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Posts posted by Drummerpete

  1. Tables are "perfectly okay" to use in website design.
    W3Schools is endorsed by the W3C.
    All web pages on a server must be in a sub-directory, eg, only "index.html" should be on the root, where as an "about" page should be in a "html" folder.
    Comic sans is a good font.
    800x600px resolutions are still relevant.
    The web-safe colour palette is still relevant.
    CSS can take "years" to learn properly.

    There's more, but typing the above has drained my soul and lowered my IQ a few points.

    tl;dr: College sucks.
  2. As long as it sounds good, I don't care so much what the language is.
    For example, a lot of Japanese metal can be quite good, even if I don't understand a bloody word they say (only because, so far, I haven't heard "Bukake" come up in a song).
  3. Fucking about with Logic Express doesn't give you the right to call yourself a [producer](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Record_producer).

    The song itself is incredibly repetitive, boring and downright annoying.
    Did the drum loop change once?
    Did the melody ever change significantly?
    Did the backing change significantly.?

    It felt as though I was listening to it for hours.
  4. @Rithy58:

    > Same old Lenton. You haven't change, after all these time.
    > Anyway, As I said before, I thought this was like something we all keep adding to. Like, someone build the first floor and the second person add a second floor, the third person add a swimming pool, etc.
    > Sincerely,
    > Rithy

    I was hoping we'd end up with a neat little village, then a town, then a full blown kingdom.

    Ideally, I'd set up a server, but I don't have the bandwidth.
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