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Everything posted by lcarens

  1. Upon closer inspection, the line is fine, but the Serial(SerialNum) seems to be passed incorrectly. If I comment out the whole line, the sub runs fine, but doesn't save the serial in a dat file. If the serial inserted into the frmEditor_Serial is blank, then the sub runs fine too. And, SaveSerialNumber is called upon server startup if the (number).dat files do not exist in the /serial/ folder, and that has no problem. Therefore, the problem must be the Serial(SerialNum), which means that I will have to go back through the program to determine what exactly happens with it. Edit: OK, I give up. What I think is happening is that the Serial part of Serial(SerialNum) is not getting passed at all, and when the Server tries to write that to a file, it crashes. But I have pretty much no experience with VB6, so if someone else would take a look at it, that would be great.
  2. Process: [client side] User clicks smdSave [Call SerialEditorOk] SerialEditorOk [calls SendSaveSerial(i) if Serial_Changed = 1 To MAX_SERIAL_NUMBER] SendSaveSerial [buffer.WriteLong CSaveSerial] –SERVER SIDE-- CSaveSerial [HandleDataSub(CSaveSerial) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleSaveSerial)] HandleSaveSerial [Call SaveSerialNumber] SaveSerialNumber [This is where the error is located.] ``` Sub SaveSerialNumber(ByVal SerialNum As Long) Dim filename As String Dim F As Long filename = App.Path & "\data\serial\" & SerialNum & ".dat" F = FreeFile Open filename For Binary As #F Put #F, , Serial(SerialNum) Close #F End Sub ``` That section of code must be where the error is. I'll do some testing. Edit: The crashing line is 'Put #F, , Serial(SerialNum)'
  3. Still getting crashes from the Save button, but for those who actually know what they are doing, the server crashes after displaying the message 'mengirim data…', which means it is crashing either after Sub SendUpdateSerialToAll, or Sub SendUpdateSerialsTo. (Both can be found in modServerTCP) I'll be trying to fix this in the meantime.
  4. @MrMiguu: > Unfortunately, only with pixel art is this an issue. There are ways of having VB6 convert **.PNG to .BMP** via code. Your other option is to convert to DX8 yourself. VB6 supports bitmap? I'll try that then, because I'm pretty sure I can get a lossless BMP file. Edit: Yeah, thanks! I can do what I want now. The only other issue I'm having is the chatbox. It is a solid color, and I want to be able to set the background of the RichTextBox to a image instead of a solid color, or simply not have the BackColor at all. Any ideas?
  5. @Fogger: > Do you use photoshop or paint to save your gui? > Cause you really can't tell the difference unless you really pay attention when you save it on photoshop as a level quality of 12 I use a program called Paint.NET, with the quality set to 100%, and I still notice it. ._.
  6. @daxterxx: > Use "Eclipse - Nightly" in the custom version section. Its an easy to use DX8 Engine I don't want to switch engines. I've been building off of the original, and I have also invested quite a bit of time adding stuff from the source tutorials and adding my own code.
  7. Good Morning, I have been trying to get the game to take PNGs instead of JPGs for some images, such as the main.jpg in the gui folder. I've tried changing the input in modGeneral, but then it says that it cannot find the image. The image is there, so I am assuming that it either doesn't support PNGs, or requires a plugin of some sort. If there is another image type I can use that doesn't ruin the quality, I can use that too. I just don't like how the JPG compression ruins the image.
  8. lcarens

    Change Sprite?

    I had wanted to be able to change a users sprite by specifying their username and the sprite ID… Mostly for when someone got a custom sprite.
  9. lcarens

    Change Sprite?

    Is there a way to change a users sprite, outside of giving them admin powers and having them set it?
  10. Ok, last question. If I bought a script from you, would you install it or would I have to?
  11. Ok, thank you. But is there a way to change the image type to PNG?
  12. @Robin: > wat. > > BMP is lossless. I keep loosing quality and it says "Saving into this format may cause some loss of color information. Would you like to continue? Yes/No" If I say No, it doesn't save the image, if I say Yes, then the quality is horrible.
  13. …but is there a way to make it so it uses PNG images instead of BMP? My game is suffering from image quality loss.
  14. lcarens

    Two questions

    #1: How do you make guilds? #2: Is there anyway to change where on the map a player starts off?
  15. lcarens

    Sight Block?

    Ok, nevermind I found a way around it. Thanks for your help anyway.
  16. lcarens

    Sight Block?

    @[ILLI: > Prey[DDunit] link=topic=42708.msg427025#msg427025 date=1239827869] > sourcing using vb6 What?
  17. lcarens

    Sight Block?

    Is there anyway to make it so the screen stops scrolling at a certain point?
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