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Everything posted by Mitus

  1. my game here very disorganized kkk :P more is good :D
  2. **FullScreen Mode (FIXED)** TESTED = OK System use resolution in game 800x600(_costumize_) changing you screen of windows _**OBS**: Have problem for use map editor in full screen_ I need create menus for use fullscreen "on" "off" in next version of code **–--- Client -----** **1*** Go to "frmMainGame" in objects(graphical) And Change form to 800x600 and **BorderStyle** = 0-None **StarUpPosition** = 2-CenterScreen **WindowState** = 2-Maximized **2*** Go to "modConstants" and find ``` ' running at the same time will be allowed to access the screen as well. Call DD.SetCooperativeLevel(frmMainGame.hWnd, DDSCL_NORMAL) ``` And add below ``` Call DD.SetDisplayMode(800, 600, 16, 0, DDSDM_DEFAULT) ``` END **–--- Recomendation(Not Requeriment) -----** Is good change frmMenu too BorderStyle = 0-None StarUpPosition = 2-CenterScreen WindowState = 2-Maximized ;)
  3. (1/10) easy :P **Credits** _Eclipse Origins - Autoupdater Created by: Robin Perris Website: freemmorpgmaker.com_ **Requeriment** _unrar.dll in you client folder_ **Client-Side** Requeriment Components Go menu project in VB and components or Ctrl+T Add components MSINET.OCX Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 6.0(SP6) **1* –-------- Create** Create new Module and named "modUnrar" And Add in new module ``` Option Explicit Private Const ERAR_END_ARCHIVE As Byte = 10 Private Const ERAR_NO_MEMORY As Byte = 11 Private Const ERAR_BAD_DATA As Byte = 12 Private Const ERAR_BAD_ARCHIVE As Byte = 13 Private Const ERAR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT As Byte = 14 Private Const ERAR_EOPEN As Byte = 15 Private Const ERAR_ECREATE As Byte = 16 Private Const ERAR_ECLOSE As Byte = 17 Private Const ERAR_EREAD As Byte = 18 Private Const ERAR_EWRITE As Byte = 19 Private Const ERAR_SMALL_BUF As Byte = 20 Private Const RAR_OM_LIST As Byte = 0 Private Const RAR_OM_EXTRACT As Byte = 1 Private Const RAR_SKIP As Byte = 0 Private Const RAR_TEST As Byte = 1 Private Const RAR_EXTRACT As Byte = 2 Private Const RAR_VOL_ASK As Byte = 0 Private Const RAR_VOL_NOTIFY As Byte = 1 Public Enum RarOperations OP_EXTRACT = 0 OP_TEST OP_LIST End Enum Private Type RARHeaderData ArcName As String * 260 FileName As String * 260 Flags As Long PackSize As Long UnpSize As Long HostOS As Long FileCRC As Long FileTime As Long UnpVer As Long Method As Long FileAttr As Long CmtBuf As String CmtBufSize As Long CmtSize As Long CmtState As Long End Type Private Type RAROpenArchiveData ArcName As String OpenMode As Long OpenResult As Long CmtBuf As String CmtBufSize As Long CmtSize As Long CmtState As Long End Type Private Declare Function RAROpenArchive Lib "unrar.dll" (ByRef ArchiveData As RAROpenArchiveData) As Long Private Declare Function RARCloseArchive Lib "unrar.dll" (ByVal hArcData As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RARReadHeader Lib "unrar.dll" (ByVal hArcData As Long, ByRef HeaderData As RARHeaderData) As Long Private Declare Function RARProcessFile Lib "unrar.dll" (ByVal hArcData As Long, ByVal Operation As Long, ByVal DestPath As String, ByVal DestName As String) As Long Private Declare Sub RARSetChangeVolProc Lib "unrar.dll" (ByVal hArcData As Long, ByVal Mode As Long) Private Declare Sub RARSetPassword Lib "unrar.dll" (ByVal hArcData As Long, ByVal Password As String) Public Sub RARExecute(ByVal Mode As RarOperations, ByVal RarFile As String, Optional ByVal Password As String) ' Description:- ' Extract file(s) from RAR archive. ' Parameters:- ' Mode = Operation to perform on RAR Archive ' RARFile = RAR Archive filename ' sPassword = Password (Optional) Dim lHandle As Long Dim iStatus As Integer Dim uRAR As RAROpenArchiveData Dim uHeader As