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  1. Alright, I'll give that a shot, as far as the bug goes, it's not game breaking just annoying. Doesn't need to be fixed right away. I love the work you've done with this and appreciate everything, Keep up the good work!
  2. Yes, it lines up with everything minus the sprites and grids. Another issue I seem to be having (may or may not be related) is when I attempt to change the map size, say from 24, 14 to something like 32,16 it overwrites my input and places in max x 29 and max y 18 for some reason.
  3. Ok, so after searching I cannot find anything to answer this, I have an issue with the mouse offset, the grid that it highlights is usually to the left by one or to the left and up by one, it seems it doesnt track the cursor correctly, how would I go about fixing this issue?
  4. I've been looking around and can't seem to find any definitive answers on the controls for Andur Engine. For example picking up items seems to not work at all for some reason. Now I'm just playing around with the engine and maybe there's something that I'm missing, but still a list of all known controls would be nice lol.
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