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Everything posted by Joyce

  1. ``` "Accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(Trim$(Parse$(1))) & "\Mail\" & Trim$(Parse$(1)) & ".ini" ```I never designed it to save it in **"Accounts\ACCOUNTNAME(What the hell are you doing here? Getting the login from a name?)\Mail\CharName.ini"**. Try running it like I designed it, I think you just messed the entire thing up.
  2. Depends on how you define noob… It's a few simple If/End If things and some PutVar/GetVar crap. That's all there is to it. I'd show you an example, but it's getting late so I'm off to bed.
  3. If they haven't changed the data fields you could… But re-writing it could be done more efficiently, the original EE way is rather laggy.
  4. Re-write the player loading/saving subs.
  5. It should be possible yes. Though they will be horrificly slow and players could easily dodge them(Same goes for player shot arrows in PvP and PvE right now though).
  6. This seems more like a very basic sourced Spell Casting NPC.
  7. If you don't even know how all that works, why bother trying it? There is a packet named 'top' in Eclipse by default… Use that, look it up in the server, and see what it returns... Come on, it's not THAT hard... That's basic stuff :/
  8. It should be easy… Send a packet named 'top' to the server, get the response and tadaaa! There's your amount of players.
  9. Joyce

    Spells in EE1.0

    Bump, I'd really like some help on this ;) Before I go rip out the Spell system from a more recent Eclipse version :P
  10. Joyce

    NPC Run

    In ModGameLogic, there's a few lines that say: ``` 'lock FPS Do While GetTickCount < Tick + XX[[/code] See the XX? I'm not sure what the original number is, I've got it set to 20 :P That makes it run a lot smoother and faster. And by slower PC's I meant this old ones that can barely run XP. ```
  11. Joyce

    NPC Run

    That bug has been around since the original Eclipse… I've never found a fix for it, you could however speed up the FPS(Frames Per Second)... That also increases movement speed ;) Only downside is that slower CPU's can't keep up with this tickcount change and will make it crash.
  12. Joyce

    Spells in EE1.0

    I figured as much, it's a very old engine and most people from around that time are gone by now… Or have moved on. However if anyone might want to check it out anyway, and see if they can get it to work it is open source, and the SVN is located at: http://sotaengine.googlecode.com/svn/ ^I know it is Revision 2, but that's because I whiped the thing :P I changed the file structure and SVN refused to see the difference, kind of funny I'm sure there is someone that might have an idea... But now just to hope that person will see this ;)
  13. Joyce

    Spells in EE1.0

    I've been sitting on this for quite some time, and have been tracking down the bugs in the EE1 source for a while now… However I just can not seem to figure out what is wrong with the Spell system, it just refuses to display Spell animations completely. Is there a known fix for this? or am I just wasting my time on attempting to fix it? Also, here's a bit of info: -I modified the map size to 30x30 -The maps are Scrolling That info might be usefull in this issue... Oh, and before someone tells me to "Go uz newz EE, iz much bettah"... Get lost, I modified about the entire engine, and added many features the way I want them. I'm just asking for help here, not your stupid bullcrap about having to upgrade.
  14. @Xeonpt: > Sean, creating a WoW Private Server is not easy! First it needs a fast, really fast server - otherwise it will lag as hell! Scapegaming is the most popular private server, with a great server but it still lags a lot! > Then, you will need a large team working with you - there are a lot of people breaking rules in a WoW community. > You will have to spend your whole life fixing bugs, adding new features, events… > > RESUME-It will not be easy! Actually all of this is really simple… I've been managing a private server for ages with just a friend of mine and it works just fine. We've added our own quest lines, rewards and what ever. As long as you know SQL and C++ you're good to go :)
  15. @Lord: > Im looking to get back into normal WoW…Cast Scroll of Ressurection on me > [email protected] > Char name - Mastorcmp Done
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