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Everything posted by Giukko

  1. Just use Visual Basic 6 and find this piece of code inside "frmDev" "IstQuest": Private Sub lstQuest_Click() delete that sub and paste this code: ``` Private Sub lstQuest_Click() ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler QuestEditorInit ' Error handler Exit Sub ErrorHandler: HandleError "lstQuest_Click", "frmEditor_Quest", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` That's it ;)
  2. One more note: you have to consider that frames inside your png image file are from number 0 to whatever how many frames you will put inside the png file. ;)
  3. Hello, this tutorial allows you to use character or npc with more frames than default (three frame by default: two movements for legs and arms and another one when idle) . Character with more frames can have a more smooth animation. Check this simple steps: 1- You need Visual Basic 6 installed on your computer. 2- before all you have to know that the file "Config" in "data files" folder has an option called "PframeR" which is the reset and starting value of your frame set. Normally it is better to leave this value as it is (=1). To check the correct order of your character's frames you need to open the folder named "characters" inside "graphics" folder, and choose one set there, to working on. Try with a software which works on images (like photoshop) to add another one frame for each character movement. 3- Open in Visual Basic 6 the file "client.vbp" and search the module named "modGameLogic". 4- Search inside this module the declaration "ProcessMovement". 5- Replace one piece of code with the following, starting from the comment written in green to the other comment written in green: ' Check if completed walking over to the next tile If TempPlayer(Index).Moving > 0 Then If GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_RIGHT Or GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_DOWN Then If (TempPlayer(Index).xOffset >= 0) And (TempPlayer(Index).yOffset >= 0) Then TempPlayer(Index).Moving = 0 If TempPlayer(Index).Step = 0 Then TempPlayer(Index).Step = 2 ElseIf TempPlayer(Index).Step >= 2 And TempPlayer(Index).Step < 3 Then TempPlayer(Index).Step = TempPlayer(Index).Step + 1 Else TempPlayer(Index).Step = 0 End If End If Else If (TempPlayer(Index).xOffset
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