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Everything posted by phoenixpirated

  1. I have already coded the client to run a check and call "Destroygame" if the client is running on a the same computer. but that does not stop a player with more than one computer, (this is the problem i had) so i with the multi IP block this problem no longer happens (yes i know a player can get help from friends in trying to cheat the game) But anyway like the first post says I was asked how "I" block the same IP from multi connecting if you feel so strongly that this is wrong then remove the topic this was only added here thinking it might could be modified or improved by other users ( i won't make that mistake again)
  2. I agree there must be a block in place if there is a better way i am open to options
  3. yes i understand that but like i said, this is what i needed may not be for everyone this is put in place for people that want to make more than one account and trade items onto one account which would make gameplay uneven
  4. OK i was ask by a friend to show how i blocked multi IP connections in my Game(s) So why not show all how to do it aswell. Ok everything is Server side edits AS ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR FILES. look in modServerTCP find Sub SockectConnected replace the whole sub with this one: ``` Sub SocketConnected(ByVal Index As Long) Dim i As Long If Index 0 Then ' make sure they're not banned If Not IsBanned(GetPlayerIP(Index)) Then Call TextAdd("Received connection from " & GetPlayerIP(Index) & ".") Else Call AlertMsg(Index, "You have been banned from " & Options.Game_Name & ", and can no longer play.") End If ' re-set the high index Player_HighIndex = 0 For i = MAX_PLAYERS To 1 Step -1 If IsConnected(i) Then Player_HighIndex = i Exit For End If Next ' now that player is connected lets check for multi(ip) connections If Not IsMultiIPOnline(GetPlayerIP(Index)) Then Call TextAdd("Received connection from " & GetPlayerIP(Index) & ".") Else Call AlertMsg(Index, "Multi Connections From Same Ip Is Not Alowed Any Longer.") End If ' send the new highindex to all logged in players SendHighIndex End If End Sub ``` next find Sub IsMultiIPOnline and under the ``` Dim n as long ```add this: ``` n = 0 ``` then in the same sub change this: ``` If (n > 0) then ``` to this: ``` if (n > 1) then ``` that should be all you need to do what we have done is tell the server to check for multi IPs when a new client is connecting the first IP wil be numbered (1) so we block anything that is more than (1) if you find a problem please post so i can edit this may not be the best way to block IPs but is what i needed for my game(s) Please enjoy you may message me for edits, if i feel it is needed to be done i will add it when i have free time to do so
  5. Awesome engine Robin, only bugs i can find is: 1 "NPC" does not drop (set on any chance) cant seem to fix this yet 2 "AOE" spells will not work from hotbar single player cast works great [loving the hotbar btw] 3 as for the trade bug (which yo can trade more of item/gold then you have, is easy to fix with the codes from *Captain evilbunnie* (above) 4 items stacked are used as one when used, only adding stats from the first item. (like you buy 5 loafs of bread for "x" gold the item shows stacked. but if you click to use it, the whole stack is consumed. [should use just one of the item]. Best fix is to only sell as single item Please let me know any fixs you might have for the NPC drop Again thank for the new engine!!! PhoenixpirateD
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