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Everything posted by Aydan

  1. the ultimate truth though, sure i'd LOVE to use the Zelda name and graphics properly but Nintendo are serious bitches when it comes to fan games which is pretty stupid to be honest. So sure I'm gonna use them for a bit but eventually they WILL be changed. I have NO choice in the matter, I'm not going to do all this work and have it wasted because Nintendo don't like a pathetic fan game which is never gonna go anywhere anyway. *sigh* So like I said, for now I'm aiming to emulate how Zelda plays as close as I can using Eclipse and then when I get the C&D I'll just swap the name and graphics but keep the gameplay/style of zelda intact. They can't do a thing with that. Again it's a real shame that even if you make no money and slap the nintendo logo on the front and even put in plain sight that everything belongs to them they can still get you. In most cases it would have some under fair use act since you are doing nothing wrong in reality except using material which belongs to them even though you acknowledge that and even put it in plain sight. Anywhoo, enough text. I got some people to test the client with positive reviews and my port forwarding finally works correct so… win win eh? I'll post up a WIP progress when I get some more gameplay coding finished up.
  2. Expect a client download shortly. Nothing special, just a small little test.
  3. it's you and your pc's fault. No one else has this issue. So the bug has nothing to do with EO or it's code. If you installed the library files right it should work.
  4. just about every single 2d mmo ever made has been based from Mirage (Except FSO which is the only other i've seen). I think VBGORE was started in mirage before being ported? may be wrong there.
  5. lol i'm making a game using the graphics as a place holder . I'd love to use the graphics but nintendo would come down with the mighty hammer so why bother. I'm just emulating the gameplay of Zelda (sort of), but changing the graphics when the time comes I guess.
  6. LOL well it's a sort of… mess around. Nintendo willl surely wanna rip me a new hole. But untill then I'll carry on messing around using the graphics as nothing more than a nostalgia trip. I'm simply trying to emulate some of what made zelda so fun to play.
  7. Aydan


    To me MegaMan will always be them old cheesey but awesome NES games. All this new anime shit can gtfo.
  8. Oh hai. I now have like 5 full tilesets of zelda graphics. Fun times indeed. So I'll pop this here. The bars work perfectly too. each hit you lose a heart. I will modify it do include half hearts and whatever else in the future. ![](http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/8655/testhl.png)
  9. riiight i gotcha!! well someone might be able to help here later. We'll see.
  10. why would you even want this feature? it takes 3 seconds to make a tileset or w.e to be compatible and having the ability to choose any colour background makes life easier…
  11. yeah I understand THAT and in exodus, stopping death coming into the homes by paininthg blood on the doors from the sacrificed lamb or w.e yadda, but in the remake, the modern one, it stops the ghosts getting to them ;D so there.
  12. how does tape stop internet ghosts again? ;D
  13. Urgh pulse… theres MANY versions of that movie. As for 2 & 3 prepare ot be seriously let down.
  14. my posts are like a 7 year old because i drank too much tap water and am retarded. Case closed. :)
  15. Yeahhh I guess so. It's passed my bed time so I'm a little more random. Anyway back on topic, Did you add autotiles and the dynamic map animtions into the EO source yet? when you said "done" earlier I wasn't sure whther you were answering Amabards or just on about the features you also mentioned.
  16. You don't understand the undertones of my posts. A little on running gag between myself and Robin. Alas you have been t3h nubz once again. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  17. I'm 'Aydan'. That's what right I have.
  18. cats and dogs living together? mass hysteria? ;D Please lead me to the bible with that in there, I need a good laugh. Also, go watch Ghostbusters you uneducated fool XD get some culture in ya BOY.
  19. just change the gui completely. go pirate VB6 like everyone else does and mvoe stuff around, make it original. seeing games with the typical eclipse gui is boring.
  20. ![](http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/1239117/2/istockphoto_1239117-scientist-shrug-on-gray-gradient.jpg) LUL WUT?
  21. ![](http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/1239117/2/istockphoto_1239117-scientist-shrug-on-gray-gradient.jpg) wut?
  22. As I posted before: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes… The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! 'nuff said.
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