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Everything posted by king_god_killer

  1. The second one 7.5/10 cause its the original and it looks more like a side scroller game The first one wouldn't be good as a side scroller cause it just doesn't look like it would fit
  2. Also a couple of them look like they where saved in a weird format they look smeared or faded
  3. Krugah is the best i think and Manjyoum but they're all good
  4. Ping-Pong as in you have the paddles or pong?
  5. Ugh.. ok ill try to figure it out, thank you
  6. Gets: Poisoned Granola Inserts: Poptarts
  7. Is there a way to have it so If you have nothing on your hand equipped you stand normal but if you have a shield or sword equipped you stand different like arms extended when somethings equipped but normal when nothing is? EDIT:Also would this be a source issue?
  8. Wouldn't the system directory be C:\WINDOWS\system
  9. chatting wouldnt be messed up just type using the keyboard and just cause its tile by tile ive played games that are tile by tile that have gamepads i was talking about using the dpad for movement and like X for attk O for pickup items etc.
  10. Wouldnt you guys think it would be fun if we could play eclipse with a gamepad like a PS2 controller?
  11. im having some trouble registering Richtx32 it gives this error "DllRegisterServer in C:\Documents and Settings\home\Desktop\Ages of Fantasy\Data\Richtx32.ocx failed Return code was 0x80020801c" anyone know why this is happening?
  12. so if we already have a topic i can post the link in it?
  13. Is it considered advertising to post our forum on our recruiting center post?
  14. in my opinion they look pretty good but thats just my opinion
  15. Flyleaf,Linkin Park,Saliva,Jet,Etc.
  16. Well I was just wondering if it would be possible to let players or Guild Lords could make guild crests like pixel by pixel i was also wondering if it WAS possible if it would be able to be scripted source edit or both thanks in advance EDIT:Apparently not =(
  17. yoda would be pretty awesome if by yoda you guys mean SW yoda and i hate SW
  18. i was just wondering if anyone liked my GUI and please rate it ![](http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff342/cheezekakez/CostumMain.jpg)
  19. got it done now installing paint.net also thank you for the help
  20. im trying to get paint.net except .NET is installing slowly like taking like 1hr and 45 min
  21. well i was kinda wondering if there were any free ones that were kinda good as seeing im only 13 and photoshop is like 700$ at least the last time i checked it was and its really good except im broke
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