RARHeaderData Dim sStat As String, Ret As Long uRAR.ArcName = RarFile uRAR.CmtBuf = Space(16384) uRAR.CmtBufSize = 16384 If Mode = OP_LIST Then uRAR.OpenMode = RAR_OM_LIST Else uRAR.OpenMode = RAR_OM_EXTRACT End If lHandle = RAROpenArchive(uRAR) If uRAR.OpenResult 0 Then Kill RarFile OpenError uRAR.OpenResult, RarFile End If If Password "" Then RARSetPassword lHandle, Password If (uRAR.CmtState = 1) Then MsgBox uRAR.CmtBuf, vbApplicationModal + vbInformation, "Comment" iStatus = RARReadHeader(lHandle, uHeader) Do Until iStatus 0 sStat = Left(uHeader.FileName, InStr(1, uHeader.FileName, vbNullChar) - 1) Select Case Mode Case RarOperations.OP_EXTRACT Ret = RARProcessFile(lHandle, RAR_EXTRACT, "", uHeader.FileName) Case RarOperations.OP_TEST Ret = RARProcessFile(lHandle, RAR_TEST, "", uHeader.FileName) Case RarOperations.OP_LIST Ret = RARProcessFile(lHandle, RAR_SKIP, "", "") End Select If Ret = 0 Then ProcessError Ret End If iStatus = RARReadHeader(lHandle, uHeader) Loop If iStatus = ERAR_BAD_DATA Then MsgBox "File header broken", vbCritical DestroyUpdater End If RARCloseArchive lHandle End Sub ' Error handling Private Sub OpenError(ErroNum As Long, ArcName As String) Dim erro As String Select Case ErroNum Case ERAR_NO_MEMORY erro = "Not enough memory" GoTo errorbox Case ERAR_EOPEN: erro = "Cannot open " & ArcName GoTo errorbox Case ERAR_BAD_ARCHIVE: erro = ArcName & " is not RAR archive" GoTo errorbox Case ERAR_BAD_DATA: erro = ArcName & ": archive header broken" GoTo errorbox End Select Exit Sub errorbox: MsgBox erro, vbCritical DestroyUpdater End Sub Private Sub ProcessError(ErroNum As Long) Dim erro As String Select Case ErroNum Case ERAR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT erro = "Unknown archive format" GoTo errorbox Case ERAR_BAD_ARCHIVE: erro = "Bad volume" GoTo errorbox Case ERAR_ECREATE: erro = "File create error" GoTo errorbox Case ERAR_EOPEN: erro = "Volume open error" GoTo errorbox Case ERAR_ECLOSE: erro = "File close error" GoTo errorbox Case ERAR_EREAD: erro = "Read error" GoTo errorbox Case ERAR_EWRITE: erro = "Write error" GoTo errorbox Case ERAR_BAD_DATA: erro = "CRC error" GoTo errorbox End Select Exit Sub errorbox: MsgBox erro, vbCritical DestroyUpdater End Sub ``` **2* –-------- In modGeneral** Find ``` Public DX7 As New DirectX7 ' Master Object, early binding ``` and add below one line ``` ' file host Private UpdateURL As String ' stores the variables for the version downloaders Private VersionCount As Long ``` Find "Public Sub Main()" and find ``` ' Reset values Ping = -1 ``` and add below one line ``` If Not FileExists(App.Path & "\Data Files\updaterInfo.ini") Then DestroyUpdater UpdateURL = GetVar(App.Path & "\Data Files\updaterInfo.ini", "UPDATER", "updateURL") ``` Next find "Public Function isStringLegal" and add below of sub New subs ``` Public Sub DestroyUpdater() ' kill temp files If FileExists(App.Path & "\tmpUpdate.ini") Then Kill App.Path & "\tmpUpdate.ini" ' end updater Unload frmMenu End End Sub Public Sub Update() Dim CurVersion As Long Dim FileName As String Dim I As Long AddProgress "Connecting to server..." ' get the file which contains the info of updated files DownloadFile UpdateURL & "/update.ini", App.Path & "\tmpUpdate.ini" AddProgress "Connected to server!" AddProgress "Retrieving version information." ' read the version count VersionCount = GetVar(App.Path & "\tmpUpdate.ini", "FILES", "Versions") ' check if we've got a current client version saved If FileExists(App.Path & "\Data Files\version.ini") Then CurVersion = GetVar(App.Path & "\Data Files\version.ini", "UPDATER", "CurVersion") Else CurVersion = 0 End If ' are we up to date? If CurVersion < VersionCount Then ' make sure it's not 0! If CurVersion = 0 Then CurVersion = 1 ' loop around, download and unrar each update For I = CurVersion