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Everything posted by Jed

  1. 3-6 pokemon are needed for play. recommended 6 pokemon, otherwise you will lose because most people have all lvl 100's.
  2. this is for Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum games. all activity is Wi-Fi. when you sign up, you will need to post your friend code with your player name so everyone can add you.
  3. @Accceb: > **cool signature did u make it urself? :icon_music:** that is an off-topic post. and no, i did not make it.
  4. Twoallbeefpattiesspecialsaucelettucecheesepicklesonionsonasesameseedbun
  5. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  6. If it turns out that this topic becomes popular somehow, there should be like a subforum for it somewhere. OK! This will be the official thread of the Eclipse Pokemon League. This will basically be a tournament to recognize the top Pokemon trainer of Eclipse. Just so you know (as you all might already know) there will be a few rules to follow. breaking any of these with result with disqualification. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ECLIPSE POKEMON LEAGUE RULES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Do not disconnect if you are about to lose a battle. (Well, if you lost you won't be in anymore anyways so, eh, whatever.) This just proves to everyone you are a sore loser. 2) No hacked and certain Pokemon are allowed. This will usually follow for Pokemon that can learn most moves such as all moves or all combat or buff moves. –------------------------------------------- BANNED POKEMON --------------------------------------------- 1) Mewtwo #150 (Learns most combat moves) 2) Mew #151 (Can learn all moves) 3) Suicune #245 (Overused) 4) Celebi #251 (Learns 50/50 of Combat & Buff moves) 5) Deoxys #386 (Too high Speed, Attack, Defense. Only Normal Forme is allowed) 6) Dialga #483 (Can learn all Combat moves) 7) Palkia #484 (Can learn all Combat moves) 8) Giratina #487 (Can learn all Combat moves) 9) Arceus #493 (Learns all moves, too high of all stats) 10) Arnaca ---------------------------------------------------- Those are pretty much all the rules. There will be 30 open spots available for the tournament. Battle pairs will be chosen at random. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PARTICIPANTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1)SoiWilliamSoi 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) Any questions you have are freely accepted.
  7. omg i loved that book when i was like 4 or 5, i read it all the time, one of my all time faves.
  8. no because we dont want allies attacking each other. if you make that true then it would allow that, and we dont want that. maybe we could try = False instead of True
  9. it doesnt work. when i attack someone or an NPC, all it does is make the attack sound then nothing happens.
  10. no, i want 4 classes to be able to attack 4 other classes and not the first 4 classes they are a part of.
  11. ok, this gets confusing, i will need someone to make the entire sub for what i explained, and please PM it to me, because this will get very confusing after a while.
  12. well for the player death, go into the server side of your game and go to the scripts folder and open Main.txt. scroll down until you see this: > ' Executes whenever somebody dies outside of an arena. > Sub OnDeath(Index) > Dim MapNum > Dim ClassID > Dim X > Dim Y > > If GetMapBootMap(Index) > 0 Then > Call PlayerWarp(Index, GetMapBootMap(Index), GetMapBootX(Index), GetMapBootY(Index)) > Else > ClassID = GetPlayerClass(Index) > > MapNum = GetVar("Classes\Class" & ClassID & ".ini", "CLASS", "Map") > > X = GetVar("Classes\Class" & ClassID & ".ini", "CLASS", "x") > Y = GetVar("Classes\Class" & ClassID & ".ini", "CLASS", "y") > > Call PlayerWarp(Index, MapNum, X, Y) > End If > End Sub Right after the Dims, put this there: > ' Executes whenever somebody dies outside of an arena. > Sub OnDeath(Index) > Dim MapNum > Dim ClassID > Dim X > Dim Y > Playsound(death.wav) correct me if i am wrong anyone.
  13. where would this need to go in the attack sub? like where to put it? before the actual attacking?
  14. ok, i've been asking this for quite a while now, and i have tried the script myself. what this script does is allows players to attack certain classes, and the others it cannot attack. for example: Classes 0,1, 2, and 6 can attack classes 3, 4, 5, and 7, and vice versa. if classes 0, 1, 2, and 6 try to attack one of the allied classes, it should tell you something like "You cannot attack an ally!", but when the allies attack the enemy classes, it should work. the one major important thing is that i dont want the players to become PKers when they kill each other. i have tried soing this myself, but it doesnt work. here is what i tried: If GetPlayerClass = 0 Then If GetPlayerTarget = Class 0 Then Call BattleMsg(Index, "You cannot attack an allied member!" , BRIGHTRED) if you can help or make the script, thanx, and if you dont have the time or you dont want to make the script, at least help me. thanks.
  15. make sure that the grapplehook is set to both arrow and grapplehook, thats the only way it works.
  16. what version on EE are you using?
  17. @Marsh: > what version are you using, for the guards not attacking you and talking to you make sure they have at least 1 in every stat. the guards work, i just cant attack or talk to any NPC, i am using EE 2.7, and the client was working perfectly yesterday. @Steve/Alpha: > Did you try downloading a fresh copy and seeing if it works? > > Did you do any source mods? > > Scripts? > > -Alpha i downloaded a fresh copy about 2 weeks ago, and the only things i edited in the source were where the buttons were placed.
  18. okay, i encountered this problem when i logged in to my game from my laptop, and when i logged in, my character had the level up sign above it and wouldnt go away, and there is a red zero that just keeps flying upwards. i tried restarting the server and using the client on the server computer, and it worked fine. but i still had the problem with my laptop client. a few other problems i have are that i cant attack or talkt to NPCs, the animationm for attack doesnt show, and i can pick up items. everything else works fine on the server computer. can anyone help me with this? screenie for info: [![](http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/7092/gameerror.png)](http://img16.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gameerror.png)
  19. Jed

    Player Access Colors

    you could also use the color name instead of the color number. for instance: Call colorplayername(Index, BRIGHTRED)
  20. Jed

    Monster Graphic

    did you at least try googling it? but be more specific, are you looking for a sprite, a picture or what?
  21. Jed

    Player Access Colors

    or you could change the numbers of your colors. that would work too.
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