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  1. thanks :D if not how menny posts would i be needin to be a good person on this fourm i wont spam lol but
  2. hey guys i am dylan i am very new to this fourm… i am a webhoster but when i saw this program i desided to make a game with it. it dident turn out so well but i have 1 main hosting pc. its a normal pc but i trixed it out with the following 2- 120gb harddrives 1- 200gb harddrive 2gb ram not sure what the cpu and the prosesser is but its good i hosted a vbulliten fourm with it and it held 500+ members online at once. i would be willing to run it 24/7 cuss it has a very nice cooling system. but i only want to host for 1 person/game and i will do it FREE aslong as i get some rep on doing that :P if u think i can help you add my msn [email protected] some pepole say thats a yahoo messnager its not thats my msn i promas thanks
  3. sorry pics dident come out so good i will fix asap :angry:
  4. hey its Dylan i have a website www.lummyhometele.info i have 4years of website making xp so u can trust me here's pics name of site ![](http://www.snapdrive.net/files/580586/dfg.bmp) the program o use a lot ![](http://www.snapdrive.net/files/580586/dfg.bmp) outher sites i made subdomain ![](http://www.snapdrive.net/files/580586/f.bmp) i will host form my tower and dodaddy.com what i want payed 5-30% of all profit want to see more pics message me message me on here thanks
  5. hey its dylan i have a queston ok this is a nooby queston but it needs to be ancered i have the game layed out how i want it saved and everything but….. how do i make the game downloadable??? like what files do i put in a folder so pepole can download and play i use h.a.m. so
  6. hey i am the owner of "teh island" its going to be a downloadable mmoprg that is mulitplayer and you could help! theres teh storyline in 2050 world war 3 broke out there were few sivores left after the usa droped 20 nukes over the world! its up to u and the outher sivors to find food shetle and outher things. with all plants dead and very pepole and try to make the world ageain! with that heres a few more things u need to know i would like about 3 more pepole my windows messanger or msn is: [email protected] i want the game home and skills layed out by 15 mounths the game its self can hold 300000items and 900players and shops and things like that we have 1500gigs of stoage the game will be download thanks please windows messange me ^ sorry i have no pics of what i got done cus i dont know how to uploadthem sorru
  7. hey its dylan i need some help with a new game i'm makeing windows messanger: [email protected] or message me here tell me what u know and what u dont know thanks dylan edit: i plan it being mulitplayer and i have big plans on how to make cash with this but i dont have it planed out too good thats why i need pepole to help ideas are wecome
  8. Note: you dont need to be too good cuss i will show you what to do if u dont know thanks Hey its me Dylan! I am looking for some people to help me with a new online game I’m making. If you need a job please windows message me at: [email protected] I wont pay anything until we get some cash cuss I don’t have any my self so if u want to help make the game message me we talk there Looking for 3 people We split profit 25/25/25/25 thanks First come first serve!
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