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Posts posted by Xolani

  1. Here's a link to a screenshot I took of both the default paperdoll files for EA and the file I made and saved.


    File 1.png is the one I made which is completely covering my sprite even though I did leave the top pixel unedited. 2.png is one of the default paperdoll skins that works just fine and seems to be formated the same as png.1 which doesn't work 8P
  2. I'm pretty sure it should be saved to .png since when I tried removing all paperdoll items and replacing them with .bmp my client started crashing when editing items.

    Also the **default** paperdoll items in EA and "Some name here" (the eclipse versions I'm experimenting with) are all .png files and have been working.
  3. So I've narrowed it down to picking either the engine "Some Name here" or EA.

    I really like EA's GUI and larger screen size, but the events system occasionally will crash when editing it- this may be a problem I can live with if I save often.

    Some Name Here's pro's are that it is stable, fast and has individual tile animations through the event's system.

    > I like EA the best really it's fast and simple no mumbo jumbo stuff ! That's my opinion. Well just go with eo 2.3 I recommend if u don't like anything to big. I love EA just saying , but whatever.

    I've been warned that EA is a bit buggy, but apart from the occasional trouble with the events system it seems very nice. I know it's no longer supported but I like it, especially it's slick and unobtrusive GUI. Would you suggest against starting a project in it?
  4. Hey Chopsaw check out this version of Eclipse, I think based on want you want this may be what your after - [http://www.touchofde…ique-name-here/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/129958-eclipse-some-unique-name-here/)

    This version is based off of 2.3's event system so it is stable and intuitive. This version also features 8 directional movement, I think has click to move- or at least I'm pretty sure the dev is working on this (I know when editing maps you can left click to tele anywhere)

    This version is pretty noob friendly for those of us who don't know any programing (or havn't coded in vb6 in awhile like myself!)

    You might want to edit the GUI as it looks pretty awful imo, take a look at Eclipse advanced's GUI to perhaps emulate since it's nice clean and unobtrusive.

    Anyways check out the page to see it's features as Rob does a better job of explaining them then I would do.

  5. I've checked my file format and I have been saving them as .png

    It is puzzling, even if I copy an existing paperdolled item that works and rename it like "8" or such, as soon as I save that file without editing it suddenly the item's background becomes white. I've checked that it's format hasn't changed- and it hasn't so I'm at a bit of a loss as to what the problem is.

    I've tried this on a few different eclipse versions always with the same result.

    oh and I have been making sure that my 1st 1 x 1 pixel is white just like the rest of the background.
  6. It's a great picture, but it would seem a bit off to me with a retro rpg style graphiced game. PErhaps you can run some sort of filter on it to make it look more pixelated- like something that you made yourself in paint or photoshop.
  7. Hey would you consider adding one of the more detailed "Block" interfaces into the map editor, this is a feature in many other versions of eclipse that would be cool to have in this one.

    Also would you consider making resources like trees see through if you are behind them? I thought this feature was really cool in other eclipse versions.

  8. I've also had trouble with paperdolling and transparency. I tried having the top 32x32 pixels white like the rest of the background but the paperdolled tilesheet just completely covers my sprite. I noticed too when I go into one of the existing paperdoll tilesheets and try saving it as the same name without editing it it says -"do you really want to save? Transparency will be lost."

    I'm a bit baffled 8P
  9. > Ok… can we stop doing this after so many bloody years?
    > It's not great. It's not good. It's mediocre at best.
    > And it's not the amount of time you put in it, it's not about your skill as a map designer, it;s not the tile based system.
    > It's the fact that you're using a ducking decade (decade+) old tileset that everybody here and everywhere else knows and remembers in great ducking detail.
    > Think of it as sculpting in shit. No matter what magic you'll do with it - it's shit. And it stinks.
    > And sculpting in shit might be received as a symptom of retardation.
    > Don't take it in a wrong way mate, but my deeply rooted ethics prevents me from giving praise to anyone using RPG maker stock graphics. It's something that should be stigmatized.

    I found this comment to be quite stupid. Yes of course if you've worked with eclipse before you're probably familiar with the rpg maker tileset, but so what? If your making a game for other's to play it is highly unlikely that people playing your game will even know what a tileset is and if they do even more unlikely they will recognize where the tilesett came from. And even if by some remote chance your players have seen your tile sett well… again so what?

    The rpg maker tileset is a great set that's pretty versatile. I've been on these forums on and off for years and I still see new things being done with the same "old" tileset.

    Don't mind Kusy's comment it wasn't properly thought out.

    Anyway your map looks quite good.

    As a tip sometimes I like to add those little sprouts on the same tile as tree stumps or bases. Just pop em down on a lower level and it helps to vary your tree bases a little.
  10. Hmm, the ingame ui seems to take up a lot of the player's screen.

    I think your game's main page has too many different fonts and colors. I would pic one or two fonts to use for your whole game and find what sort of style and color pallet you want representing the game. For your intro screen I would have a perhaps a simplistic range of a few colors. I like the alchemy symbols, I agree with the ^op that it reminded me of Fullmetal Alchemist. Perhaps redo your title gui with lots of alchemy symbols in the background or subtelly embedded into the ui. You obviously have the skills to make a great ui from what I see above so yeah I'd listen to what other's have said too, and good luck making changes!
  11. Just a tip, if you don't want to scroll through 120 or so tileset pages it may be much easier to grab the map tilesets from 2.7 which contain all of the same tiles you are using but are all on 7 pages and then save them into your own game client>graphics>tilesets folder.
  12. Search online and you will find a link. Try to avoid torrents as they often carry viruses.

    Once you download vb6 when you have to enter a valid product key just type 111-11111 as this is the default key the company gives customers who lose their copy and so it should work every time.

    Are you running windows 7 possibly 64 bit?

    If so you might have trouble installing vb6\. I just tried to and the instalation wouldn't complete even after selecting that the program be win xp compatible.

    Has anyone with windows 7 64 bit been successful in installing vb6?
  13. This is something I'd be interested in doing as well- putting in animation layers like some of the other eclipse versions of the map editor.

    eh hopefully this isn't too bad a necro, but it's probebly still a relevant topic.
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