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Posts posted by Rhemsis

  1. Here's my first my first GUI.  This is the main menu for my first game 'Omnis'


    Please rate and give comments/suggestions. Thanks.
  2. Your welcome Banisher.

    XD no i did not come up with the sword on spot, I've had it on my pc for ages [part of a tattoo graphic I've been designing…and hope to finish one day :P] I just zoomed in on a section, CC rotated it 270* and made fancy effects happen in fireworks  :cheesy:
  3. I use a combination of Fireworks MX 2004 and good ol' fashion MS Paint.  You can get a free trial download of Fireworks MX 2004 _, and from there google becomes your friend in finding that serial number to your full version of Fireworks that you…misplaced._
  4. If you want to disable the night time feature but still keep the in game clock, edit your tiles10.bmp and change the solid blue square to a solid white square and it will never appear to be night in your game. Alternatively you can change the blue tile to different colors [apparently purple-ish colors work well, although I still haven't tested this personally.] I've been using a checkerboard of alternating black and white pixels, which creates an alright looking nighttime.  Also, remember whatever color/pattern you change your blue tile to, change the blue in the light gradient to the same color/pattern.

    As for the Quests, you'll have to script them, or to get a helping start in the right direction, I recommend the Script Index located on these forums.

    To make new classes Open Server>Classes and open the .ini files in notepad and edit the individual class files to what you want your classes to be.  Make sure you've set your total number of classes in your Data.ini file in the server folder to however many you've made, so that they all show up in Creation Menu.

    To Make NPC's Log into your game, and open the Admin menu by pressing F1 and select Edit NPCs and it's pretty simple from there. Once an NPC is created you can place it on the map, by going to that map, selecting map editor > map preferences and set your NPC to roam on that map, save and you've got NPCs

    To change the time, start up your server, and under the Control Panel tab, there is a whole time section.  In EE you can edit the time directly, however in TE I am only aware of the Randomize feature and not sure how to edit it directly.

    I think I got them all except for number 1, that's still eluding me a bit myself.
  5. It sounds like you have the same problem I had.  I assume you downloaded all the above files from the Eclipse homepage, as I did.  My fix came by downloading libraryfiles-1.exe from
    I installed those and voila!  I was running Eclipse.  Hope this fix works for you too.
  6. I was fooling around with the nighttime color tile and the best I've come up with so far is a checkered tile made in MS Paint with every pixel alternating between black and white. [You get the picture, although I haven't tried the purple shade mentioned above].  Its a quick way to make the game look darker than usual, of course I assume it is probably not the most appealing alternative.  If you do, do the checkered approach, you'll have to change the light 'gradient' graphics to all white, except for the blue [make those the same color as your nighttime square.
    Hope this helps.
  7. Thanks for the answer Reguba, the Custom option in the data.ini was exactly what i needed.
    Now that I've got the custom sprites does anyone know how to limit the parts between male and female?
    Thanks again.
  8. Hi, I've been using Eclipse for about three days now and have found just about every answer to my questions on these forums.  However, two questions I did have, that I have not found an answer to were:
    Can speech bubbles be displayed above the character? If so how?


    How [in EE] can I allow new players to customize sprites? I see the files labeled 'Bodys', 'Heads', 'Legs' in the GFX folder, but do not know what to do with them.

    Thanks in advance.
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