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  1. So, I'm working on making a game based off le morte d'arthur, the game will take place after the fall of the kingdom and the job of your character would be to restore Camelot from the wreckage that was caused by Modred, Morgan Le Fay, etc. I am having a little trouble thinking of classes though I was thinking classes like Way of Lancelot (Knight), Way of Percival (Paladin or Priest), Way of Merlin (Mage) If anyone could give a suggestion or advice it would be greatly appreciated
  2. and i just would like to know how to improve this is the first sprite i have ever done ![](http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd60/alexanderbenfoxy/Sprite.jpg)
  3. i have looked all around and i cannot seem to find a source edit that allows me to use my 64x64 sprites for players, yet this seems to be possible through editing the source. i was wondering if anyone could possible write a source edit that makes it so i can use 64x64 sprites. it would be greatly appreciated.
  4. how could i do it with the source i have done a few minor source edits but i cant find any good tuts
  5. I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but how could I make it so my GUI would switch between two pictures, like a tree blowing in the wind
  6. Thanks! I can't find the source edit for 64x64 player sprites though :( .
  7. Hi I just started using VB6 and I have a few questions when ever i try to run an .frm file nothing comes up in VB like FRMmirage.frm and i would also like to know how I can make 64x64 sprites possible for playing characters and 96x96 sprites for npcs thanks in advance
  8. oh yeah the spell animation one? I just saw that and I am about to use it thanks
  9. How could I do that I have just started to learn how to script and I am not good yet.
  10. I don't want to make a game with just the attack, attack, attack attack and maybe a spell thrown in there. What would make the battle system more interesting and make the player feel like they were more involved in the game?
  11. is it possible to make it so that a fog goes over the thing being attacked like when you are critically hit in wow? thanks in advance
  12. The humans could see the animals just not the form they take when they are possessed by whatever the dark thing will be the possessed beings can only do harm to the things that can see it and that is nature and crops are part of nature
  13. Well, I have decided that I don't want to have humans in the game. It would conflict with the fact that the humans cannot see the magical armor and the animals and monsters that have been possessed by some dark magic. You would do quests for the humans that would be like, the human's crops are being destroyed by something they cannot see. The story will go like: Mother earth has been infected with some dark something. Because of animals connection to the earth, they are the only ones who can save it from this dark something. With Mother Earth's last power she gives tools to the animals so they can save her.
  14. How can I expand the plot more than just Humans Vs. Animal? I was thinking cougar and wolf. And I don't have any ideas for humans. Also, how can I make it so that the people can change the color of the animal in the character customization screen?
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