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Everything posted by Gillispie

  1. is the background on the dagger image black or white
  2. I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with a problem that i am having with an item that i am trying to make. I am trying to make a scripted item that will increase the stats of an item in the players inventory. I think that this would be done with a scripted item but if it would be easier done by scripting a new item type then I have VB6 so that is an option as well. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  3. go to this url it should help: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,35687.0.html
  4. I'm trying to make a scripted NPC that, when interacted with, will move in a certain direction until it hits a tile with the attribute "NPC Avoid". The following code is what I have written so far. It doesn't work and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. And yes it's in the scripted npc sub in main.txt and I set the npc's behavior to scripted and chose script 1. ``` Case 1 Dim Direction Dim Map Dim NpcNum Dim NextX Dim NextY Map = GetPlayerMap(Index) NpcNum = GetMapNpcNumber(Map,Index) Direction = GetPlayerDir(Index) SetMapNpcDir(Map,Index,Direction) 'Facing Up If Direction = 0 Then NextX = (GetNpcX(Map,NpcNum)) NextY = (GetNpcY(Map,NpcNum) + 1) Do Loop If GetAttribute(Map,NextX,NextY) = 4 Then Exit Loop Else SetMapNpcX(Map,Index,NextX) SetMapNpcY(Map,Index,NextY) End If Loop End If 'Facing Down If Direction = 1 Then NextX = (GetNpcX(Map,NpcNum)) NextY = (GetNpcY(Map,NpcNum) - 1) Do Loop If GetAttribute(Map,NextX,NextY) = 4 Then Exit Loop Else SetMapNpcX(Map,Index,NextX) SetMapNpcY(Map,Index,NextY) End If Loop End If 'Facing Left If Direction = 2 Then NextX = (GetNpcX(Map,NpcNum) - 1) NextY = (GetNpcY(Map,NpcNum)) Do Loop If GetAttribute(Map,NextX,NextY) = 4 Then Exit Loop Else SetMapNpcX(Map,Index,NextX) SetMapNpcY(Map,Index,NextY) End If Loop End If 'Facing Right If Direction = 3 Then NextX = (GetNpcX(Map,NpcNum) + 1) NextY = (GetNpcY(Map,NpcNum)) Do Loop If GetAttribute(Map,NextX,NextY) = 4 Then Exit Loop Else SetMapNpcX(Map,Index,NextX) SetMapNpcY(Map,Index,NextY) End If Loop End If Exit Sub ``` Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I am trying to make a scripted npc and I am having 2 problems with it 1) Is there a command that checks to see if a tile has the npc avoid attribute? 2) I know how to make a npc move the way that i want it to with script commands but is there a way to make it so that an npc doesn't move until the script runs? Help with either of these thing would be greatly appreciated.
  6. thanks and how do i use the "bitblt" command
  7. If you were to edit the source code where it says to take money when you buy something from a shop and put something like this if players class = the class that gets the discount player money = player money - (price - discount) else this is where the normal money subtraction code will go end if I know that this is not proper code, it is just meant to point you in the right direction.
  8. i was wondering if there was any way that I could make mirrors that will actually show the reflection of players and NPCs that pass by them in my game.
  9. The information that you have provided is very helpful to many people but is still not what I am looking for, no matter how many times I read it. I am trying to code this stuff into the game from the server side, not the client side.
  10. What I'm trying to do is add another stat type and change the names of the current stats. The current stats are Strength, Defense, Speed and Magic. I would like to add more things like this as well as change the existing ones (Strength, Defense, Speed and Magic) I would also like to change the behavior of the variables
  11. Does any one know how one would go about adding new stats and how to modify the definition of the existing stats? Anything would be helpful. I'm using EE 2.8
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