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  1. Elec0


    No, I mean make the font bigger. Everything except the Login and Quit buttons need to be bigger.
  2. Well, I was bored and started messing around with FL Studio 8\. This is my first beat/song/whatever it is that I actually finished. [http://elec0.com/misc/Music/Techno1.mp3](http://elec0.com/misc/Music/Techno1.mp3)
  3. Elec0


    The main problem is that you font is too small. It'd be fine if the font was a little bigger…er and the text was white.
  4. Indeed. But you also want to try and do what Robin suggested; namely using as few colors as possible.
  5. What I'm attempting to do is this. I'm working on a remote server, and I don't have access to it, and don't know the full directory that I need so I can delete a folder.
  6. Is this command available with SadScript?
  7. I did. It sends the packet, the server receives it, writes the data to the text file then the client crashes.
  8. Okay, so I'm editing the 2.7 source to include the script editor that 2.5 has, and when I use this code: ``` Call SendData("savemain" & SEP_CHAR & frmEditor.RT.Text & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR) Call SendReloadScripts ``` The client sends the data, and then crashes, saying that it lost the connection. What the hell? And it crashes because of SendData, because I remmed it out and it worked fine…
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