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Everything posted by kerii

  1. kerii


    You'll need to get a Mc'Job and work for a few months to get that kind of scratch.
  2. kerii


    I fixed a friend's computer and I've gotten free food where they work since. :D
  3. kerii

    Who's coolest?

    You'll have to be on the next one. :D (everyone but gwen and DDunit will die)
  4. kerii


    You could sell some stuff on ebay.
  5. kerii

    Who's coolest?

    Yeah I just kinda stumbled upon it one day during "the word" and I've been hooked on it since.
  6. kerii

    The 90s

    Fixed the link. :D Anyone else rember any good shows?
  7. lol, that's only 73… wait no 74 :cheesy:
  8. kerii

    Who's coolest?

    *high fives Dr. Slime.*
  9. kerii

    Who's coolest?

    Only one of the best satirists In modern comedy. You can catch his show after the Daily Show on Comedy Central, provided you can get that channel. Either that or youtube him. Edit: Anna so you have a crush on Stephen eh?
  10. kerii

    Who's coolest?

    Kind of figured that would happen. I'll go double check the spellings. I suck at spelling anyways. One letter off in both, I've really got to look over what I type before I hit submit.
  11. kerii

    Who's coolest?

    I've not been active the whole time I've been a member. :D
  12. kerii

    Who's coolest?

    Sorry, but I don't know you well enough. :D I promise to put you on the next poll.
  13. :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: 72
  14. kerii

    Who's coolest?

    Mr. Freeze doesn't count. Funny reference though. :D
  15. kerii

    The 90s

    ![](http://www.nickelodeon.com.au/downloads/Wallpapers/Angry%20Beavers/angry-beavers3_1024x768.jpg) I liked this one a little better. :D I think I just loved Norbert and his secret lab. Spoot. edit(I'm so scatterbrained, I forgot the /)
  16. kerii

    Who's coolest?

    Ok guys I think I've got a pretty good line up, and it should be pretty hard to choose who you think is the best. The poll ends in Five days so get those votes in.
  17. kerii

    The 90s

    I've seen the game in action and it's pretty fun. Speaking of games like that. Simcity
  18. kerii

    The 90s

    Lol people are still playing that one today.
  19. kerii

    The 90s

    I think that was there really were only two games that people played on there.
  20. kerii

    The 90s

    I never even heard of those. :D Pokemon has got to be on the list. (No one kill me) I remember watching the news and they were talking about how people were lined up for blocks to see the pokemon movie.
  21. kerii

    The 90s

    Wow 93 again. Games have come a long way sinc then. Crash Bandicoot- Ah the PS1
  22. kerii

    The 90s

    Doom? Elaborate please? As in the game?
  23. kerii

    The 90s

    Nice Godlord, I mean Dr. House.
  24. kerii

    The 90s

    Pogs-early to late 90s- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was probably one of the best games to come out in the 90s. Didn't Final Fantasy VII come out around that time too? Grunge was ok, it was all thanks to Nirvana.
  25. kerii

    The 90s

    The rules of this game are simple. If you post you have to say something that happened or came out in the 90s if you fail to do so you lose. :D Nintendo 64\.
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