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Posts posted by kyoghin

  1. Tried the professional look I guess..sorry, this is probably not what you had in mine.. Dx


    Support Sig
  2. When you say professional, are you talking about those professional minimalists styles some companies have like? or something that just looks good. Just curious cause I want to make sure I get it right.
  3. I tried to incorporate as much of the keywords you gave.

    I wasn't too sure about this one..

    Everything is still open to change if you have any complaints, just feel free to tell me.
  4. Yeah it's actually an opaque stroke but I kinda needed it to soften the edges a bit. Fixed the underline a bit and I'm a noob and didn't noticed I didnt crop properly, fixed.
  5. ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/CitoCide/rozima.png)

    I wanted to give a shot at it..sorry, I tried -_-;;

    Edit: Without image.
  6. You know, there's a lot of community forums out there so first impressions are going to be important. If you really want an active community, you need to do more than just advertise your forum. It takes a lot of work and dedication before it can spring off on its own. Like, I looked around a bit and I have no idea what's the purpose of your forum so there's not much reason why anyone would stay.

    Plus your forum looks very default right now…and your banner could use some work.
  7. Yeah the shadow is a little off in FF too, don't know about the others though. It's a fine wordpress website.

    Just a few minor things I noticed.
    You should make the drop down menus sit right under your navigation bars, instead of sitting on top of it and overlapping and your footer text should usually be centered, right now, that area looks really empty.
  8. Seeing how your website is made, I can already imagine what your bedroom looks like.

    Organize the layout, make it consistent with the rest of your site, stuff is like all over the place on every page and I find every link a surprise, seeing what color combination will blind me this time. Pick a more better(consistent) color scheme for all your pages.

    Your code is all messed up too but I don't think I should be going into that..
  9. Nice graphics, I've lurked on these forums for years and it's refreshing to see some solid stuff every now and then. I just have one comment right now, your chopped trees, the color of the wood looks exactly like the bark, maybe change the color to replicate real trees.

    Keep it up, seen lots of promising games as elaborate as yours with good pixel artists/programmers abandon their projects. :/
  10. I got a few technical things I can share with you that you should consider to make your homepage better.

    * Your buttons could really use some css hover/hit elements.
    * Please add some css elements to your links, default is so horrid.
    * Change the font.
    * Use borders around your div containers; look at your forums for an example.
    * With the way your header scales with the browser, so does the content area and I have a 22" monitor and all that blank black space is really unappealing. You can fix that by reducing the width percentage on your div containers.
    * Make a shortcut icon for your site. It's those little things that sets you apart from other sites and makes it look more professional.
    * I see you tried to reproduced the diagonal pattern on your white bars but to be honest, it looks choppy and thick. Here's a link to a tut I made for a class that can teach you how to reproduce the pattern exactly like your forums. [http://courseweb.langara.bc.ca/tastysoup/2011/01/18/beginner-creating-patterns/](http://courseweb.langara.bc.ca/tastysoup/2011/01/18/beginner-creating-patterns/)_It's not the best but I'm too lazy to find one for you. Look it up yourself if you don't like it. :(_
    * **Your buttons could really use some css hover/hit elements**.

    Edit: Also, you should change the link to your forum's banner to redirect you back to your home page(not the forums homepage, theres already a link for that).
  11. The translucent one gives a more detailed look because of the over lapping layers of the water and cliffs so I think it looks better; plus gives a more realistic property to the water.
  12. The mouth needs to be shifted more towards the right because of the angle of the head, the chest needs some more detail like the pectorals and you could have the left arm appear from behind for the first orc. Overall it's really good for originally work, keep it up. :D
  13. Yeah I agree on putting more effort to your text and maybe trying to add some masking. A good site for sig tuts btw is deviantart. Chock full of different effects and stuff you can experiment with!
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