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Everything posted by Kite

  1. Kite

    Linux or windows

    Ok now dont get off topic,so whats your votes should I change or not?
  2. Kite

    Linux or windows

    Xp is slow for me,and linux is awesome
  3. Kite

    Linux or windows

    I'm talking about the full one not of damn small,that was just to see if I liked it. But if I did get the good linux will I be able to run it with 256mb and, will eclipse work?
  4. Kite

    Linux or windows

    [Bump] Damn small linux is cool,but I need the full one. I'm thinking if win xp can run on 256mb ram, Linux should be able to right? Still I never really got a answer,on if I should switch are not?
  5. Kite

    VB6 Question

    Yeah,it should thats the one I use
  6. Kite

    Linux or windows

    None of my stores sell the kind to fit mine,they all moved to the smaller desktop ones Anyway I found damn small linux so Ima try that
  7. Kite

    Linux or windows

    I only have 256mb of ram,cause the damn small linux says it uses 4mb of ram. I will check that one out though,but I need something under 256mb ram. Cause thats why my XP is slow.
  8. Kite

    Linux or windows

    I am using windows xp,it takes up alot of space,and its slow. Linux says it only takes 4mb of ram,and not even a gig on the hdd. Should I move to Linux,or stay with Windows XP? I read the Linux sit,I just want to know if anyone here uses it,and what they think? Allso if you could provide a link to one that I can test without uninstalling windows, That would be cool. Thanks in advance for your answers. Kite ] Oh,yeah I forgot,will eclipse work on Linux?
  9. To me it looks like you tried to make it bigger in VB6,and you forgot that the GUI does not get better,you would have to make a new one,or resize it with PIXresizer.
  10. Yeah,I would be glad to help. Maybe I could even add some stuff to yours to make them better.
  11. Message me on msn,and send me some screen shots
  12. This sounds good,and I'm glad you spaced some of it by a few lines. It's easy on the eye's,But yeah post some screen shots,that way people will know that you can help to,instead of use them for mapping,and u tell people what to do lol.
  13. I had the same problem I just redownloaded the source and it worked
  14. Kite


    It looks good,but everytime I look at it I think of Captain Planet.Lol
  15. I see,thanks,I guess I should change my tut I made for it then lol
  16. If,I'm not mistaken I thought you had to get files from the data folder and move them?So the music would work?
  17. I like it,it's dark and evil looking,now that's my cup of tea lol 9/10
  18. Kite

    Spell Troubles

    Why are you using something that outdated? I would recomend EE 2.7 http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/ee.php And area effect is the only way to see them,if I heard correctly there is a fix for ee 2.7 I think I will look for it
  19. I got that error before all I did is reinstall the 3rd set of library and it fixes it.
  20. Do you mean Red,Blue and,Yellow those are HP,MP,EXP
  21. 10/10 The heads,and legs are fine,if you take into account the human body. Heads are not that big the average is about 25 pounds,so the heads are fine for those bodys.
  22. Not main.txt your thinking of the stats.ini in the server folder lol Or can you edit in both?
  23. You get 1 per level up. HP = Hit Points If you want to change it to give 3 you have to change the script.
  24. Thanks,Yeah I need to work on my trees alot lol
  25. Kite

    DOOM 2 Free!

    Last time I looked on the website,they are still selling them. And I don't think someone can give it away,unless they own it. Here is the link [http://www.idsoftware.com/games/doom/doom2/index.php?game_section=buy](http://www.idsoftware.com/games/doom/doom2/index.php?game_section=buy)
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