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Posts posted by Drummerpete

  1. April Contest - Pixel Art!

    Some people are concerned that the [April Fool's Graphics Contest](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,79029.0.html) isn't serious enough. Some people were interested in a pixel contest; I remember that some of the best contests were the pixel art contests held by Zoso a while back.

    So, with that in mind, I decided to hold this contest simultaneously with the April Fool's contest.
    I like to think of this as the "Official Contest", since it has a more serious tone about it.

    The contest
    Pixel art weapons! This is a particular favourite of mine because every past weapon contest, there have been some extraordinary entries. This weapon can be anything you want, BUT! It has to use the colour palette provided (see the rules below).

    - All work **MUST** be your own. You may NOT use someone else's image.
    - You must **NOT** copy someone else's idea.
    - Once you have submitted your entry, you may edit that image **UP TO TWO TIMES**. You must also keep the previous versions uploaded.
    - You upload your submission to **THIS THREAD**.
    - The colour palette to use is:
    (This palette was found on [this forum](http://www.pixeljoint.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=11299&PID=139392#139392). I did not create it.)
    - It must not be larger than **64px _x_ 64px**

    The **24th of April**. This means 3 weeks in to April. This is to allow time for lots of entries and not to intrude on the other contest.
    After this deadline, this topic will be locked and a new "voting" topic will be made in which all of the entries are displayed and people will be able to vote, via a poll.

    If anyone has any question or suggestions, feel free to ask! Good luck!

    _Don't worry, I'm not going to be holding any more contests this month.
    I am thinking of holding contests once a month from now on, varying each month. Next month, I was thinking of a writing or music contest, however, I'm open to suggestions._
  2. @Toshiro:

    > I thought that was the direction the contest are aiming for, originally. Seems it went the wrong direction though.

    Someone suggested an april fools contest, I immediately thought of funny pictures.

    In the future, I was hoping to have pixel contests, music contests, writing contests, etc…

    I figured this current contest would be really easy for _everyone_ to get involved. I'm hoping this will lead to more people participating in the future.
    That was the problem with the contests before. They kind of just quietly died off because there were hardly ever any entries.
  3. April Fool's Graphics Contest

    Welcome to the first, of what I hope to be many, contest on Eclipse.

    In just under one week, it will be April Fool's day. With this in mind, the theme will be…
    Humour, of course!

    So, what do you have to do?
    You must create an image that you find funny! This can be anything from a shooped photograph to a handrawn image of anything you want, as long as it's funny.
    Yes, it's a vague idea but that means there are less constrictions.

    - All work **MUST** be your own. You may NOT use someone elses image.
    - You must **NOT** copy someone else's idea.
    - Once you have submitted your entry, you may edit that image **ONCE**. You must also keep the previous versions uploaded.
    - You upload your submission to **THIS THREAD**.

    Probably the **2nd of April** so that you have a week to do this. However, if a lot of people need more time it may be given. It's not set in stone.

    If anyone has any question or suggestions, feel free to ask! Good luck!
  4. @Toshiro:

    > The main thing people want from contests is a prize worth putting the time into the contest. Most of the Eclipse contests barely had a prize worth contesting for. Would usually be something random, like name color changes.

    The prize is eternal glory. Who doesn't want that?


    > Any kind of contest would be great, I would join (except maybe writing haha).

    This is why English quality around here sucks.

    The April fool's idea would be quite good.
    Starting today and lasting for a week would bring it to the 2nd April. Does everyone think that would be a good time frame?
  5. That was a little harsh, anyway..
    You need to know how to structure a contest, it's not just a case of:

    I'd be happy to start the contest if I got enough people interested in participating.
  6. I don't remember the last time I saw a SOTW or writing contest. I think it'd be good to start bringing these back…
    The main problem was, especially regarding the writing contests, we would only have two or three entries.

    So, I guess I'm asking, what contests would you all be interested in participating in?
  7. @Zonova:

    > i had watched a lot of raven67854 videos on youtube. Here's a link:

    All his videos, I found, were about level development. That part is easy enough, it's just getting used to the level editor.
  8. @Mr.:

    > Isn't it jusrt c?
    > After a quick search it looks like a built in scripting language?

    Yeah, the UDK isn't open source, it has a scripting language.
    The problem is, none of the tutorials I found really explained how to use it. >_>
  9. @Frostshade:

    > Its not easy it takes to time to start a project with an engine like that.

    No shit. You must be Mr. Holmes.

    I'm asking for a point in the right direction to get started.

    I obviously came across as saying "OMFG IT TOOK MORE THAN 5 MINUTES TO MAKE GAME1!1!1!111!!1!!!"
  10. Just wondering if anyone has used the [UDK](http://udk.com/) before.

    So far it looks really good.
    I get how to add/edit maps and everything; what I can't figure out (after two days of searching) is how to edit gameplay.

    Any links or information would be helpful.
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