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Posts posted by Chief

  1. I didn't say to not use VB because it's crappy, I said not to use it because you'll find greater success in your career as a developer by using C# instead. Most .NET jobs out there are C# now; lots of companies are phasing out VB in favour of subjectively better languages, or just languages that they can actually hire for. The fact of the matter is that C# is just more popular, which makes it a cheaper long-term investment.
  2. Nat particularly difficult, but I wouldn't recommend it as a first language. The syntax can be a bit confusing at times, and some of its core concepts are pretty different from most other languages. I would stick with a C-like language, like C# or Java for a first language. That being said, though, I would recommend learning as many languages as possible later, after you've grasped the basics in a "normal" language.

    Ruby isn't a very popular language out in the job world these days. It's still out there being used, but not much.
  3. This is just gonna be a short write-up of programming language trends as I see them. I'm a senior developer of 7 years who mostly writes JavaScript, but I get constant exposure to many other languages and ecosystems.

    **Languages to watch for the next few years:**

    * Rust
    * WASM
    * Go
    * F#

    A newer low-level language that has broken some really amazing performance barriers to now be able to claim to be faster than C. Use for this language is on the rise, and is one of the initial languages that will optionally compile down to WASM, making Rust a potential replacement for JS in the browser.

    Web Assembly is a newcomer to the scene as well. It's a compile target for performance critical code to run client-side code in your browser. All major browser vendors are invested in its future, making it a viable replacement for JS in the future. WASM + WebGL is a great example of the future of gaming in your browser.

    While not as new as Rust or WASM, Go is kind of new as well. It touts to be a low level language that strives to compete for market share with C++ in some cases. While it can be very fast at times, it is a garbage collected language, meaning that you can have locked up threads occasionally while memory is being cleaned up.

    This language will never gain high adoption levels in the enterprise software world, but functional programming is a lot of fun, and finds its niche in more scientific computing. It's worth following as a decent functional language, though I don't think it practices 100% functional programming, but it's still nice.

    **Languages that are generally good and are widely used:**

    * C#
    * C++
    * Python
    * Java
    * JavaScript

    This is one of my favourite languages; the sleek syntax aside, it's one of the most versatile languages out there right now. From professional-ish game development to desktop app development to back end web development, C# is everywhere. 10/10 would recommend learning if you want a job in software.

    While I'm not personally a fan of the learning curve required to master this language, this is what the real AAA professional game studios use to write performance critical code, which is required to pump out hyper-realistic games. If you want to be a professional game developer, this is the language for you.

    I'm not a huge fan of white-space delimited languages, Python is still fairly popular in the scientific programming scene. Google uses Python, and I can imagine many other companies do as well. The jobs for Python are plenty.

    Java is one of many languages that compile down to run on what's known as the JVM (java virtual machine). While the JVM is an interesting concept, the languages that fill that space are sometimes very clunky, like pre Java 8 was. Java is decent for a web back end, and is used by all kinds of companies, but I'd recommend C# over Java for personal reasons.

    While many people like to hate on JavaScript for its warts, the language has evolved tremendously over the past few years. It's not the same language you used to know. Is it still bad in some places? Absolutely, but until WASM gets released and stable, JS is the only language we have for client-side scripting in your browser.

    **Languages that you should avoid:**

    * PHP
    * Visual Basic
    * JavaScript

    Yeah, between the shit ton of security holes in their APIs to the blatantly inconsistent naming conventions, this language is just out right disgusting. More and more companies are avoiding PHP like the plague. Hell, I even know some start ups that started on PHP and decided that it was cheaper to rewrite their systems in something like Go rather than support legacy platforms with PHP.

    **Visual Basic**
    There will be a lot of nay-sayers here about VB, but the fact of the matter is that most .NET code is being written in C# these days. VB's syntax leaves much to be desired; while it wasn't so bad back in the day, the alternatives are prettier and are often times easier to hire for. Nobody wants to write VB anymore.

    Why did I include this language in two lists? Well, while it's becoming a better language, and it's the only option in the browser, its future is very fuzzy. When WASM is released and has a handful of languages that will compile to it, what will the point of JS be? There will always be some JS around, as the higher level the language is, the cheaper it usually is to write, but I see a good trend in software dev that points to the increase in importance for performance, so less and less people will be writing JS in the future.

