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Justin Knight

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Everything posted by Justin Knight

  1. @Robin: > How completely useless for us Europeans. Rusher is Dutch. I thought it'd be some level of useless, but I had no idea it'd be _completely_ useless. Now I know! :P
  2. @Kusy: > Go fuck yourself with a cacti. What ever it is you're doing pisses off this guy.
  3. Here's a list of 100 things you can do when you turn 18 in the US [http://www.myspace.com/blackfinch/blog/343323859](http://www.myspace.com/blackfinch/blog/343323859)
  4. @Jungle: > The most popular electronic producers don't follow genres, Infected Mushroom included. They are pretty damn good though, and incorporate some rock into their songs as well. You're doing it again XD oh producers, you'll just never see the importance of genres like DJs do… just kidding, I just play music that makes people dance.
  5. Oh yeah I had one of those. I wonder why they never caught on.
  6. Whats your favorite bit of technology in your house? For me I'd have to say it's my surround sound speakers. I only payed $70 for them but in a little room like mine they make the clearest sounds you ever did hear. Also the bass is glorious. [http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=logitech+5.1+surround+sound+speakers&hl=en&client=opera&hs=oj8&rls=en&channel=suggest&prmd=ivns&resnum=5&biw=1243&bih=687&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=15598320765289070536&sa=X&ei=1vNKTs7_Gqjw0gHKwO3rBw&ved=0CHIQ8wIwAw](http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=logitech+5.1+surround+sound+speakers&hl=en&client=opera&hs=oj8&rls=en&channel=suggest&prmd=ivns&resnum=5&biw=1243&bih=687&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=15598320765289070536&sa=X&ei=1vNKTs7_Gqjw0gHKwO3rBw&ved=0CHIQ8wIwAw)
  7. Justin Knight


    ![](http://matteomaggioni.altervista.org/lines/111_20110710202802_obama_rage_face.png) It was worth the watch i think. Then again I'm in a really good mood.
  8. Not really big on trance. I feel weird dancing to it. :\
  9. [http://danosongs.com/](http://danosongs.com/) A lot of his songs are really great. I use this site for most of my games.
  10. @MrMiguu: > 1 last question: > [o]What language did you use to make this? I used Game Maker Language. I know Game Maker's lame but I've been using it for so long I've learned to make very good looking games in short amounts of time.
  11. @Marsh: > Tomato salt and mayo heck yeah I'll have wut he's haven'
  12. Herp Derp Electronic Dance = best genre of music ever made. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saw1w-8ODKM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDBbEG-0pfQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0LO6v43YCo
  13. Who is Mick Jagger and why should I want to look like and/or have moves like Mick Jagger?
  14. Justin Knight

    My logo

    Here's a logo I made in 2 minutes. You're free to use it if you like.
  15. I'm not really sure how this works but the text could turn red when you roll over it.
  16. ooo I like it, better than I could do.
  17. @MrMiguu: > _running button_. Hmm I like it! edit: 100th post!
  18. @MrMiguu: > For a game called Rush, it sure feels rushed. > (The game's development I mean). > > The majority of my time is spent sitting around waiting for my stamina to rebuild. The game-play is not fluid enough. It's better than what most users here could ever create, but it needs some serious reworking. > > The first boss/mini-boss battle was a joke. All I had to do was stand as close as possible to him and hold 'Z'. You should make it some you can't just hold jump or shoot and either action will just spam itself. > > __________________________________________________________ > > tl;dr: > > I liked the idea. > Fix the stamina. > No more spamming of buttons. Thanks for the reply. I think I'll make the stamina recharge faster and limit the buttons like you said. The boss is lame I know. I didn't make any plans to keep him that way XD
  19. My friend had this idea for a game where the main character had human limitations such as not being able to jump like mario or run like sonic. I thought it was a bad idea but I went and made a demo anyway just to make him happy. Download it and tell me what you think. [http://www.mediafire.com/?4e2m1dohaq5fe6r](http://www.mediafire.com/?4e2m1dohaq5fe6r) Sorry about the file host, I couldn't get eclipse image host to work. Controls: left and right keys to move X to jump Z to shoot F4 to switch between full and windowed esc to quit W to skip to next level (for debugging)
  20. here's a list of things I think you could add to your music. - effects (change the effect on the loops to make it less repetitive) - breaks (let your tracks breath a little more often) - build up (building up and breaking down your tracks at the beginning and end will make your songs easier to work with by djs)
  21. @Jungletoe: > New Song Uploaded: > > **ArcAde** > Features dubstep glitch stuff and a deathsaw (or something like that) > http://soundcloud.com/jungletoe/arcade very cool song dude.
  22. http://soundcloud.com/mrjustinknight/daft-punk-musique-vs-jungletoe
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