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Everything posted by Avantar

  1. Avantar

    Equip NPC

    So, I guess, it will be scripting again for NPC to throw spells or shoot with a bow an arrow?
  2. Well, if it is just one line you want the NPC to say, you can type it in the Speak box under the NPC editor(where all your NPC stats is) The text comes up at the bottom of your screen (very small - might not see it at first :)) If you want it to say more/or want it in a speach box or something - yea, it needs to be scripted
  3. Avantar

    Equip NPC

    I see. I did give my NPC the neccesary stats. There's just one stat I'm not sure about - Element. Weak/Strong? What is it suppose to do?
  4. Avantar

    Equip NPC

    Might be a stupid question, but how do I equip a NPC with a sword, armor and stuff?
  5. > i want it to be like, you just talk to an ncp, by pressing like, space button when your next to it and itll be like : welcome to my store and itll open the stop. You can lay the shop attribute down on a tile before the NPC and give the NPC the Shopkeeper attribute. That much I have learned yesterday. Clicking a button to open the shop, I thought required scripting. :confused: O, well as long as you have been helped, Lunar. I still have much to learn :)
  6. Oh…and more more thing: You need to setup a shop first in your editor and maybe some items that goes in it.
  7. I am also new to this and asked the same question two days ago. So here: Yo make a scripted NPC and then you paste this code: Case # 'Replace # with next case Call GoShopping(Index, 1) '1 is Shop nimber in your main.txt under Executes whenever a scripted NPC does an action. Sub ScriptedNPC(Index, Script) Select Case Script Remember to set your NPC to script 1 or whatever you set the case to be.
  8. So, if I understand then correctly: Increasing the defence of the actual item, would have my character loose less HP than he would have if not wearing the item, even though the defence of the item does not reflect on the character's stats? Giving the item a defence bonus would further improve on the defence of the character. In other words: Defence=base defence of item(could have an effect on durability?) and defence bonus=aded defence to the character?
  9. Sorry, if I am still a bit confuced: On the top left of the item menu: The left scroll bars are as follows: 1)Duribility, 2)Defence, 3)Strength Req 4)Defence Req…... On the right you have: All the bonuses including Add Defence.(The one I'm supposed to use to increase my stats.) I'm just curious to know what number (2) Does. Because number (4) would be your defence required. If nothing, then cool. Just don't want to miss out on a potentially cool feature. :) Thanks for all the responses - it is appreciated.
  10. Well, it seems I'll have to use the right scroll bars then. But what is the left scroll bar "defence" for?
  11. I am pretty sure, I have Defence=4 and durability=10\. If I did it correctly, there should be an attachment of the screenshot. Thanks for all the quick replies. I did notice that gdi32.dll did not register from the libraries, but I got the same thing happening on my other two computers and thought it may be normal. I can't remember if there were more. If I give Item bonuses(on the right), I do get a "+'number'" behind my defence, but that will work good for something like armor +1 and stuff like that, but the base defense should increase really to distinguise between magical items and just normal ones. I will try downloading the client and server as soon as I can.
  12. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong: When I equip an item like armor (It is set to have defence 4) My defence stat does not increase. Shouldn't it up my defence? I am using the start up script.
  13. Avantar

    Trade with NPC

    :embarrassed: Obviously not. It is working great now, thanks for all you guys help.
  14. Avantar

    Trade with NPC

    I am doing something wrong - Error message I get: The scripted NPC has no apparent use. I have only 1 Shop in slot 1\. This is part of my main.txt: ' Executes whenever a scripted NPC does an action. Sub ScriptedNPC(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 1 Call GoShopping(Index, 1) Exit Sub Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "This scripted NPC has no apparent use.", WHITE) Exit Sub Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "No NPC script found. Please contact an admin to solve this problem.", WHITE) Exit Sub End Select End Sub
  15. Avantar

    Trade with NPC

    Thank you so much.
  16. Avantar

    Trade with NPC

    I see… :O So it is possible. Thank you...on to the scripting section I go. For those that need an easy way to trade with an NPC and happen to stumble on this topic: Place your NPC on the map and use the block attribute around him, so he does not move. Place your shop attribute in front of him. You may want to create a tile as a sprite as an alternative - I guess I want to do it the hard way if I can :) One last question - the port forwarding and everything is fine - no problem there, but is it possible to use dyndns or do you have to put a physical IP in the client?
  17. Avantar

    Trade with NPC

    I am able to place a "Shop" attribute on a tile and shop that way, but I would like to trade with the NPC that I have created. Any ideas? In otherwords, when I click "ctrl" when I am standing next to the NPC, my created shop must open.
  18. Avantar

    Trade with NPC

    I am new - just registered today: Sorry if this question have been asked before. I have put in the search box:"NPC shop", "shopkeeper", ect., but it gives me 0 results; although I know those words exists in the forum. What I've done so far: Got Eclipse to work with Vista, created classes with start-up items and stats, created currency and items, created an NPC and placed him on the map (I gave him the "shopkeeper" attribute), Created a shop with 1 item to sell - How do I attach my actual shop to him in order to trade with him? Thank you in advance.
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