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/help Command Menu


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Okay, this is my first tutorial ever, and it may not be the best. I'm going to show the 'newer' people to Eclipse a lesson for VB6\.

Now, when most new people use tutorials, it seems they just copy and paste everything and they're done. They don't take the time to understand the code, and that is what this tutorial will do.

This tutorial is very simple, and should be for newbies only, as it requires very little knowledge of VB6.

When you type /help on a brand new EO, it shows some commands in the chatbox, and other stuff.

**After this tutorial, typing /help will bring up a menu box, which shall display the controls, commands, and other things you want to teach new players in your game.**

First off, download the two attachments and save them as Help (in GUI > Main) and X (Main > Buttons), both JPEG.

Open up EO in VB6, and make a new picturebox OVER the picscreen, NOT IN IT!!!!! and name it picHelp. Now scroll down on the properties, and click Picture, select the Help attachment you downloaded. Set the picHelp visible to false (in the properties), so that it is not shown when you first start EO.

Now create a new label in that picturebox, name it lblHelp. Set the caption to Help, and you can resize the font to whatever you would like in the properties. This will be your header at the top of the menu, so make it big (I use size 22).
set the backcolor to black and the forecolor to white, and place it at the top of the picturebox.

Now create another picturebox, this time inside the picHelp picturebox. Name this new one picX, and set the picture to the X attachment you downloaded earlier. Place it at the top right of the help menu.

Now, make another label inside of picHelp, name it lblHelpTxt

This is where all your info shall go, such as your controls, commands, tips, anything you want to explain in your help window. Type in whatever you want, thats your choice.

Now to the coding!

Ctrl + F and find /help in HandleKeyPresses


          Call AddText("Social Commands:", HelpColor)
                    Call AddText("'msghere = Broadcast Message", HelpColor)
                    Call AddText("-msghere = Emote Message", HelpColor)
                    Call AddText("!namehere msghere = Player Message", HelpColor)
                    Call AddText("Available Commands: /info, /who, /fps, /fpslock", HelpColor)


frmMain.picHelp.Visible = True
Now for you newbies, the code that you just inserted makes it so when you type /help in-game, instead of showing all that jazz in the chatbox, it will make the Help menu visible, or in other words it will open the help menu.

Double click picX and insert this code

picHelp.Visible = False
This will make it so when you click the X button in the help menu, it closes it.

So now after you've done all this and made the lblHelpTxt say what you want, compile and run, and you should get something similar to this:


Without the Controls button on the left of course. You can edit this until you are satisfied, add buttons on the left like I will and make it show a different label instead of lblHelpTxt, or you can make a button on the game somewhere that opens the help menu, its really up to you. Anything is possible with this, and its just a boost for newbies who don't know how to make simple buttons or commands open something.

This is a raw tut, but hopefully it teaches some newbies something about using commands to open windows. Don't include credit, I did this tutorial for fun ^-^

Oh and btw, correct me if I forgot something? First tutorial!!!
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> Where do I draw the picHelp box as I drew it and couldn't click login or register or anything xD Sorry I am a newb


> Open up EO in VB6, and make a new picturebox OVER the picscreen, NOT IN IT!!!!! and name it picHelp.

You have to make the picHelp picturebox over the picscreen, but make sure it isn't in the picscreen itself. If its in the picScreen, you wont see it when you use the /help command. To make sure its not in the picscreen, you could drag the right side of the game out a bit, then make the picHelp there, and then move it to on top of the picscreen. That should work good.

Oh, and dont forget to move the right side back in though.
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> You have to make the picHelp picturebox over the picscreen, but make sure it isn't in the picscreen itself. If its in the picScreen, you wont see it when you use the /help command. To make sure its not in the picscreen, you could drag the right side of the game out a bit, then make the picHelp there, and then move it to on top of the picscreen. That should work good.
> Oh, and dont forget to move the right side back in though.

Ia there no picScreen inside CS:DE? I am having trouble finding it.
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