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Everything posted by Ridrik

  1. ugh pm that guy that wanted to help. but he is offline
  3. That's what i just said, i am working on getting some scriptes worked up too.
  4. Well get to work! Come on we need to finish!!! ;) I'm trying to get some other script done for the pets.
  5. YOU DO??? lol i was thinking modifying this code: ``` If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 6)) = "/spawn" Then Count = 0 q = 8 a = 11 If Len(Textsay) < 28 Then Exit Sub End If Do While q
  6. Yeah let's try that, but also i had this idea, what if we take somebody's basic regular npc spawn, and change into PET, it should work. How about you try your idea and i'll try mine?
  7. Alright, so now what are we going to do? WE NEED TO FIND A WAY TO SPAWN, remember the time i told you about pet folder? maybe that's where we are going to get the pets?
  8. Blood, got it, ~~does this also has to go in client side?~~ Just checked, it doesn't.
  9. Wow nice tut especially since i have a gun system on my server XD
  10. Not an item ,but SPELL. Did you do this code? : ``` Sub ScriptSpawnNpc(ByVal MapNpcNum As Long, ByVal MapNum As Long, ByVal spawn_X As Long, ByVal spawn_Y As Long, ByVal NPCnum As Long) ' NPC_index map_number X spawn Y spawn NPC_number Dim packet As String Dim I As Long ' Check for subscript out of range If MapNpcNum < 0 Or MapNpcNum > MAX_MAP_NPCS Or MapNum MAX_MAPS Then Exit Sub End If If NPCnum = 0 Then Map(MapNum).Revision = Map(MapNum).Revision + 1 MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).num = 0 Map(MapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum) = 0 MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).Target = 0 MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).HP = 0 MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).MP = 0 MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).SP = 0 MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).Dir = 0 MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).X = 0 MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).Y = 0 ' Packet = "SPAWNNPC" & SEP_CHAR & MapNpcNum & SEP_CHAR & MapNpc(mapnum, MapNpcNum).num & SEP_CHAR & MapNpc(mapnum, MapNpcNum).X & SEP_CHAR & MapNpc(mapnum, MapNpcNum).Y & SEP_CHAR & MapNpc(mapnum, MapNpcNum).Dir & SEP_CHAR & Npc(MapNpc(mapnum, MapNpcNum).num).Big & END_CHAR ' Call SendDataToMap(mapnum, Packet) Call SaveMap(MapNum) End If ' MapNpc(mapnum, MapNpcNum).num = 0 ' MapNpc(mapnum, MapNpcNum).SpawnWait = GetTickCount ' MapNpc(mapnum, MapNpcNum).HP = 0 ' Call SendDataToMap(mapnum, "NPCDEAD" & SEP_CHAR & MapNpcNum & END_CHAR) Map(MapNum).Revision = Map(MapNum).Revision + 1 MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).num = NPCnum Map(MapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum) = NPCnum MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).Target = 0 MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).HP = GetNpcMaxHP(NPCnum) MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).MP = GetNpcMaxMP(NPCnum) MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).SP = GetNpcMaxSP(NPCnum) MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).Dir = Int(Rnd * 4) MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).X = spawn_X MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).Y = spawn_Y packet = "SPAWNNPC" & SEP_CHAR & MapNpcNum & SEP_CHAR & MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).num & SEP_CHAR & MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).X & SEP_CHAR & MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).Y & SEP_CHAR & MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).Dir & SEP_CHAR & NPC(MapNPC(MapNum, MapNpcNum).num).Big & END_CHAR Call SendDataToMap(MapNum, packet) Call SaveMap(MapNum) For I = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS If IsPlaying(I) And GetPlayerMap(I) = MapNum Then Call SendDataTo(I, "CHECKFORMAP" & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerMap(I) & SEP_CHAR & Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Revision & END_CHAR) End If Next I End Sub ``` This is for spawn. And this is how you call it out: ``` Sub ScriptSpawnNpc(ByVal MapNpcNum As Long, ByVal MapNum As Long, ByVal spawn_X As Long, ByVal spawn_Y As Long, ByVal NPCnum As Long ``` EDIT: lol exept change the NPC to Pet and that's it.
  11. We sure will ;) Blood, let's start figuring out for the spawn.
  12. VitinhooxD, we need scriptspawnPET not NPC, because we totally re-did the source from top to button, and made a totally new thing from NPC to PET. :cool: yeah what blood said.
  13. Bloodmyst, we need to get command "spawnpet" working!!!
  14. Lol anyway now what are we gonna work on? i posted a lil bug on the top there. We need to spawn the pet by call spawnpet (NOT NPC) or idk how?
  15. ~~Idk, some script problems, now there's a problem, "script out of range" when i try to join the game >.>~~ Nevermind everything works perfectly. Good job. Our progress is like 50% done. EDID: The only bug right now is, when you lauch the client, it gives an error, re-creates config.ini to default IP: and port 4001, so basically people on my server have to put the ip and the port every since time.
  16. lol i got it to work woohooo pet script here we come.
  17. Okay can you pm me the CLIENT again please? because server works and client still run time error 9, but server is okay.
  18. And there's the same error i have with my client, what were you doing this whole time?
  19. ReDim MapPET(1 To MAX_MAPS, 1 To MAX_MAP_PETS) As MapPetRec - it still complains about this error.
  20. Lolzzzz i'm still loling about the link
  21. Okay okay ;) I thought you thought about posting it here :b
  22. DO NOT POST SERVER & CLIENT HERE, remember they are from my server. We need to make a public one when pets are going to work.
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