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Everything posted by sirsk8aton

  1. Change ``` With TmpColorKey .Low = TheSurface.GetLockedPixel(x, y) .High = .Low End With ``` To ``` With TmpColorKey .Low = RGB(255, 255, 255) .High = .Low End With ```
  2. Have you edited the hotbar in any way?
  3. I kinda have GW installed right now, for maps I haven't been on it has to DL all the data which is usually a lot.. I got a level 20 derv, I think they used to be called 130 dervs? (have 130 health and are great for soloing) To be honest I'm not really looking to play GW anymore, but I'd start a guild with you in GW2
  4. Ah yes, I could just have edited that function I suppose :P
  5. I'm most likely going to be getting this game. I'd be interested in starting a guild with ya.
  6. As Baron stated, the HasItem should do what it sounds like it supposed to do. Check to see if you have the item and return true/false. GetAmountOfItem clearly states what it's supposed to do and does it. Again, thanks for the input. All of you actually helped me do what I needed to do the right way.
  7. Thank you sir, and thanks for all the input :)
  8. Alright, made a new function GetAmountOfItem. It simply goes through all the inv slots and counts how many of the item are in the inventory, and returns the number it counted.
  9. That's very true, I like that actually. Would it be a better idea to create that function rather than counting in the HasItem function?
  10. There we go, just edited the HasItem function to check if the third parameter is not equal to 0\. Then it will count all the specified items throughout the for loop of all the inventory spaces. If the item was counted to match the itemamount parameter, it will return 1.
  11. Actually planning on doing that. I'll post it up sometime soon.
  12. What I'm trying to actually do is check for x of a non-stackable item. What I use this for in my game is for quests. Say you need to go grab 5 non-stackable items. The HasItem function can check if I have the item, but can not check for 5 of them in my inventory at one time. The function I made takes each item out of the inventory and counts how many it takes. If it's not enough for the quest I need, then it gives back the number of items it took. If it counts the number that I passed into the function(for ItemAmountReq), then it will return true, ending the quest.
  13. Lol @ JS Thank you, Chief! Looks very nice :)
  14. I think I see where you're going with this. I will edit HasItem and release it tomorrow. Thanks for the info on "optional" and such ;)
  15. Ah, hmm.. But HasItem cannot check to see if you have a certain amount of an item can it?
  16. Does TakeInvItem work with items that aren't stackable? Yeah, I believe your code would only work with currency. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  17. In EO, there's a function that will check if you have a certain item in your inventory, but not how many of that item you have(unless it's currency) This function will return the amount of the specified item. Please note this is not used for currency, use the HasItem function to get the amount of money you have. This will count each slot that the specified item is in and return that number. **Server-Side** In modPlayer, all the way at the bottom add this: ``` Function GetAmountOfItem(ByVal index As Long, ByVal itemNum As Long) Dim i As Long, counter As Long counter = 0 ' Check for subscript out of range If IsPlaying(index) = False Or itemNum MAX_ITEMS Then Exit Function End If For i = 1 To MAX_INV If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i) = itemNum Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next GetAmountOfItem = counter End Function ``` Now you will be able to check how many of an item you have in the inventory. Example: ``` if GetAmountOfItem(Index, 10) >= 5 'Has the item and specific amount Else 'Doesn't have all the items End If ``` If you have the amount 5 or greater of the item 10, it will go to the first comment, if not it will go to the second comment. Hope this turns out helpful to someone. Enjoy.
  18. Yep, but the other one is not in ModGameEditors, but I'll clarify anyway, thanks :P
  19. When you make a spell in the spell editor and save, then load it back up, it does't load the class requirement and you have to set it again. Here's a quick fix. **Client-Side** In ModGameEditors, in sub SpellEditorInit find: ``` .cmbClass.ListIndex = 0 ``` And just comment it out, like so: ``` '.cmbClass.ListIndex = 0 ``` Or you can delete it if you'd like. I don't know how this effects loading the class when there's another load function a little after this, but it fixes it for me. Anyways, there ya go.
  20. Another simple fix I found. Cooldowns for the hotbar don't show correctly. Here's how to fix it. **Client-Side** Find: ``` If Not SpellCD(i) = 0 Then ``` Change it to: ``` If Not SpellCD(n) = 0 Then ``` That's it. Now you're spells in the hotbar will show the cooldown effect correctly. Enjoy!
  21. Sweet! My entry: ![](http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/6821/contestzw.png)
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