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  1. AkselJ , It does work you just need to fix the bug in modGameEditor. They have the true and false swaped for the frmChars.Label1.Visible ``` Public Sub MainMenuInit() frmLogin.txtName.Text = Trim$(ReadINI("CONFIG", "Account", App.Path & "\config.ini")) frmLogin.txtPassword.Text = Trim$(ReadINI("CONFIG", "Password", App.Path & "\config.ini")) If frmLogin.Check1.Value = 0 Then frmLogin.Check2.Value = 0 End If If ConnectToServer = True And AutoLogin = 1 Then frmMainMenu.picAutoLogin.Visible = True frmChars.Label1.Visible = False Else frmMainMenu.picAutoLogin.Visible = False frmChars.Label1.Visible = True End If End Sub ``` I also added a line to the Sub Label1_Click to uncheck the auto-login box on the frmLogin. ``` Private Sub Label1_Click() AutoLogin = ReadINI("CONFIG", "Auto", (App.Path & "\config.ini")) If AutoLogin = 1 Then Call WriteINI("CONFIG", "Auto", 0, (App.Path & "\config.ini")) Call TcpDestroy frmLogin.Check2 = 0 Me.Visible = False frmMainMenu.Visible = True End If End Sub ``` Completely works now but not sure that you should be sent back to the MainMenu. Enjoy, Kranky65 P.S. Thanks for all of your great fixes. Edit1: Added Call Tcp Destroy to Sub Label Click1 because it would hang when you tried to login again.
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