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Everything posted by Smallbro

  1. ![](http://malicoxon.co.uk/new/imgs/projects/Stevebook/banner.png) Stevebook Stevebook was a project created for April Fools Day 2014, the project was designed to be a simple chatroom created in Node.js. The project had a word filter to make things in the chatroom interesting and also renamed everyone to Stephen. [Link to live version, get chatting with Stephens!](http://malicoxon.co.uk:8080/) [The code was super messy because it was made very quickly, if you want you can download the sourcecode here.](http://malicoxon.co.uk/portfolio/april_fools_2014/SteveBook.zip)
  2. ![](http://img.itch.io/aW1hZ2UvODAxNy8yNTQ3My5wbmc=/original/UjjxKW.png) **Changes is a game made in 48 hours for the Indie Rising Jam.** The game is extremely simple and very easy to complete. You can create your own levels by editing the level files. You are a cube. An ordinary cube. With no boundaries on cube colour. Switch colours using space. You can only change colours a certain number of times per level. Move using WASD. Complete puzzles. Ascend to glory. Warning: intense cubeage, not for the faint hearted. ![](http://img.itch.io/aW1hZ2UvODAxNy8yMTc0Mi5wbmc=/347x500/ZxifcX.png) [Download on the itch.io page.](http://slowpoke.itch.io/changes)
  3. ![](http://img.itch.io/aW1hZ2UvOTk0NC8yOTMxMS5wbmc=/original/WFSP%2B9.png) A 'Thomas was alone' inspired game about a rectangle and jealousy. Race to your lover on the other side of many obstacles and try not to be caught by the green ey'd monster chasing you. This is an early version! Things will most likely change! Things you need to know below. Using itch to get statistics on the game, send all your feedback about the game to me at [email protected] Not a finished game yet, but I'm working on it. ![](http://img.itch.io/aW1hZ2UvOTk0NC8zMTAxOS5naWY=/347x500/Uix7VU.gif) [Download on the itch.io page.](http://slowpoke.itch.io/jealous-rectangle)
  4. ![](http://img.itch.io/aW1hZ2UvMTA3MzIvMzI2MDMucG5n/original/0O61dw.png) **Sol is a game made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 30.** Made for Ludum Dare 30, theme was Connected Worlds. Controls: WASD/Arrow Keys move the camera zoom in and out with mouse wheel click and drag to connect planets. How to play: Make all planets population's reach their maximum. One fuel moves one person. You need two people to populate a planet. ![](http://img.itch.io/aW1hZ2UvMTA3MzIvMzI2MDguZ2lm/347x500/3ik4nk.gif) [Download on the itch.io page.](http://slowpoke.itch.io/connected-worlds-ld30)
  5. Loads of new updates since then, new design, users, colours, brush sizes and more! [Go check it out.](http://inthebottle.co.uk)
  6. I say the site when downhill almost straight after the purchase.
  7. Just thought I'd drop this here, fits the best out of all the boards (please move if its in the wrong area). The site is mostly for Indie Games, but I figure Eclipse games are still indie. [Link.](http://indierising.net/forums/index.php)
  8. Not sure about story, me and Wing are discussing extra objectives. World is most likely going to be a set size, but we might change that.
  9. Haven't looked into Nord mythology, names like what? I'm not going to change the graphic style any time soon, its too far along and theres already been far too many iterations for me to change anything large like that. Thanks anyway. Basic combat video is up! Enemy placeholders for now and wonky direction for them too, but the basics are in. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1XNmQJ2BBE&feature=c4-feed-u](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1XNmQJ2BBE&feature=c4-feed-u)
  10. Darkness Exhumed is still on its way, I recently moved up to University (college for some of you) and I've been getting into my course as well as finishing up some projects that I had on my mind. I now have more time to dedicate to stuff like Darkness Exhumed and can safely say I should have an alpha version out soon. I'm just re-doing the crafting system and working on combat a bit, before getting into content, after which the first paid-alpha will be released. Sorry its taking so long! ![](http://i.imgur.com/71ZuT5k.png?1)
  11. So after Message in a bottle was semi popular, I created a thing called drawing in a bottle. Which was also pretty good. I recently combined the two and added a bunch of new stuff to it and put it under the domain InTheBottle.co.uk. Check it out, I'd love some feedback on the design. If anyone wants to help out with a new design send me a PM. [http://inthebottle.co.uk/index.php](http://inthebottle.co.uk/index.php)
  12. 1\. Robin Christ 2\. Sekaru Mandela 3\. Richy 4\. Slowpoke 5\. Wing 6\. JC + Kibbelz everyone else is way past 10. :)
  13. New player sprite. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eu0saTHH_s](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eu0saTHH_s)
  14. Its essentially a rip off of redstone yes. But I wanted some method of controlling the dozens of traps you can create. I've just got to add a NOT gate and then youll be able to do super complex stuff.
  15. New wiring graphics! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/images/games/1/19/18370/Wed_14_Aug_2013_14-01-25.png)
  16. Still working on back-end (been a little lazy recently), I should be done in the next few weeks. For now heres a screenshot of night time. The night is no longer pitch black. ![](http://media.indiedb.com/images/games/1/19/18370/Mon_12_Aug_2013_14-48-12.png)
  17. Just making sure you'd framelocked it! ;D
  18. Even more new graphics! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/images/games/1/19/18370/Tue_6_Aug_2013_18-31-51.png)
  19. I'm not sure if the bullets are meant to be super slow?
  20. I love the name Emberstorm, Tales of a New World doesn't have the same fantasy feel. (super jelly that you can come up with good names).
  21. **New stuff!** Added the new resource loading system, which allows you to switch out graphics and sound effects for your own custom graphics/sfx. Using this I got to work on adding the new graphics, created by Wing! :3 >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/FWySfxC.png) >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/zOYzTw3.png) Our musician's laptop refuses to turn on, so she can't create the final fast paced track at the moment >
  22. Added two more tracks, check out the link in the above post!
  23. Already posted where it came from, Starbound.
  24. Don't show the background off if you aren't going to use it. Give credit for your placeholders or dont show them at all. Thats all I'm saying.
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