    There are so many other languages that you could learn as well; R, Scala, Ruby, Red, Haskell, Clojure, etc, but the ones I've pointed out above are the most widely used in software. Other languages are used all over the place as well, but they're usually for niche tasks and more scientific computing.
  4. Hey guys, Link/Yukiro/BabyDaddy here. I'm selling the site. I have an offer from someone to buy it for $1000, so if you'd like to buy it, bidding starts there.

    If Seth wants it, he can have it for free, because he could have made thousands of dollars by now if he had it, and who am I to hold him back from his destiny?
  5. It seems odd to me that you would use only some new ES features, like classes, yet omit others, like let and const. You've also got a pretty high cyclometric complexity in some of your methods; I'd have broken those up into a few functions, personally.

    All that being said, you did say that you're not a JS developer, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
  6. My post was just deleted, and Link is now rubbing it in on skype. It was a chat log about how he thinks I tried to back stab him, and me proving him otherwise. If he's so afraid to let me show the chat log, then that's on him, but I was offering more clarity.

    Here's what eclipse really is now.
  7. In the interest of more clarity, since Link has decided that I'm some evil asshole, Here's the skype chat we just had.

    > [5/12/16, 8:32:38 PM] DrYukiro: Just a FYI.
    > [5/12/16, 8:32:51 PM] DrYukiro: Cici has been more loyal in the last 3 minutes she was a staff.
    > [5/12/16, 8:32:58 PM] DrYukiro: Didn't plan to back stab me before even joining.
    > [5/12/16, 8:33:06 PM] DrYukiro: That moment when you find out the truth about someone.
    > [5/12/16, 8:33:14 PM] DrYukiro: #Callsmeimmature.
    > [5/12/16, 8:34:14 PM] DrYukiro: Keep your website/source files m8.
    > [5/12/16, 8:39:06 PM] Nick Dugger: lol, you really are delusional.
    > [5/12/16, 8:41:54 PM] Nick Dugger: I really was on board with your vision for the site, and was more than willing to put in the work for FREE, mind you. It wasn’t until I worked with your team for a while that I realized how vampyrous you guys really are. You need to get out of your own head and see what everyone else sees.
    > Not once in any of my threads did I say anything negative about you. I’ve replied only with respect, and you come onto skype and make insinuations about my intentions.
    > [5/12/16, 8:47:21 PM] DrYukiro: What?
    > [5/12/16, 8:47:37 PM] DrYukiro: Tell me how I'm acting childish to someone as scummy as that.
    > [5/12/16, 8:47:48 PM] Nick Dugger: Tell me how I’m scummy?
    > [5/12/16, 8:47:56 PM] Nick Dugger: I was working with you towards a common goal
    > [5/12/16, 8:47:58 PM] DrYukiro: Who planned months ahead to back stab me.
    > [5/12/16, 8:47:59 PM] Nick Dugger: Not once did I demand anything
    > [5/12/16, 8:48:09 PM] DrYukiro: I have proof of what you said
    > [5/12/16, 8:48:16 PM] Nick Dugger: I never planned to back stab you; I was concerned about the direction you were taking the site
    > [5/12/16, 8:48:21 PM] Nick Dugger: I know you were talking to JC
    > [5/12/16, 8:48:25 PM] DrYukiro: I felt no need to talk before blocking you
    > [5/12/16, 8:48:26 PM] Nick Dugger: I told JC all of my concerns
    > [5/12/16, 8:48:50 PM] Nick Dugger: I wanted to co-own the site while developing it becuase you have no idea what you’re doing. I had no intentions about taking it away from you
    > [5/12/16, 8:49:16 PM] DrYukiro: You specifically planned to leave me in the dust if you didn't get control of the site.
    > [5/12/16, 8:49:19 PM] DrYukiro: I have the proof man.
    > [5/12/16, 8:49:26 PM] DrYukiro: You don't have to lie to me to feel better yo.
