comes like :
> Well you can look at it and see lol.
> How I will do it: I'll post a SS when I'm done doing my basic one. (Note I will not be using the "main.jpg" anymore so I will be commenting that out.)
> Actually you know what? It might be better to PM it you once I'm done. Also PM me your MSN so I can contact you.

I've made a GUI format that I want and it has a working GUI.  If you want to make custom graphics, discuss in PM.
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Bump.  We're still looking.  To prove we're working on it still, here's more lore:

>! –History of Moonvale--
Moonvale was created three centuries PI(pre Imperia).  It started out as a trading city between Estelem and Girnith, the latter soon becoming the capital of Istavan.  The city grew slowly at first, as the forest impeded its farmland.  However, soon the city was found by the Gods of Eld.
The Gods of Eld found Moonvale and enjoyed its simplicity.  It was just a small town, making money off of other peoples ideals.  The people of Moonvale always respected the forest, and The Gods of Eld cherished their ability to simply exist inside of the forest.  Very quickly the Gods made their presence known to Moonvale, and the Moonvalies began to worship the gods.
The Gods appreciated the hundreds of gifts given to them, and so in return they gave Moonvale a tree that would produce the most delicious fruit imaginable all year round.  The people of Moonvale cordially accepted.  The tree gave them prosperity for hundreds of years, and Moonvale grew from a small trading town into a beautiful city.
The Moonvalies continued to worship the gods, and the gods found that humans could be quite amazing.  The gods loved the humans, and the humans loved the gods.  The gods decided that they would give Humans powers of unimaginable magnitude, and the gods called these powers magic.
As Magic originated in Moonvale, the Moonvalies became the most proficient at it.  This led to Moonvale becoming a center of the wizarding world.  Moonvale exported all sorts of magical goods, and grew immensely in wealth because of it.  It also led to more people coming to Moonvale.  It was at this time that Celestials appeared, and Immortals would appear soon after.
Only a few years after Moonvale had been gifted with magic, Moonvale was captured and put under the control of Girnith, a ruthless city that had taken over all the nearby area and cities.  When this nation of Girnith conquered over two thirds of the world, it was declared as Imperia.
Moonvale acquired its independence  few years later when it led an uprising with Erstenem.  In the years After Imperia, Moonvale witnessed the growth of a dark cult known as “The Immortal Association of Magic Masters”.  The Immortals grew quickly, but they also soon stopped worshiping the gods of Eld.  This was the beginning of a whole new era.
On the twelfth year AI, Moonvale was scoured by the Gods of Eld.  The whole city was thoroughly flooded, however it seemed that everyone could breathe.  Almost everyone at least, as the Immortals couldn't.  The flood lasted for days, and the Immortals either had to very quickly leave the city, or drown in the water.  After the great flood, the Gods of Eld rewarded everyone in the city who had stayed loyal by giving them a great garden, one that took up kilometers and kilometers of land.  These gardens were forever known as the Gardens of Eld.
Moonvale lived in peace for hundred of years, but in the two hundred twenty third year AI, Moonvale was invaded by the Tenengami of the east.  The Tenengami skirmishers were born and raised in an extremely hostile desert environment, and if they didn't learn to fight at a young age they would die.  In the east, the Tenengami tribe looted and stole on a daily basis, getting their wealth and food from caravans passing by.  The problem was that around two hundred AI the Oronel state was formed.  The Oronel state was a powerful military oriented nation that was strong enough to protect the caravans from the Tenengami.  Quickly, the Tenengami saw their way of life collapsing and so they went north west, searching for towns to loot and a place to finally settle down.  Sadly, Moonvale was in the way.
Moonvale was looted fairly hard by the Skirmishers, though the gods of Eld blessed the armies of Moonvalies with some extra strength.  The Skirmishers eventually broke through the lines of defense set up by Moonvale, and the city was thoroughly mixed with Tenengami culture.  It led to a very odd identity crisis for Moonvale.
