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  1. thats what i thought. thanks so much!
  2. I've been taking the first step to make a videogame for a year now by getting the concept down and am just now playing around with eclipse. So please excuse me if I sound like I don't know what I'm talking about, I don't have much experience with the eclipse engine! I plan on learning to code. From what I've seen by playing around the "src" folder has files using basic, However I've been learning python. So here are my questions: How much can I customize my game by altering the coding? Remember I'll be learning to code for the next year at least! What programming language do I have to learn and can I change any basic files into python files with enough work? Should I make my game with Eclipse or Andur for the most customization? These are things I've been trying to figure out for days. So Really detailed answers are welcome!
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