    > [5/12/16, 8:49:34 PM] DrYukiro: I heard it from your mouth in a discord.
    > [5/12/16, 8:49:35 PM] Nick Dugger: I don’t lie; SHow me what you have
    > [5/12/16, 8:49:50 PM] Nick Dugger: lol, I told you that I would leave if I didn’t get ownership?
    > [5/12/16, 8:50:31 PM] DrYukiro: What more is there really to talk about
    > [5/12/16, 8:50:38 PM] DrYukiro: I already said thanks for trying to send me the files
    > [5/12/16, 8:50:42 PM] DrYukiro: which you're using for your site
    > [5/12/16, 8:50:47 PM] DrYukiro: Thanks anyway.
    > [5/12/16, 8:50:56 PM] DrYukiro: I just never met a foul person like that.
    > [5/12/16, 8:51:09 PM] DrYukiro: I know I can be a dick, but damn.
    > [5/12/16, 8:51:10 PM] Nick Dugger: What’s there to talk about? You think I’m some lowlife that wanted to take your shit away from you. I’ve done nothing to indicate that
    > [5/12/16, 8:51:19 PM] Nick Dugger: You’re delusional
    > [5/12/16, 8:51:25 PM] DrYukiro: I am?
    > [5/12/16, 8:51:45 PM] Nick Dugger: Yes. You think that making devs write a bunch of code will magically fix the way that you manage your website
    > [5/12/16, 8:51:49 PM] Nick Dugger: It’s ridiculous
    > [5/12/16, 8:51:50 PM] DrYukiro: Well, sorry about that.  I really don't want to fight.
    > [5/12/16, 8:51:58 PM] Nick Dugger: Neither do I
    > [5/12/16, 8:52:06 PM] Nick Dugger: Which is why I’ve been trying to be respectful
    > [5/12/16, 8:52:21 PM] Nick Dugger: I didn’t make a goodbye thread, I gave you the files, I’ve not spammed or been an ass on your forums
    > [5/12/16, 8:52:30 PM] Nick Dugger: I have no idea why you think I’m some evil asshole
    > [5/12/16, 8:53:08 PM] DrYukiro: Probably because you told JC if you didn't get control of the website you planned to leave.
    > [5/12/16, 8:53:22 PM] DrYukiro: That's what we call, backstabbing
    > [5/12/16, 8:53:52 PM] DrYukiro: Leave down the line.
    > [5/12/16, 8:53:55 PM] Nick Dugger: Not once did I ever tell him that I wanted control over you; I said co-ownership, because I had a better understanding of the competition and your audience. You thought you were gonna be able to compete with steam, because no other markets existed
    > [5/12/16, 8:53:58 PM] DrYukiro: You never had intentions man.
    > [5/12/16, 8:53:59 PM] DrYukiro: Lol
    > [5/12/16, 8:54:12 PM] DrYukiro: Also I didn't argue back in the topic
    > [5/12/16, 8:54:23 PM] DrYukiro: but I made it clear that my objective was no longer to compete with steam
    > [5/12/16, 8:54:36 PM] DrYukiro: nor did I ever say Matthew ever needed to take orders
    > [5/12/16, 8:54:40 PM] DrYukiro: Someone else said that
    > [5/12/16, 8:55:13 PM] Nick Dugger: Yes, but the point is that you were clueless. I didn’t want to work FOR someone that had no idea what he was doing, so I wanted co-ownership so that we would work WITH eachother. I never said that I wanted you out of the picture. Ever.
    > [5/12/16, 8:55:28 PM] DrYukiro: I gave you a co-ownership.
    > [5/12/16, 8:55:31 PM] DrYukiro: You still backstabbed
    > [5/12/16, 8:55:35 PM] Nick Dugger: No you didn't
    > [5/12/16, 8:55:36 PM] DrYukiro: because I didn't pick your side
    > [5/12/16, 8:55:39 PM] DrYukiro: over benjo
    > [5/12/16, 8:55:41 PM] Nick Dugger: You told me that I was only a developer
    > [5/12/16, 8:55:52 PM] DrYukiro: Ok shrug
    > [5/12/16, 8:55:54 PM] Nick Dugger: and that I shouldn’t worry about anything other than writing code

    I am appalled at the reaction to this whole clusterfuck. I tried to keep it quite and respectful, and now that it's all out in the open Link is only interested in pointing fingers and blaming everyone but himself. This is exactly what I mentioned in my previous post.
  8. In order to defend myself, I'll make a few brief points