To VersionCount ' let them know! AddProgress "Downloading version " & I & "." FileName = "version" & I & ".rar" ' set the download going through inet DownloadFile UpdateURL & "/" & FileName, App.Path & "\" & FileName ' us the unrar.dll to extract data RARExecute OP_EXTRACT, FileName ' kill the temp update file Kill App.Path & "\" & FileName ' update the current version PutVar App.Path & "\Data Files\version.ini", "UPDATER", "CurVersion", Str(I) ' let them know! AddProgress "Version " & I & " installed." Next ' let them know the update has finished AddProgress "" AddProgress "Update Complete!" AddProgress "You can now exit the updater.", False AddProgress "" Else ' they're at the correct version, or perhaps higher! AddProgress "" AddProgress "You are completely up to date!" AddProgress "You can now exit the updater.", False AddProgress "" frmMenu.cmdEnter.Visible = True End If End Sub Public Sub AddProgress(ByVal sProgress As String, Optional ByVal newline As Boolean = True) ' add a string to the textbox on the form frmMenu.txtProgress.text = frmMenu.txtProgress.text & sProgress If newline = True Then frmMenu.txtProgress.text = frmMenu.txtProgress.text & vbNewLine End Sub Private Sub DownloadFile(ByVal URL As String, ByVal FileName As String) Dim fileBytes() As Byte Dim fileNum As Integer On Error GoTo DownloadError ' download data to byte array fileBytes() = frmMenu.inetDownload.OpenURL(URL, icByteArray) fileNum = FreeFile Open FileName For Binary Access Write As #fileNum ' dump the byte array as binary Put #fileNum, , fileBytes() Close #fileNum Exit Sub DownloadError: MsgBox Err.Description End Sub ``` **3* –-------- modDatabase** Find "Public Function FileExist" And add below sub new sub ``` Public Function FileExists(ByVal FileName As String, Optional RAW As Boolean = False) As Boolean If LenB(Dir(FileName)) > 0 Then FileExists = True End Function ```OBS: Need add new Public FUnction FileExist**"S"** not use "Public Function FileExist" Next **4* –-------- frmMenu** in frmMenu find ``` Dim AlignText As Integer Me.Show ``` and add below one line ``` AddProgress "Welcome to the Eclipse Origins autoupdater." AddProgress "Press 'Connect' to update your client." AddProgress "" ' call the update sub Update ``` in frmMenu below sub Form_Load Add below sub, new sub ``` Private Sub cmdEnter_Click() picUpdate.Visible = False End Sub ``` **5* –-------- frmMainGame** In frmMainGame, find "Private Sub imgExit_Click()" in sub find ``` txtChat.text = vbNullString ``` and add below one line ``` frmMenu.picUpdate.Visible = False ``` **6* –-------- Edit frmMenu** Now here is ghaphics you modifique for you preferences 1 - Create new PictureBox, full size of frmMenu or not you prefence and give name "picUpdate" 2 - In new PictureBox, create textBox and give name "txtProgress" in properties of textbox change * Locked for True * Multiline for True * ScrollBars for 2 - Vertical 3 - In new PictureBox, create Inet 'you new component and give name "inetDownload" 4 - In new PictureBox, create CommandButton and give name "cmdEnter" **7* –-------- INI Files** In folder "\Data Files" create a ini file name "updaterInfo" And add ``` [UPDATER] updateURL= http://yousite/update ``` **Server-Side** Now is for you site or folder Create in folder update ini file name "update" And add ``` [FILES] versions=1 version1=version1.rar ``` **Exemple** _[FILES] versions=3 version1=version1.rar version2=version2.rar version3=version3.rar etc._ –------------------------------- **Now is Done :D** SORRY ME ENGLISH NOT IS GOOD :S
  4. simple solution delete all maps server and client and change in server in modConstants change ``` Public Const MAX_MAPX As Byte = 14 Public Const MAX_MAPY As Byte = 11 ``` to ``` Public Const MAX_MAPX As Byte = 24 Public Const MAX_MAPY As Byte = 18 ```
  5. Mitus

