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Everything posted by eiliosdraye

  1. @Yakura: > Oh really? I had them mate, just had some modifications and some bans and woops they were goners. ;) They went on a forum I often visit, we just answered their question and let them be, two months later we had porn spam everywhere, the mods couldn't handle it, and the admin had to modify forum files to ban the bot behaviors.
  2. Police Zombies - Have access to more weapons
  3. Once you let those on, YOU NEVER GET THEM OFF.
  4. Well, aphids would be flying monsters, spiders would be big monsters, ants would be regular sized monsters(that would also allow you to have cities, red ants vs black ants), etc.
  5. @Zetta: > change to a different layout Same problem.
  6. @«Emblem»: > It's fine here… Hmm it would do that with a resized window.\ > > What resolution is your monitor? (1024x7865?) And what web browser you using? Firefox, I am at 1440 x 900 resolution.
  7. ![](http://eilios.neo1211.com/what.gif) For some reason the button is cut in half, and underneath the search, which doesn't look very good.
  8. I am fairly familiar with C++, so moving to Java should be simple, I am decent with openGL, not great, but I can use it well enough to make things with it. Unfortunately, all of my "trials" with opengl were on my hard drive pre-crash, so I don't have them. Rest assured, I am a good enough programmer. I am great at reporting/fixing bugs, and use Linux(so I can test it out on different platforms). I'm sure I could help develop the engine, and would like to do so. It would help my game if I knew the inner workings of the engine, and it would help all of the other users as well.
  9. I would go with a Starling Netbook, it's cheap, lightweight, and good for writing reports/chatting(has those programs built in).
  10. In Havock, you start off as a newb, and go through a specialized "school tutorial" where you are a small schoolchild learning basic stuff, and then disaster strikes. The school is attacked, and your village is burned down. From there, you are put into the Wizard's guild and learn magic, leave for a bit, and then you have a choice, you can go to the circus(learn to be a rogue), or you can join a wrestling league(learn to be a warrior), or stay a wizard. From there, you diversify(for warrior: Ranger[bow and sword], Knight[sword], Crossbowman[cross bow], for mage: Fire Magician[use fire and smoke], Arcane Magician[non-combat themed], Water Magician[healing, damage{lightning}, and slow{ice}], for rogue: Assassin[poison based], Thief[pickpocket FTW], or finally Merchant[learn another trade skill]) by doing various things(circus example, a guy robs you, you can choose to knock him out, steal it back, or alert the guards). This also chooses your alignment, but that doesn't do much as you can change it later. From there, it's an open world.
  11. @Marsh: > Did you try registering the files i recommended? I did, to no avail.
  12. @Marsh: > ah, well i have no idea how you would get it to work on wine. Along with installing directx did you install the library file dlls? if thats even possible? Try manually registering ( if you can? ) > > dx7vb.dll and dx8vb.dll > > keep in mind team fortress was not made in visual basic a microsoft coding system. If I get this to work, i'll be sure to post a tutorial. Also, we have an implementation of virtual basic, which I currently have. EDIT: If it was a visual basic issue, the entire UI would not run. It's just the game.
  13. That's preposterous. I can get Team Fortress 2 to run on highest settings with Wine, so why would this not run well?
  14. Running it with Wine, on Fedora, so I don't have access to those tools. Rest assured, I installed DirectX 9 earlier, I have a 768 mb graphics card, 3.7 gigs of ram, and a 2.6 ghz processor, so I can easily run this.
  15. I did the map editing, and I didn't change anything. The default tile is black, anyways.
  16. ![](http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/1006/screenshotimn.png) Attempting to say, change the map results in the exact same thing: a grey screen.
  17. @Lucifer: > Try looking for dx7vb.dll in your system directory (See Bugs & Errors fix list) and register it (See Bugs & Errors fix list). For some weird reason ELI doesn't register them properly. > > Regards, > Godlord. Okay, it runs, I can see chat and everything, but no graphics. Any reason for this?
  18. Runs until I log in, then it says "Error initializing DirectDraw! Make sure you have DirectX 7 or higher and a compatible graphics device. Err:-2147221166, Desc: Automation error".
  19. ELI? I haven't used a mirage engine in about 2 years, so I'm not familiar with the terminology.
  20. I am trying to run my server, and when it gets to about 7% of the way there it closes with "error loading the scripting engine".
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