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Anyone play, or want to play?

IGN: viciousdead
All Characters/Jobs Unlocked…

I'm looking for people to invite, so I can get some referals, as in, when you login to the game with a new account, it will ask who refered you, please type in, "viciousdead". If you do refer me, I will help you unlock new characters and jobs.

Gameplay Preview:

Part 1:

>! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IQJW34A62Y

Part 2:

>! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOsvJ2GGcmE&feature=related
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> From the videos it looks like there are words popping up and particles blasting everywhere.

It's a horrible video, it's really not that bad. The Particles are the blue orbs, correct? That's just a little effect that KoG added, it shows your experiance coming to you… The coins are GP or money, and the boxes are just equipment and items that drop, walking into them automatically gives them to you, same for the coins... Fighting only requires you to push one button, z... It's really easy to play... o.o
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I used to like that game, played since day 1(found it by Trickster). I was actually one of the top player.
I reached the level cap on Ronan, bought necklaces and cash armors. Then I got bored out of it.
Now I'm playing Elsword, which is basically a new generation of Grand Chase.

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> I used to like that game, played since day 1(found it by Trickster). I was actually one of the top player.
> I reached the level cap on Ronan, bought necklaces and cash armors. Then I got bored out of it.
> Now I'm playing Elsword, which is basically a new generation of Grand Chase.
> Sincerely,
> Rithy

Elsword is not a new generation of Grandchase, its a different game all together, lol.
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Different game?

RuneScape and Grand Chase is two different game but Elsword and Grand Chase? Heck, they were made by the same Developer! Same fighting style, the first 3 characters are the same, etc. Elsword is basically Grand Chase with new features added and old features that the developers didn't like removed.

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> I'm going to try grandchase again from scratch. because i cant remember what email i used last time. :)
> I will also try ElsWord I guess eventually.

If you refer me, I'll help you out.


> Different game?
> RuneScape and Grand Chase is two different game but Elsword and Grand Chase? Heck, they were made by the same Developer! Same fighting style, the first 3 characters are the same, etc. Elsword is basically Grand Chase with new features added and old features that the developers didn't like removed.
> Sincerely,
> Rithy

Don't get me started, there's hundreds of differences between Elsword and Grand Chase.
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> Don't get me started, there's hundreds of differences between Elsword and Grand Chase.

They still have many similarities. People think Battlefield and Call of Duty are similar, even thought they are completely different game made by different developers. Probably because of the genre. But when you play them, you know the gameplay is different.

Now as for Grand Chase and Elsword. They look similar and when you play them, you know the gameplay is similar. Plus, I already mention, they're made by same developers! You know, I made a game for fun with Eclipse Evolution 2.7 before and I re-arrange the GUI and use a certain tile-set and map a certain style. a year or so later, I made a new game, different name using Eclipse Origin 2.0, using the same GUI arrangement, same tileset and same mapping style. And this is what my friends said "This game look like [name here]" and I replied "Maybe cause I also made [name here]?" And when they played it, they also said the game had similar gameplay. If you know Eclipse History, you would understand.

You can't say they are "different game all together."

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Actually, every game is a different game all together. Just because there are similarities doesn't mean its a clone… and even if it is a clone its STILL a different game all together. A different name, and it STILL has a good deal of differences.

Take WoW and RoM for example, RoM is a HUGE wow clone, BUT its still its own game to a degree.
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> They still have many similarities. People think Battlefield and Call of Duty are similar, even thought they are completely different game made by different developers. Probably because of the genre. But when you play them, you know the gameplay is different.
> Now as for Grand Chase and Elsword. They look similar and when you play them, you know the gameplay is similar. Plus, I already mention, they're made by same developers! You know, I made a game for fun with Eclipse Evolution 2.7 before and I re-arrange the GUI and use a certain tile-set and map a certain style. a year or so later, I made a new game, different name using Eclipse Origin 2.0, using the same GUI arrangement, same tileset and same mapping style. And this is what my friends said "This game look like [name here]" and I replied "Maybe cause I also made [name here]?" And when they played it, they also said the game had similar gameplay. If you know Eclipse History, you would understand.
> You can't say they are "different game all together."
> Sincerely,
> Rithy

Yes, I can say, "different game all together." Nothing in Elsword is EXACTLY the same as GrandChase. Still, I have to agree with you, they are similar, just not the same.
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