    Arrow Var

    Yeh Tnx more now i need cofigure for accept new code ;) ``` Arrows(I).Range = GetVar(FileName, "Arrow" & I, "ArrowRange") ```
  6. Mitus

    Arrow Var

    I need help for code maker exemple **Correct code** Call PutVar(App.Path & "\Arrows.ini", "Arrow" & I, "ArrowRange", 0) in .ini ArrowRange=0 I need edit to Call PutVar(App.Path & "\Arrows.ini", "Arrow" & I, "ArrowRange", 0,0,0,0,0) for my ini ArrowRange=0,0,0,0,0 i need use " , " in .ini Is posible? yeh @Psiworld(GM): > I think if you use > ``` > Call PutVar(App.Path & "\Arrows.ini", "Arrow" & I, "ArrowRange", "0,0,0,0,0") > > ``` > done > ``` > Arrows(I).Range = Val(GetVar(FileName, "Arrow" & I, "ArrowRange")) > ``` > Thx Psiworld(GM)
  7. Mitus

    Help in connection

    I need help for use the code in down, i need use whats connection? for compatibilit the files "file.ODBC and file.MDB" sorry me english not is good ``` Public dbConnection As ADODB.Connection Public dbRecordset As ADODB.Recordset Public Sub tuniusConnection() Set dbConnection = New Connection Set dbRecordset = New Recordset dbConnection.CursorLocation = adUseClient dbConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\Database\dbTunius.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" dbRecordset.CursorLocation = adUseClient dbRecordset.CursorType = adOpenDynamic dbConnection.Open dbConnection End Sub ```
  8. Mitus

    Picture Buttons

    I need help in code for maker buttons Code is me frmStable and give error on client close, the code is incomplet ? ``` Private Sub PicRefresh_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) PicRefresh.Picture = LoadPicture("GUI\Buttons\Normal_Refresh.gif") End Sub Private Sub PicRefresh_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) PicRefresh.Picture = LoadPicture("GUI\Buttons\Down_Refresh.gif") End Sub ``` sorry my english not is good
  9. Hehe my game guis :P, i love the style ;) Loading ![](http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/1439/screenshot005h.png) Mainmenu ![](http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/5769/screenshot001a.png) Login ![](http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/3876/screenshot002.png) Characters ![](http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/3762/screenshot004.png) New Characters ![](http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/3691/screenshot006.png) In Game ![](http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/2967/screenshot007.png)
  10. @H.: > if you don't mind, Im gonna borrow these for 3.0 dev. Working on streaming GUI from the Internet. I need resoucer of guis 3.0 dev for create new :D
  11. Mitus 2.0 Full For EE2.7 I Finish Guis Free for all The based on Essence buttons and bars Violation of TOS as I heard. -HM _Buttons and Bars by Robin of Essence Eclipse GUIs Creation by Mitus_
  12. @УvøgêÑ: > [IG] link=topic=36836.msg381642#msg381642 date=1235369928] > The skull frame is actually taken from an old commercial game, im just trying to remember the name of it…. "MM" Skull Forged, remembers to you
  13. Give me note to Main Menu Custumze to of my game I need Avaliable my GUIS for use or not! Tnx ;) Edited 1.0 - i disable imagen for have buttons of essence ![](http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/847c51457b.gif) 2.0 - New Image basead of my windows theme ![](http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/4baaded36c.gif) "Tnx All"
  14. Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition and Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition not is for explipse You need VB6
  15. Mitus

    LenB Help plz

    Tnx All ;) i use VB6 Close Topic
  16. Mitus

    LenB Help plz

    i install Visual Basic 2008 more problem again :(
  17. Mitus

    LenB Help plz

    VB6 is Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition whats name?
  18. Mitus

    LenB Help plz

    Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition i need install vb net ?
  19. Mitus

