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  1. Hey guys, cananyone link me a really detailed sprite maker you have to download, i used to have one but cant remember what it was called, you could create any graphics on this program, anyone help?
  2. Well here it is. ``` Case 0 If GetPlayerLevel(index= < 5) Then Call Playermsg(index, "You seem to be too low level to pass through here come back when your a little stronger.", 12) If GetPlayerLevel(index= > 5) Then End If End If Call Playermsg(index, "Right you seem strong enough to pass. The toll is a Go if you wish...", 12) Call Prompt(index, "Are you sure you want to go?", 12) If Yes= Call Playermsg("Ok, dont say I didnt warn you.", 12) Call SetPlayerMap(index, 11) If No= Call playermsg(index, "Ok you dont have to go if you dont want to, I know i wouldnt", 12) End If End If ```Its basically a scripted guard for the first area if you aren't level 5 you cant go to the next area if you are above 5, you get prompted and then if yes you pay the toll and get warped to the next area.Can someone tell me what the command is to remove an item from a players inventory please so i can use it properly, I would guess its Call RemovePlayerInvItemNum but i doubt it is Also If there are any errors can you tell me please and then i will know for future reference, I'm pretty sure this one will work as its fairly simple compared to my last one.
  3. Its Basically just a simple buying script ``` Dim Item Item = "Weapon" If Item = "Weapon" Then Item = Item + "Armour" End If Select Case Item Case 0 If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index) = 1 Then Item = "Buy" Call Playermsg("You Bought a " & GetTargetInvItemNum(index), 12) Else Item = "Dont Buy" Call Playermsg("You Dont have enough " & GetPlayerInvItemNum(index) "To Buy That Item ", 12) End If ```As you can see i used Buy and Dont buy because i dont know the commands for them, but if you put in the real command would his script work? If not please correct it and tell me what it would have to be to work thanks :) Also if its not possible for this script to be used to buy something could it be substituted for anything else?
  4. Hey everyone, Me and my friend are making a game right now and are in need of a few people who will help us :) I am trying to learn Sadscript so i could be of help to the scripting and some of my maps are ok (i think) Anyway If anyone would like to help me create my game i would very much appreciate it Screenshot of map 1: http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/6659/map1oh7.png Screenshot of map 2: http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/9306/map2rr1.png Screenshot of map 3: http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9984/map3xh5.png Screenshot of Prison Map: http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/5732/prisonmapot3.png As you can see from the images i have put in a few scripts: Chests, Buffs, 2h Weapons (bugged relating to duel weapons trying to fix), Duel weapons and a few others. If you would like to help me make and code my game, Please can you PM me and i will send you a link to my client. People Needed: Scripters Mappers General players :) Thank you all for reading my Post.
  5. samdeath


    Hey i have a custom sprite i want my admin char on my server to have, its a stand alone file with the format of (1 = a sprite) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Anyone know how to add that sprite into the game so i can have it as my char without deleting all the other player sprites in the game? P.S. I know this is a nooby question but its been annoying me for a while
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