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Everything posted by TimeBomb

  1. @Robin: > No, and for a reason. > > Creating Eclipse in .NET is like taking a two steps to the left and one step back. Walk forward and use a decent language. Huh? Is that why 95% of 2D MMO engines such as eclipse and mirage variations are still built off a programming language that will be discontinued in the next Windows operating system? Anyways, I would probably skip over VB.Net and go straight to C#. It's quite a bit more manuverable and more powerful, while still using a similar syntax. The problem is that those people saying they want to move Eclipse over from VB6 to another language usually: 1) Don't know much about VB6 2) Don't know much about the language they are switching over to 3) Don't have enough time 4) All of the above For me, it'd mainly be a matter of time and how 'into it' I would be. If I were to move eclipse origins persay, from VB6 to C#, it would take a lot of time and dedication, and I'm not sure I can give a project like that enough of either of those.
  2. TimeBomb

    Logo needed

    Derp I have photoshop derp de derp. ![](http://i46.tinypic.com/30w9onq.jpg)
  3. @Azure: > To be blunt, This thread was never about typing, go back and read up. No one, including myself, cares about your typing skills. Last but not least, my comment about Robin's programming skills was off handed and unfounded, a whim and nothing more. Oh and while I'm at it, I was talking about a professional typing exam, not a fake one over the internet. > > -went back and re-read my post, I've got to stop typing when I'm half asleep. Lately people have just been glancing over my posts and responding to them. > You do know that there are no good typing tests available to the general public via the internet for free? > This means that my WPM is deterred from what it actually is. Anyways, you are right. This topic was never about typing speed, I am just in a trolling mood and have been for the past week or two, so I apologize for that. I like you guys here at eclipse :3
  4. @Azure: > You do know that 120-130 per minute is the average of most people who spend large quantities of time on the internet, right? Not to mention when you take a test like that for real(I had to do so) they also test you for your typing accuracy and spelling. Either way unless you are a secretary you will never have a good use outside of writing papers faster than other people for your typing skills. Those I guess Robin's programming speed is partly because of his typing… lol. You do know that there are no good typing tests available to the general public via the internet for free? This means that my WPM is deterred from what it actually is. You also know that this test that I took obviously tests for both accuracy and spelling, which usually are in and of the same thing when it comes to typing. And typing faster, although useful, isn't a major help when it comes to programming. I should know. Comparing two programmers, one that types 100 wpm, the other 150 wpm - they are both not going to be highly affected by their typing speed. Programming well is all about problem solving. Just because I can type 1+1=2 faster then you doesn't mean I am smarter then you.
  5. Not bad Robin hehe. I took the Typing Speed test but couldn't complete it. I have been tested before to type over 130 wpm easily, but even that isn't completely correct because I don't type very well when being told exactly what to type, and when it's timed like this I type even worse [under pressure] >.< If someone ever finds a test that actually stops recording time when you stop typing after a certain amount of time [I.e. 1/2 second], feel free to link me. I have a feeling if I could find a good test I could get 150 wpm easily ;P Anyways, I'm going to continue trying this crappy facebook 'Typing Speed' app for the lulz, mainly because I'm bored. EDIT: Here's a pretty good typing test. Seeing what rank you are is fun ;P http://speedtest.10-fast-fingers.com/ You reached 429 points, so you achieved position 2924 of 459343 on the ranking list Second try. EDIT2: Third try ![](http://i45.tinypic.com/16ht5aq.png)
  6. Chicken fat in my pants. Was this supposed to mean anything? EDIT: Okay, I actually read the first post this time. Doritos in my pants. Does that work?
  7. So now I have to tell people I have rick rolled myself 4x in a row? Anyways, is it bad I watched the techno one for a full minute, while semi-enjoying it?
  8. You guys aren't going to believe me, but I'm telling the truth. I showed my friend this vid after I saw it in this topic and thought it was epic, and .. It turns out that he's from virginia, the drummer is from west virginia, and they both [the drummer and my friend] went to the same church. My friend says the drummer is an awesome guy :P
  9. @Robin: > This isn't a discussion about the differences between **European** and American spelling. xD Fixed.
  10. @Demonic: > @DocZoppaII: > > > Wow, for the first time in my life I've hit a true cultural barrier. I saw your reply and began searching various dictionaries. And *Gasp a true life paperbound dictionary here at home. Defence is the british English, or "True English" way of spelling it. In American English or "Relaxed English" it is spelled Defense. That's craziness. > > Really, > I have never seen it spelled as "Defense", I have always known it as Defence. I've known it both ways. Although I think of defense as more correct. But, truth be told, they are both correct. Defense is used more in North America, where Defence is used more in Europe.
  11. To change the GUI, you'll need to find/get/buy VB6 [portable versions wont work], and open the main form using it, and move things around.
  12. Mmm I'd just like to give my thanks to Robin and all people who have helped work on, develop, and made possible Eclipse Origins. It's a sexy engine ;P
  13. Error when running the server.exe with windows 7: ![](http://i44.tinypic.com/u4lzk.png) Client runs fine after I ran a few programs. [The files from vista fix and the three fixes from solar eclipse].
  14. These three errors, in consecutive order from top to bottom when running client. Client never turns on, and this is during loading the client. ![](http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/8858/eclipseerrors.png) Have tried installing library files and inserting file manually for runtime 339 error, as posted on the forums. No luck. UPDATE: Close this topic, solution solved. I downloaded solar eclipse and ran all 3 files in the library files zip, and it fixed it. Sorry for the post.
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