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Everything posted by Danillito

  1. humm… a lot better now! =D but like Hippoman sad, the quick button almost dont appears... =/ try to use diferent and characteristic fonts, the interface will be more soft and readable ^^' but is better without the buttons! hahaha
  2. Humm… your banner are great! really great! pretty simple and refined at the same time! :cheesy: for your main menu you could use the same think-line: clean, simple and nice, why not? ;) the image you choose for the background is nice and take the idea you have from the game name, but you should use an simillar image with more resolution/quality.... =) read the post above... your buttons are "unfinished" or something? =/ i hope you to post the next pass of your home work! =P
  3. Well, my name is Dan, I was born and live in Brazil, São Paulo. I am 20 years old, and already finished high school. I paid vestibular (a great trial to enter a college) last year but not spent =.= Since then I work in a mall near my house in a clothing store! ^ ^ ' I love the chance to be able to spend all my creativity, creating xD And that is what I do as I write games … I had learned a little with RpgVX and had loved the experience, then found the Eclipse and I felt happy again! Only Online, which makes the experience much more cool! xD But im preety much noob yet! ^^' Well, I think it is! xP
  4. ^^' i think in one line: my game gonna take many many MANY classes… and if players want to create one char for each class, they will not need to create another acc, y'know... just for comodity for my future players =P thx anyway xP
  5. 3.0? oO' this gonna be cool xD about maps… thats what i tought one maps size for whole game... =X thank you all the post can be delete if moderators want.. my questions are answered! ^^'
  6. Woah! worked! *___* thx again marsh! ^^' one more question… this gonna be the default mapsize in whole game, isnt it? can i use different map sizes, for shops, fields, dungeons? another one... xD i modified the max_chars constant on the eclipse source (server and client) when i pick up a char slot higher then 3 to create another char, the eclipse says that the char already exists oO' do you know something about it? one more time thank yah for your attention! :cheesy:
  7. Thx Marsh! ^^' (yes im using 2.7 xD) ill try and i give you a feedback, okay? thx for the quick answer! =P –--------------EDIT1------------------ Doesnt work... =.= any number higher then 30 gives an error "-Error '9' in execution time: The subscript is out of range" =/ ----------------EDIT2------------------ hunf oO' i still need help =/ anyone? =P
  8. im sorry if im posting in wrong place and if this question was posted on the wrong section =/ (my search function isnt working =X) I wanna Know if the default map size (30x30) is alterable… id already looked in a brazilian community and i havent found yet =/ Ps.: my poor english hurt your eyes!? =P
  9. huhuhu… =P thanks for replying unnown did you already tried to change the max_chars unnown? if not, im really thinking to take only the 3 chars yet =X im a pretty much noob to change things that i dont know what do... =/ :cheesy:
  10. hum… okay... i changed the max chars numbers so when i try to create another char on the 4th slot, per example, eclipse says: "The character already exists." Ps.: i dont used the same name ... =/
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