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Capt. John

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Everything posted by Capt. John

  1. Thank you, these are awesome. Definitively going to use them. Just a small note, 433.bmp is missing. So it will only load to 432.bmp in Origins. I just took the last one and renamed it to 433.bmp.
  2. **Forty-Two** Story: > Long, long time ago, in a peaceful world. In a small village called Scap Village, there was a mad proffesor called Albert. Hes main goal was to invent things to help people in their daily life. > > One time Albert finaly completed his last invetion, he called it a "Robot". But no one belived him this time, after his pervious invention have failed, so the people of the villegae didn't belive him this time. So he wanted to prove them wrong, and show the people. > > So he turned the Robot on, but it was nothing as he hoped. The robot was horrible crazy, and hit the proffesor, he got thrown into the wall, and got uncoussious for a few hours. When he waked up, he saw his lab was complety broken. And he knew he had to stop the robot before it got to the village, so he ran as fast as he could to the Village. But when he arrived he saw the worst thing he could ever imagined. The Village was in complete ruins. But he couldn't see anyone anyplace. After that, the world changed, evil creatures started showing up. Killing poeple passing by. > > The world was no longer a peaceful place. All thr big main cities closed their gates, and started living isolated. And all the outpost's and village's, most people living in them went to the big cities before they closed their gates. And the rest started living in fear. The life was a bit easier for the Wizzard people, they had magic and could protect themselves with an invisible wall, witch the evil creatures could not pass. > > All-Out war broke out between the creatures and the humans, while the Wizzard was still living inside their invisible wall. > > After many years of fighting, the humans where close to an end. But some humans managed to get behind the Wizzard wall, and convince the Wizzard's to help the humans and let them pass the walls. So the Wizzard and Humans started an alliance. They where figting side by side. And after many years, they where not any closer to winning the war. The Humans is in great need of a hero. Not all hero's where able to prove themselves. > > The World is in a need of a Hero. Do you have what it takes to become a hero? Info/Summary: Forty-Two is an eclipse 2D ORPG game (Duh!). Forty-Two is not based on the film "Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy", eventough I plan on having atleast one event from the film as joke. I won't talk about that here, it's a secret. Basicly what you do in Forty-Two isn't more than what you would normaly do in ORPG, you do quests, earn money, and become either a hero or a evil lord who will kill just for the thrill of it. The Team Current members of the team: * [Capt. John](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=7908) Time Era: The main time frame is middle ages, but there might be some twist's. Gameplay type: This is mainly a Fantasy game, the maps are based on the mappers imagination, but however this will also be a fight between the good and the evil. Features: There will be lot's of features in-game, most of them is a secret to the public for now. But please note I know the basics of the scriptings, so I will be doing most of the scriptings myself. But for the current script status, look bellow: Complete list * Mining (Not Working) * Checkpoints (Working) * Global Shop (Working) * Shop NPC (Working) * Teleport item (Working) * Healer NPC (Working) Screenshots: This is at "De Ragan Entrance", also the only mining place avaible so far. [![](http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/2728/deraganentrancefortytwo.png)](http://img710.imageshack.us/i/deraganentrancefortytwo.png/) This is at "Wizzard Outpost", just a small outpost for Wizzard's during the war, now just a friendly little place full of magic and suprises. [![](http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/6972/wizzardoutpostfortytwo.png)](http://img51.imageshack.us/i/wizzardoutpostfortytwo.png/) This is at "Forek Village", this is probaly a main place for everyone, since we do not currently have any major cities. [![](http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/8207/forekfortytwo.png)](http://img51.imageshack.us/i/forekfortytwo.png/) Joining: To join the team, send a PM to [John](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=7908), with some information about yourself. What your good at, experience, previous game project/team. And why you want to join (that is optimal, but it helps if you really want to join) Extra: Offical Eclipse Thread: [Click Here!](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,56897.0.html) Temporarily webpage + dowload page: [Click Here!](http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=no&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fsites.google.com%2Fsite%2Fnorway174%2FForty-Two&sl=auto&tl=en)
  3. The client can't conect to that IP on the picture? If not, do you have Port Forwared? If no, go to PortForward.com and find your ruter, when selecting servertype, scroll down until you find "eclipse". And follow the next steps… [www.portforward.com](http://www.portforward.com) - John
  4. Darn, if I didn't just pack down my laptop I would have been able to give you my script for that, I'll use it to heal when youre talking to a NPC. But it's just the same commands in Onlvlup (Or something close to it) I'll give you the script I have when I get home from school today if no one allready have helped you :cheesy: PS. I made the script myself! :azn:
  5. What shading? There's suppose to be shading on a head? Gah! I dislike painting people… So hard, the one thing after another, it never get's done.
  6. Yeah, I messed up the eyes a bit… Didn't notice that before you said anything now... lol
  7. Thanks, here's my first picture… [![](http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/1154/gorillaphysko.png)](http://img718.imageshack.us/i/gorillaphysko.png/) Looks like some Gorilla Human Physko thingy…
  8. OK, I got a little team now… (Very little, two people + me) If anyone else wanna join my team, you should send send a request now...
  9. Updated 28.nov.2009 17:30 Capt. John World is no longer! I've closed it, plus I managed to fuck up the server to this game. But I do have a new game I'm working on. So thanks for all your help guys! If any admin would please close this thread, it would be nice :cheesy: As you see in the title of this Topic, I need Staff to my game. I need: Mappers Scripters What Script I need: Job Script. Quest script (That actually Works). My game title is: Capt. John's world Storyline: Well, I don't have a storyline yet… Website: [http://www.freewebs.com/captjohnsworld/index.htm](http://www.freewebs.com/captjohnsworld/index.htm) (Yes, I know it's freewebs, but I'm going to get a better page later) I so far have one admin, he's a good friend, but not a really good mapper, and I think he have no idea what a script is… (Sorry for saying this) Pictures:¨ ![](http://www.freewebs.com/captjohnsworld/apps/photos/photo.jsp?photoID=10999962) ![](http://www.freewebs.com/captjohnsworld/apps/photos/photo.jsp?photoID=10999963)¨ ![](http://www.freewebs.com/captjohnsworld/apps/photos/photo.jsp?photoID=10999958) ![](http://www.freewebs.com/captjohnsworld/apps/photos/photo.jsp?photoID=10999958) If you are having trouble seeing the pictures, go to [http://www.freewebs.com/captjohnsworld/apps/photos/album.jsp?albumID=2061204](http://www.freewebs.com/captjohnsworld/apps/photos/album.jsp?albumID=2061204) If you are interesting in helping me, just reply here, and I send you a PM with more information
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