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Everything posted by Pasketi

  1. @aawaw0010: > I got Runtime error 380…. :huh: > help me pls Don't change the thread title -.- Use the title Re: Eclipse Origins v1.1.0 You just failed the subject And RTEs go in questions. Use tag [EO]
  2. Mostly I'd like the tutorial for ES 1.2… but I'll check that your edit EDIT Nice! Is there source included in that edit??
  3. No, That's the problem. It's attacking normally facing down, but your target is not in front of you.
  4. So i've noticed, that if you target your enemy in arena, face down and attack normally w/ melee w/out your target being in front of you (i.e. other side of the map), your target takes damage normally. Is there a source fix to this bug?
  5. Pasketi

    Client status

    Put your IP in Config to and port to 4000 That should work. Your server has to be on also. If this don't work, try the IP and Port found from the titlebar of your server.
  6. @I'm: > Use adobe photoshop, alot easier - Job Solved. > > Select area you want, Hue / Saturation, slide the slider bar until you get the colour you want! > > Or just Click "Colourise". > > Beats all the manual recolouring. Use Gimp, alot easier - problem solved! Select area w/ colour select, magic wand or freehand select and colorize DONE!
  7. Now it works, but you have to kill 1 mob, before you actually get the level. Put some Data updates there? EDIT: Found the problem (Blind chicken found a rock) "Main.txt" to "Main.ess" EDIT2: Could you just add something, that prevents the text "The server gave you a level" popping up, if player is maxed?
  8. ok, cool. I'll try tomorrow morning at 10 GMT +3\. You can expect post before 11am.
  9. In Scripts folder in Main.ess or Main.txt (depends on what engine you are using.) I made a wonderful tutor but pressed "Previous and lost everything, so you'll learn it yourself ;D GL
  10. @Minilinkki: > link=topic=58900.msg626235#msg626235 date=1270900176] > source Sherlock!!!! This is source questions :rolleyes: Question was how and where THERE
  11. @[SB: > Damian666 link=topic=59154.msg626225#msg626225 date=1270893670] > visual banking is actually perfectly doable in es, I have it myself too in my game ^^ > > Damian666 hmm… There must be a little twist in importing it, eh? [ES1.2] Where can i find the Bank update packet?
  12. I'd like that too… Any idea how to import it?
  13. @Conscientia: > First of all, you can't just go copying code off of another sub and just assume it will work, this won't add anything. I'm guessing you just stole the "Mass Level" code since it's the same codes but some have been removed. > > The Index is not set, so it will add it only to the first player of the server, no matter who's selected in the listbox, since index is set to 0, it might even give you a subscript out of range if "Index" does not exist. > > You forgot to assign the variable "I" a value, so it will just return 0, thus only adding a level, and no stat-points. > > This would be the correct code: > ``` > Dim Index As Long > Dim I As Long > > Index = Val(lvUsers.ListItems(lvUsers.SelectedItem.Index).Text) > > If IsPlaying(Index) Then > Else > If GetPlayerLevel(Index) >= MAX_LEVEL Then > Call SetPlayerExp(Index, Experience(MAX_LEVEL)) > Else > Call SetPlayerExp(Index, GetPlayerNextLevel(Index)) > If SCRIPTING = 1 Then > MyScript.ExecuteStatement "Scripts\Main.txt", "PlayerLevelUp " & Index > Else > I = Int(GetPlayerSPEED(Index) / 10) > > If I < 1 Then I = 1 > If I > 3 Then I = 3 > > Call SetPlayerPOINTS(Index, GetPlayerPOINTS(Index) + I) > > If GetPlayerLevel(Index) >= MAX_LEVEL Then > Call SetPlayerExp(Index, Experience(MAX_LEVEL)) > End If > End if > End If > > Call SendHP(Index) > Call SendMP(Index) > Call SendSP(Index) > Call SendPTS(Index) > End If > > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "The server gave you a free level!", BRIGHTGREEN) > ``` > Cheers Though still doesn't work. It doesn't even give you a level. Just says, that the server gave you a level.
  14. Pasketi

    HP amount

    Okay, idk how eclipse handles the HP-bar numbers, so here's the problem: I followed http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,46661.0.html and it works wonders. Problem now is, that the HP-values (currentHP/maxHP) aren't there, or then they are below those. So should the HP values be on lblHP or shpHP? EDIT: Ok, it's lbl… But how can I put it on top of the PictureBox? EDIT2: Inthe picture box. SOLVED!
  15. I see you're new… Is this tested? Proof of working? If not, i can test...
  16. This is not made for ES 1.2, right? If is, i'd like the compiled, working version, pls, because i couldn't get it working.
  17. @SillyFace: > ES is basically 2.7 o-o surely there cant be that much of a difference. Yes there is! NPC HP Values = Done Visual banking = Can't do Spells = created for ES 1.0 (Creates massive bugs on ES 1.2, and 1 part can't be found where it should be found) HP-MP bar customization = to do
  18. NPC HP Values = Done Visual banking = for EE2.7 (No tutorial for ES) Spells = In progress I
  19. Ok… So base = Eclipse Stable 1.2 First edit: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,31706.0.html Second edit: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,53792.0.html (If you don't want to make this, fine. It would hane been a wonderful feature...) Third: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,31769.0.html If you do, Thank you! If you don't..... umm.... idk :P EDIT: Once done, send only .exe's
  20. Pasketi


    I can!! â–² â–² â–² I know I can, can you?
  21. @SillyFace: > obviously not reading my whole post? I was @SillyFace: > There I was trying to be nice and even considering looking at what u wanted doing to see if I could do it for you now. Ok… @SillyFace: > that's not saying I will do it Umm… @SillyFace: > and there you go and be like that~ Pshhhhh I was not going like that. It might have sounded like it, but i was frustrated. Sorry if i offended you. I'll try again: –------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @SillyFace: > Any more than 3 though I'd say you'd have to get VB6 yourself and do it yourself. ;) I am trying to get VB6 myself, but it has been a pain so far. My Windows 7 doesn't like the version i'm trying to get, so i quess i'll just download VirtualBox and use one of my 2 Windows XP Licences to install XP to it and try again w/ that, because i have done it om my mac once and it worked, so i got good feeling about it. –------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Less offensive? -P
  22. @SillyFace: > …get VB6 yourself and do it yourself. ;) What do you think i'm doing at the moment?
  23. Downloaded, tried to read disclaimer, but the website didn't exist and VB6 didn't work (wared) so i deleted it. Who is willing to compile just 1-3 features from tutorials section to normal ES?
  24. Ok, I got a new computer a while ago, and I started making a game, just like any one of us. I asked my friend to implement few things to Eclipse Stable, but he failed, 'cause his VB6 gave him some error messages. I just tried to get http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,31706.msg289851.html#msg289851 made, but it gave me the same thing: In frmStable there was no chatbox! Opened source again, and didn't go to frmStable, it still gave me some angry errors. Not textbox anymore, though. Say, is there a problem in VB6 portable or ES 1.2 source? EDIT: Just checked the latest error log: Line 2393: Cannot load control Socket; license not found. VB6 Portable? Or Windows 7?
  25. Pasketi

    Game name!

    Vi tala inte engelska! Vi tala finska… Ups, väärä kieli :icon_crap:
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