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Everything posted by Qazek

  1. When will the new version of engine?
  2. How to send datas in Eclipse Origins from Client to Server and from Server to one or more clients ?
  3. Robin please create item, sprite, animation splitter for EO ;)
  4. Qazek

    Different map sizes

    How to do different map sizes? Example: Map1 - 25x25 Map2 - 34x27
  5. Yes. Unfortunately always when frmNewAccount is open, the generated code is the same
  6. Set the number in spawn time and script scroll at the same number of script.
  7. Player must enter a code when register new account. Start! Client Side only :D Open frmNewAccount. Create: label, name: lblCode text box, name: txtCode In form_load paste: ``` lblCode.Caption = Int((1000 * Rnd) + 1) & Int((1000 * Rnd) + 10) & Int((1000 * Rnd) + 100) ``` In picConnect paste over: ``` If LenB(txtName.Text) < 6 Then ``` this: ``` If txtCode.Text = lblCode.Caption Then ``` And in the same sub over End Sub paste: ``` Else lblCode.Caption = Int((1000 * Rnd) + 1) & Int((1000 * Rnd) + 10) & Int((1000 * Rnd) + 100) Call MsgBox("Secret code not correct!") End If ``` Number 1, 10 & 100 can change but must be less than 1000.
  8. Qazek

    Money from Game

    I was just about the engine, can i use it to make money…
  9. Qazek

    Money from Game

    But Aphelion Online can make money. why? @Edit: whether the license should not be included with the program?
  10. Qazek

    Money from Game

    Can I make money from the game maked in Eclipse Evolution from premium account or item shop?
  11. Yes, I am not stupid XD Ok topic to close - problem solved ;)
  12. Qazek


    Hey. How to do that spell's animation is loading in the separate bmp file? Client loading all bigspells.bmp (~30mb) to view one animation :lipsrsealed:
  13. Qazek

    Client Website

    You do not exit the client to see the game site! :azn: Ok. All in client side. Open your client project and now go to: project > components Find: Microsoft Internet Controls Add this to project. Open frmMirage and create the WebBrowser ( in my game the web browser and picScreen have the same size) Change webbrowser name to "webSite" and set visible = false Now create 2xbutton. In first button paste: ``` webSite.Visible = True webSite.Navigate "www.yoursite.com" ``` In the second button paste: ``` webStrona.Visible = False Call webStrona.Stop ``` End of Tutorial
  14. Qazek

    Speed item price

    I forgot about it XD But this is a very easy to do ;)
  15. Spawn time & script scroll bar must be have the same number's. At least this is me
  16. Hey. I have problem with CustomMenuLabel. I don't know what's this number's in the code: ``` Call CustomMenuLabel(index, 2, "HP", 45, 120, 10, 0, 0, 80, 160) ```
  17. Qazek

    Speed item price

    I create this for my game in eclipse. When you click the button automatically determines the price of item. All in client side. Go to the frmItemEditor and create the command button anywhere. Past in to the button code: ``` txtPrice.Text = scrlAddHP.Value * 10 + scrlAddMP.Value * 10 + scrlAddSP.Value * 10 + scrlAddStr.Value * 10 + scrlAddDef.Value * 10 + scrlAddMagi.Value * 10 + scrlAddSpeed * 10 + scrlAddEXP.Value * 10 ``` 1 item point (str, def, mp…) cost 10
  18. Case 0 of Scripted NPC is working but the next case's (1, 2, 3, 4…) not working. This is my code of scripted NPC: ``` Sub ScriptedNPC(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(index, "Aaaaaaaaa", 3) 'This case working Case 1 Call PlayerMsg(index, "Bbbbbbbbb", 3) 'This case not working End Select End Sub ``` @EDIT: Scripted NPC is not working because script scrollbar is not working. The number of the spawn time is the number of the script.
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