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Posts posted by Chief

  1. Engines aside, we're making other efforts/site-features that should draw in more users. Another effort that we're going to push again is advertising; it seemed to halt once Marsh handed over the reigns.

    This is NOT business as usual.
  2. I'd hardly say that's reason enough to not try, though. Just be there to help us put forth effort. This is the first time I've had the chance to actually steer the wheel.
  3. We're definitely trying to make this place better again. Link wrote a really awesome post explaining the first step that we're taking to make it the place we loved again: http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/thread-85780-post-945891.html#pid945891

    I understand Rob's point of view; people keep saying things are gonna change, or things are happening, etc, but nobody ever does anything. This time, we're doing real things, taking real steps, and making real projects.

    This is my first time on staff, but I've been around eclipse since 2008; I'll work my butt off for you guys to make this place how I remember it; A place that everyone loved to come and hang out and just make games.
  4. We don't really need threads announcing departures anymore, do we? Eclipse is changing, so you leaving now is bad timing. Come back in a couple of months, cool?
  5. Hey folks, some of you know me, some of you hate me, and some of you don't know me at all.

    What you may not definitely know is that there have been some major changes to Eclipse very recently, behind the scenes. One large change is why I'm making this update.

    I took over web development for Eclipse over the weekend. We had a long discussion about expectations, features, style, etc. I can't post any screenshots of development work, but I can walk you through the tech stack, and some of the major features to expect.

    One thing that's important to note is that this is a ground-up write; we're not using some silly php forum and then building on top of it. As it currently goes, the stack looks like:

    Marko Templates

    If you ask, "well what Node framework are you using? Express?", the answer is none. In order to ensure that we can quickly integrate new features, I decided that a ground-up approach would allow me to navigate the codebase a lot faster.

    So why Node.js? Well, we all know that Eclipse has been struggling, and if we continue to wait long periods of time without any progress, it will simply just fade away. I'm pretty good with Node, and can write and prototype very quickly in it; because of that, I'm going to be able to finish this a lot faster. 

    Another reason is web sockets. Sure, php has them as well, but they're a hell of a lot easier to work with in Node.

    Why web sockets? Well, forums, like email, I consider to be dated forms of communication. We all know how popular chat software is again; slack, gitter, etc. One thing I'd like to see is threads that update in real-time. A reply came in? No need to refresh the page, just scroll down further. This does add a layer of complexity to the app, like when/how to paginate, but I'm confident we'll get a good experience in the end.

    Because we're not tied to a pre-made forum software, we're not tied to the half-baked CMS solutions that they provide. We can add any features, and pages, etc, without having to fight the forum or the database to get it to work. This allows for a lot more freedom and flexibility, should we choose to add community features that extend outside of a forum.

    If you have any issues with this, or if you'd like to offer suggestions, I'm more than willing to hear you out.

    Thanks, fam.
  6. For the record, I did start from nothing here as well. It was 6 years ago, and I had no talents. Now I'm a professional front end developer. There's a whole life story here, but I can trace my beginnings to 6 years ago, at the blue/skulls smf eclipse that we all loved. Put it back to how it was.

    Yukiro seems to think that the old ways aren't the right direction. He's too concerned with taking it in another "new" direction, and that's wrong, in my opinion. It was great as it was before Amish ruined it. We don't need another clueless owner who thinks he can turn it into something new.

    It wasn't broken, don't try to spit-shine it into a pretty little turd-flower. Put it back how it was.
  7. Although we can all agree that anyone is a step up from Amish, I do fear for the longevity of Eclipse while in the hands of Yukiro. Please, oh please prove me wrong.

    In addition,

    Marshy was telling me over skype, that, "[regardless], eclipse will still live in some form or fashion". While I agree, my response was, "Well sure, but it won't be a place that I'll want to be a part of"… This can go sour so fast; I have no faith in Yukrio, and feel that he has absolutely no experience running anything.

    Call me the devil's advocate, or a realist. Either way, there's a lot of work to be done, and a lot of people to prove wrong, including me.
  8. It makes no sense… you have 3 different fonts in this logo. I understand the red/blue/yellow direction, but try a variation on the colours; slight hue adjustments so they're not the pure form of the colour.

    Overall, the direction is good, but cut your fonts down to 2, play with the colours, and try again.
  9. [16:26:22] Dr.Yukiro: Since you're persistant, can I trust what is said here to remain between only us?

    [16:26:36] Dr.Yukiro: Because you actually do play a big part in future plans -.-'

    [16:30:32] Alan Tuckwood: huh?

    [16:30:39] Alan Tuckwood: ok…?
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