About seventy years later, when Moonvale was still week, the barbarians from the western mountains came.  They attempted to sack the city, but they were forced out when Tenengami mercenaries living in the city were employed.  The barbarians still however lived close by, and their cultures mixed to a small degree.
Finally, Moonvale witnessed another era of prosperity.  The Tenengami ideas and knowledge proved helpful, and the skirmishers embraced the religion of Moonvale.  The gods of Eld were happily impressed, and gave Moonvale's king a beautiful crown made of Gems and Gold.
Around 400 AI, the Immortals returned to Moonvale.  They had renounced many of their old ways, and decided they would worship the gods of Eld once more.  The immortals had many ideas and new techniques from all their time away, and Moonvale flourished.  Sadly, this was about the same time as a nasty Berserker raid.  It took all of Moonvale's strength to keep the berserkers out of the city, but they finally did it.
For the next hundred years, Moonvale simply went along doing what it had always done, practicing magic, trading goods, and worshiping the Gods of Eld.  Sadly, Moonvale's period of Peace wouldn't last long.  550 AI was when Rigala struck, in all his terror, all his wrath.  The forest was alive with evil, the Gardens of Eld unreachable without a powerful escort, and even hundreds of citizens afraid to enter the sewers.
>! --GODS OF ELD--
Horem- God of Order, Warmth, and the Sun.  Horem was born from a Giant and an Angel.  He was raised by a Dryad who taught him to love and respect.  Horem was extremely charismatic and charming.  He quickly got a group of Dryad, Niad, and  Angel soldiers together to take over the Land of the Giants.  After he destroyed the giants, he settled down in a knoll near the western divide line.  He married Eleti soon after settling in the knoll.
>! Eleti- Goddess of Life, Earth, and Fertility.  Eleti was created when Filderen, the Lord of thought, fell upon the northern mountains and his head split open.  Eleti, Urem, and Erstenem were later born out of Filderen's head.  Eleti married Horem only a few centuries after her creation.
>! Urem- God of Winter, Storms, Cold, and Archery.  Urem was brought into the world by Filderen, and lived in the mountains where he was born for thousands of years.  Finally one year, the sun was too warm and burnt Urem.  Since then Urem has been migrating from the woods of Eld to the Icen Mountains during winter and summer respectively.
>! Rigala- God of Wrath, Fire, and Lightning.  Rigala was the first son of Horem, carrying the genes of Horem and an unknown dryad.  He has always been powerful, and learned to wield his power at too early of an age.  He became angry and had a fiery temper.
>! Erstenem- God of Water and Rivers.  Erstenem was born out of Filderen, and he had floated down a river for 300 years before finally deciding to leave it.  He is the one who brought the rivers to The Forest of Eld.  Erstenem married Illadeth.
>! Seneva- Goddess of Love, Flowers, and Beauty.  Seneva was born out of a warm summers mist that shined gold in the sun.  She was instantly beautiful, and many Dryads, Niads, and Men wished to court her, however she refused them all.
>! Illedeth- Goddess of Marriage and Knowledge.  Illedeth is the daughter of Horem and Eleti.  She is fairly young, but is still the only force binding Horem and Eleti forever.  Illadeth is married to Erstenem.
>! Ferrtum- God of War and Glory.  Ferrtum is the son of Seneva and Horem.  He was born after Illedeth, and because of his questionable birth Horem was banished from the Forest for a thousand years.  Ferrtum is the resident general of Eld, and he has kept the giants and angels out for millenniums.  Ferrtum married Esmeya.
>! Esmeya- Goddess of Mushrooms, Trees, Nature, and Plants.  Esmeya is the daughter of Illadeth and Erstenem.  Their combined traits created a child who was always kind and refused to go inside for years at a time.  Esmeya keeps the Forest and Gardens of Eld in check.  Esmeya married Ferrtum.

Moar graphics!


As for programming, mostly just a custom GUI has been programmed.  The graphics are placeholders.
Currently I'm working on programming the skill tree, and now since I know how to send packets programming should come more smoothly.

Dungeon planning is well underway, and a beautiful world map v.1 should be up within a couple of weeks.

Thanks! don't be afraid to PM me.
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