    LenB Help plz

    I need help to reapir the code Name 'LenB' is not declared. > 'UPGRADE_ISSUE: LenB function is not supported. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSExpressCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="367764E5-F3F8-4E43-AC3E-7FE0B5E074E2"' > If LenB(txtPassword.Text) < 6 Then > MsgBox("Your password must be at least three characters in length.")
  20. MainMenus Version EE 2.7 Hehehe More one sample Gui Mainmenu FREE **MM Doré** ![](http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/411/mainmenuzd5.jpg) By Mitus **MM Skull Forged** ![](http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/8166/mainmenuum7.jpg) By Mitus Upgrade?
  21. Mitus GUI Beta - Free My GUI Medieval Style, Version for TE 1.0 and EE 2.7 I made this up just now. Paint Still need to adjust much thing. (OBS: i not use gui) TE 1.0 - Mitus GUI 1.2 (60% Complete) Mainmenu [![](http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/7087/mainmenuot9.th.gif)](http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mainmenuot9.gif) Game [![](http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/674/gamerf9.th.gif)](http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gamerf9.gif) Loading [![](http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/3171/loadingyj7.th.gif)](http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=loadingyj7.gif) Character Select [![](http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/9601/characterselectms0.th.gif)](http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=characterselectms0.gif) Create Guild [![](http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/1613/createguildoz0.th.gif)](http://img116.imageshack.us/my.php?image=createguildoz0.gif) Credits [![](http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/4743/creditsbb5.th.gif)](http://img116.imageshack.us/my.php?image=creditsbb5.gif) Delete Account [![](http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/8122/deleteaccountzi7.th.gif)](http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=deleteaccountzi7.gif) Fix Itens [![](http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/8854/fixitemscz5.th.gif)](http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fixitemscz5.gif) Guild [![](http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/6096/guildvz3.th.gif)](http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=guildvz3.gif) IP Config [![](http://img387.imageshack.us/img387/2697/ipconfigam5.th.gif)](http://img387.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ipconfigam5.gif) Login [![](http://img387.imageshack.us/img387/5808/loginzf1.th.gif)](http://img387.imageshack.us/my.php?image=loginzf1.gif) Notes [![](http://img387.imageshack.us/img387/1170/notesid6.th.gif)](http://img387.imageshack.us/my.php?image=notesid6.gif) Player Chat [![](http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/2773/playerchatbn1.th.gif)](http://img116.imageshack.us/my.php?image=playerchatbn1.gif) Trade [![](http://img387.imageshack.us/img387/9936/tradern4.th.gif)](http://img387.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tradern4.gif) EE 2.7 - Mitus GUI 1.0 (2% Complete) 800x600 [![](http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/8153/800x600aw4.th.jpg)](http://img255.imageshack.us/my.php?image=800x600aw4.jpg) Mainmenu [![](http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/8648/mainmenufj1.th.jpg)](http://img255.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mainmenufj1.jpg) –---------------------------------------------------------------------- See my tutorial create borders [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=36544.0](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=36544.0) –---------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits by Mitus
  22. **Tutorial Borders Style - By Mitus** Simple Tutorial to create borders using paint and pixes… OBS: Salve all projec in Bitmap 24bits, when only finish it saves with the desired format. 1* COLOR SELECT First we choose the colors for edge " I recommend colors that combines with the game graphics"; later we create a graduation of colors to facilitate the creation of the edges Example: [![](http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/9060/colorsup3.png)](http://imageshack.us) 2* RECTANGLE 1 it creates a black rectangle, later creates a line with graduation of color, wall lamp the colors in the rectangle(use pixes) and paints the black color interior, as well as in the examples Example: [![](http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/9683/b01ti5.png)](http://imageshack.us) [![](http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/7893/b02xw8.png)](http://imageshack.us) 3* RECTANGLE 2 it creates symbols in the center uses a little of the imagination lol, see examples Example: [![](http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/4567/b03cq4.png)](http://imageshack.us) 4* RECTANGLE 3 it creates the shades, it will choose a side for dark and the other for clearly Example: [![](http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/3175/b04zz9.png)](http://imageshack.us) 5* OPTIONAL If to desire to create tips makes a square as well as in the example Example: [![](http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/5505/b05uj1.png)](http://imageshack.us) Later it creates the color graduation Example: [![](http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/5240/b06dk8.png)](http://imageshack.us) It creates a symbol, letter or what to desire and to wall lamp the color graduation Examples: [![](http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/8938/b08sb7.png)](http://imageshack.us) [![](http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/2813/b09so2.png)](http://imageshack.us) 6* COMPLE After made these stages comple the laterals of the blank image, using select all and Copy Examples: [![](http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/7278/bfull1bankjn6.th.png)](http://img110.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bfull1bankjn6.png) FINAL EXMPLES Exemple B1 [![](http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/5592/bfull1bo5.th.png)](http://img116.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bfull1bo5.png) Exemple B2 [![](http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/2495/bfull2zq2.th.png)](http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bfull2zq2.png) Exemple B3 [![](http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/7191/bfull3bd2.th.png)](http://img116.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bfull3bd2.png) It uses the creativity and imagination Exemples exanding borders [![](http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/6180/bextra01rn0.png)](http://imageshack.us) [![](http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/5272/bextra02rk8.png)](http://imageshack.us) [![](http://img387.imageshack.us/img387/39/bfullextrado3.th.png)](http://img387.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bfullextrado3.png) SORRY I NOT SPEAK ENGLISH I is from brazil :P ALL IMAGENS BY MITUS Free for use! Admins Sorry if not post in the correct place
  23. hehehe :D, i edit more to hava hall comple guis :)
  24. My first GUI " mainmenu" Medieval Style I made this up just now. Paint and Analyzer :P Wait i go complete all guis and post here Mitus Gui 1.0 [![](http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/9840/mitus10mainmenubb9.th.gif)](http://img355.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mitus10mainmenubb9.gif) Credits: Mitus
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