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Posts posted by damian666

  1. lol, its mine xd

    i allready have a thread around here with it ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
  2. hmm, ok, so thats out of the way.

    you are willing to make it english if you can switch between spanish and english huh?

    that should be do-able, let me try some stuff, and ill PM you if i get something going ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
  3. ah, well, it can be used if you edit the source.

    but out of the box no, indeed, its useless ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
  4. lol, you again xd

    ok, that line, on which it errors, what part is the error? see it by hovering over the respective variables, in this case

    Convnum and chatCount

    when we know what part errors, we can look further ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

    ps, i really hoped you would translate your game in english, think much people will play that game, its nice.
  5. ok, found it, your enumerations are waaaaay off, server has different ones then your client.

    to fix it, copy your server and client enumerations to your client, overwriting the old ones, then it works ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

    >! ' Packets sent by server to client
    >! Public Enum ServerPackets
    >! SAlertMsg = 1
    >! SLoginOk
    >! SNewCharClasses
    >! SClassesData
    >! SInGame
    >! SPlayerInv
    >! SPlayerInvUpdate
    >! SPlayerWornEq
    >! SPlayerHp
    >! SPlayerMp
    >! SPlayerStats
    >! SPlayerData
    >! SPlayerMove
    >! SNpcMove
    >! SPlayerDir
    >! SNpcDir
    >! SPlayerXY
    >! SPlayerXYMap
    >! SAttack
    >! SNpcAttack
    >! SCheckForMap
    >! SMapData
    >! SMapItemData
    >! SMapNpcData
    >! SMapDone
    >! SGlobalMsg
    >! SAdminMsg
    >! SPlayerMsg
    >! SMapMsg
    >! SSpawnItem
    >! SItemEditor
    >! SUpdateItem
    >! SREditor
    >! SSpawnNpc
    >! SNpcDead
    >! SNpcEditor
    >! SUpdateNpc
    >! SMapKey
    >! SEditMap
    >! SShopEditor
    >! SUpdateShop
    >! SSpellEditor
    >! SUpdateSpell
    >! SSpells
    >! SLeft
    >! SResourceCache
    >! SResourceEditor
    >! SUpdateResource
    >! SSendPing
    >! SDoorAnimation
    >! SActionMsg
    >! SPlayerEXP
    >! SBlood
    >! SAnimationEditor
    >! SUpdateAnimation
    >! SAnimation
    >! SMapNpcVitals
    >! SCooldown
    >! SClearSpellBuffer
    >! SSayMsg
    >! SOpenShop
    >! SResetShopAction
    >! SStunned
    >! SMapWornEq
    >! SBank
    >! STrade
    >! SCloseTrade
    >! STradeUpdate
    >! STradeStatus
    >! STarget
    >! SHotbar
    >! SHighIndex
    >! SSound
    >! STradeRequest
    >! SPartyInvite
    >! SPartyUpdate
    >! SPartyVitals
    >! SHandleProjectile
    >! 'ALATAR
    >! SQuestEditor
    >! SUpdateQuest
    >! SPlayerQuest
    >! SQuestMessage
    >! '/ALATAR
    >! SSpawnEvent
    >! SEventMove
    >! SEventDir
    >! SEventChat
    >! SEventStart
    >! SEventEnd
    >! SPlayBGM
    >! SPlaySound
    >! SFadeoutBGM
    >! SStopSound
    >! SSwitchesAndVariables
    >! SMapEventData
    >! SDoorsEditor
    >! SUpdateDoors
    >! ' Make sure SMSG_COUNT is below everything else
    >! End Enum
    >! ' Packets sent by client to server
    >! Public Enum ClientPackets
    >! CNewAccount = 1
    >! CDelAccount
    >! CLogin
    >! CAddChar
    >! CUseChar
    >! CSayMsg
    >! CEmoteMsg
    >! CBroadcastMsg
    >! CPlayerMsg
    >! CPlayerMove
    >! CPlayerDir
    >! CUseItem
    >! CAttack
    >! CUseStatPoint
    >! CPlayerInfoRequest
    >! CWarpMeTo
    >! CWarpToMe
    >! CWarpTo
    >! CSetSprite
    >! CGetStats
    >! CRequestNewMap
    >! CMapData
    >! CNeedMap
    >! CMapGetItem
    >! CMapDropItem
    >! CMapRespawn
    >! CMapReport
    >! CKickPlayer
    >! CBanList
    >! CBanDestroy
    >! CBanPlayer
    >! CRequestEditMap
    >! CRequestEditItem
    >! CSaveItem
    >! CRequestEditNpc
    >! CSaveNpc
    >! CRequestEditShop
    >! CSaveShop
    >! CRequestEditSpell
    >! CSaveSpell
    >! CSetAccess
    >! CWhosOnline
    >! CSetMotd
    >! CSearch
    >! CSpells
    >! CCast
    >! CQuit
    >! CSwapInvSlots
    >! CRequestEditResource
    >! CSaveResource
    >! CCheckPing
    >! CUnequip
    >! CRequestPlayerData
    >! CRequestItems
    >! CRequestNPCS
    >! CRequestResources
    >! CSpawnItem
    >! CRequestEditAnimation
    >! CSaveAnimation
    >! CRequestAnimations
    >! CRequestSpells
    >! CRequestShops
    >! CRequestLevelUp
    >! CForgetSpell
    >! CCloseShop
    >! CBuyItem
    >! CSellItem
    >! CChangeBankSlots
    >! CDepositItem
    >! CWithdrawItem
    >! CCloseBank
    >! CAdminWarp
    >! CTradeRequest
    >! CAcceptTrade
    >! CDeclineTrade
    >! CTradeItem
    >! CUntradeItem
    >! CHotbarChange
    >! CHotbarUse
    >! CSwapSpellSlots
    >! CAcceptTradeRequest
    >! CDeclineTradeRequest
    >! CPartyRequest
    >! CAcceptParty
    >! CDeclineParty
    >! CPartyLeave
    >! CProjecTileAttack
    >! 'ALATAR
    >! CRequestEditQuest
    >! CSaveQuest
    >! CRequestQuests
    >! CPlayerHandleQuest
    >! CQuestLogUpdate
    >! '/ALATAR
    >! CEventChatReply
    >! CEvent
    >! CSwitchesAndVariables
    >! CRequestSwitchesAndVariables
    >! CSaveDoor
    >! CRequestDoors
    >! CRequestEditDoors
    >! ' Make sure CMSG_COUNT is below everything else
    >! End Enum

    those are the right ones
  6. k, just make sure i can login this time please?

    i know your afraid of your items and other graphics, but when ya delete them, i get errors xd

    so make a test account or something that doesnt error ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
  7. its good you want to learn, but without the code in client and server, the enumerations are useless, i cant follow the trail like this.

    i need every piece of code, from the sub thats called when ya press the button, to the sub that handles it server side. thats why i said pack it up again xd
  8. now if someone could port this => [http://directx4vb.vbgamer.com/DirectX4VB/Tutorials/DirectX8/GR_Lesson07.aspthen](http://directx4vb.vbgamer.com/DirectX4VB/Tutorials/DirectX8/GR_Lesson07.asp) it would really be lightning ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
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