    * I did not attack anyone on a personal level; I was simply sick of the fact that the staff sit around and perpetuate the site's death and hope that a new site and engine will magically fix the management issues, so I called out the team for not doing enough.
    * Too many talented and useful members have been banned, burned, or disregarded simply because you can't take criticism.
    * I took it upon myself to try and mop up after the staff; to try and rebuild bridges with members and communities that you and your team have pushed away. Instead of being thanked for caring about the website and putting in extra effort, the team got mad at me and told me that I should only program, and leave the rest up to the other staff, as if I wasn't a real member; just a code monkey you can boss around.
    * Once I called out the team and made some observations, I was told that I do not contribute anything to the team, and I should have never been unbanned.
    * You said that some people are only good at following directions and taking orders; This was in reference to Matt (which was very rude).
    * You then said that the real person to blame for the site dying is Marsh for having sold it in the first place (which is you deflecting responsibility).
    * I did not coerce the other devs to leave and join me; Jackie agreed with all points I had made, Matt was also tired of the nonsense, and Damien was loyal to the dev team, not your team, so he didn't even blink an eye about the situation.
    * You wanted our future marketplace to be a direct competitor with steam; you were not aware of the MANY other game marketplaces out there. Why would I want to work for someone that has no understanding of their potential audience? That's just asking for more pain than it's worth.

    Overall, no, you did not "piss off the dev team", but you and your team are most definitely deluded–The best way to put why we left is to say that we have creative differences. Just for more clarity to everyone, this is the exact message I sent to Link once the dev team decided to quit:

    > To make a potentially long drawn out shouting match short, The entire dev team is leaving eclipse and your team. I can tell you the reasons why, but that’s not going to end well for anyone. Although nobody signed anything, we will still be handing off work that’s been done up to this point out of respect. If you’d like, I can even show you how to run a node server locally to run the website, but that’s where our paths fork into different directions.

    There's no animosity between both parties; My intention was to leave this situation drama-free, but Skyward decided that he wanted to pry, so here we are.
  9. For the record, I didn't say why I left to anyone; not even to you. If you'd like me to recap it for everyone to read, then I'll gladly do so, but more people are gonna get mad than not.

    I didn't correct Sky, because it doesn't matter why; You have your reasons, I have mine, and the other devs have their own reasons as well. I didn't coerce them into leaving.

    In any case, yes, I am continuing work on the site, but no, I did not boast about it. I was simply saying that the devs did not quit working on the site and engine; we're just not affiliated with your team anymore.

    I've said nothing slanderous or negative; I gave the facts. I'm not trying to push drama.
  10. I can't speak for Link, nor will I try to, but I can say that the dev team stuck together, and work is continuing on both the website and the engine; We have just chosen to not keep any ties with Link or his team. I handed the work that I did for Link off to him, but have tweaked it and am continuing to work on it for the new site that will have no affiliation with Link or his team–same goes for the engine.
  11. Yet again millions of innocent Brazilians are being punished because a court wants WhatsApp to turn over information we repeatedly said we don't have. Not only do we encrypt messages end-to-end on WhatsApp to keep people's information safe and secure, we also don't keep your chat history on our servers.
  12. @'Joyce':

    > @'Growlith1223':
    > > There's also the issue that Eclipse doesn't know how to fragment the map data to help with that lag. simple fix but i would stay around 50x50 and below unless you plan on doing what i said, which is to send the initial parts of the map then send the rest as fragments of the actual map
    > I don't think latency or framerate issues stem from this at all, it's mostly just initial load time that is affected by this. Rendering the entire map instead of the visible bits as well as looping through every single tile on the map several times in a single cycle are the culprits here, not the method of distribution.

    Is this serious? Why would they not have prerenderd all static tiles per layer and then just did a single paint of it instead of painting every single tile (apparently multiple times) per cycle? That's a bit ridiculous.
  13. The current website has more problems than I'd like to get into. We're very well aware of them all, but fixing them on the current site isn't really worth the effort. The new website will be on a completely different server, a different stack, etc, with a hell of a lot less problems.
  14. We all know that the server that hosts Eclipse is having some issues; Unfortunately, we won't be able to fix it until the new site is ready, so in the meantime, we've created a server on Discord so we can all still chat until we release the new site.

    You can find the server here:
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