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Posts posted by goku1993

  1. well you can make it clear them when you're closing the server i guess?Give me a sec to look at the tut again and I'll modify this when I find a way (btw check the tutorials posts even if it's long you might find then fix somewhere there)

    nvm check below
  2. np if you get a problem somwhere else that's different then petdisband (you should be able to fix it by yourself) I'll help you as much as i can (I'm not really a programmer just know some vb6 and adding stuff to the engine is easy you really don't have to be a programmer to do it)
  3. in npcattacknpc dim petnum then petnum=Trim$(Player(index).Pet.SpriteNum)  then just replace PetDisband PetOwner, GetPlayerMap(PetOwner) with PetDisband PetOwner, GetPlayerMap(PetOwner),petnum

    exactly like before…

    just repeat the process till you add the last parameter to all the petdibands

    btw you can also just change it to 
    PetDisband PetOwner, GetPlayerMap(PetOwner),Trim$(Player(index).Pet.SpriteNum) 

    just don't like that way
  4. He's using the one in my post thing cause he wanted the item to get come back after petdisband that's all and i just forgot to give him the call for all the petdisband stuff but already wrote what he should do post above i think it should work fine, but i might be wrong i guess…
  5. ok try this:
    find Sub LeftGame and add```
    dim petnum as long
    ```then add
    petnum = Trim$(Player(index).Pet.SpriteNum)
    ```then before the last end if in the sub add
    PetDisband Index, GetPlayerMap(Index), petnum
    this should work

    since there are some petdisbands that i didn't see just keep doing the same thing i'm doing or just put a comma at the end of it and add: Trim$(Player(index).Pet.SpriteNum)

    for example like:
    PetDisband PetOwner, GetPlayerMap(PetOwner),Trim$(Player(index).Pet.SpriteNum)

    but would be better if you organize it and put Trim$(Player(index).Pet.SpriteNum)  in a variable like i did just now before, you should be able to fix all the petdisbands on your own.

    if you need any help ask me but i showed you how to fix petdisbands with three examples if you find more do like i did…
  6. Modified my thing sorry didn't see the other PetDisband try the code now? (no idea if what i just tried will work)

    oh and btw you can't del```
    Call TakeInvItem(index, itemnum, 0)
    ```from sub Useitem because sub use item is for all the items and if it doesn't remove the item when you click on it meaning that the item will not disappear (it usually does but comes back after unequip) but since you told it not to disappear 2 will appear (no idea if you understood what i just said but don't touch sub Useitem)
  7. You mean get the item back after using pet?
    I don't have the source so didn't test this but try:

    in Public Sub HandlePetDisband add```
    dim petnum as long
    then somwhere write```
    petnum= Trim$(Player(index).Pet.SpriteNum)

    PetDisband Index, GetPlayerMap(Index)

    and change it to

    PetDisband Index, GetPlayerMap(Index), petnum
    Sub PetDisband(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal MapNum As Long)
    change to
    Sub PetDisband(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal MapNum As Long, npcnum As Long)
    at the end of the sub before the end sub add :```
    Call GiveInvItem(index, npcNum, 0)
    go to sub PlayerWarp and add```
    dim petnum as long
    petnum = Trim$(Player(index).Pet.SpriteNum)
    then find```
    PetDisband Index, OldMap
    and change it to

    PetDisband Index, OldMap, petnum

    like i said no idea if it will work i did it right now but reading the tutorial but it should work unless i did a stupid mistake.

    Btw if you haven't read below i forgot a lot of petdisbands changes so each time you get an error concerning that just do what i did above(there are a few examples in posts below too…)
  8. to save the client all you have to do is file then save project.

    Make is to compile, meaning make the exe file of the client, when getting an error on compile it means that something is wrong.

    did you install the dll files? I'm not sure but i think that the RemoteHost function if in a dll
  9. Did you change the code you need to actually divide the map correctly? I remember there was a tutorial somwhere, i'll try to find it but you have to change max_mapy and max_mapx or something like that to fit the screen.
  10. in the code search for ' animated buttons  start there and change the values (if you added new buttons) and continue searching for the old buttons and see how it was added and add your own with it
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