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Posts posted by Drummerpete

  1. I'm not saying it looks bad - I actually like it - I just think you should try to think out of the box a little more because these things have really been done to death and look like complete unoriginal.
  2. @Esmeyana:

    > Actually the list was a comment showing that there is a difference between now and 20 years ago.

    You still misunderstand me. You're listing a things that have changed in the past 20 years - NOT how happiness has changed. Yes, health, wealth, friends and family change. Conditions change, but criteria for happiness doesn't really change over time.

    Happiness to one person could be hell to another but it still doesn't change what happiness is.

    Do you understand?
  3. @Esmeyana:

    > Of cource it matters where you are from, I am sure I am more happy then a poor kid in Afrika.

    You misunderstood what I said.

    I didn't say everyone everywhere is happy for no reason, which is what I'm assuming you took my comment to mean since your reply was just a list of things that might make someone happy…
  4. @Esmeyana:

    > I own researches, but they are from 1990, I couldn't find newer, if you have newer researches I would be very thankfull.

    What's different about people being happy now than 20 years ago?
    Happiness is happiness, doesn't matter when or where you're from..
  5. Reminded me of this:


    > The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

    Want to remind you that Socrates lived 469–399 B.C.
  6. So sick of the fold-over on the left but I guess it looks alright.

    I'd add some space to the left of "home" but that's just me.
  7. @Pbcrazy:

    > How's that now?
    > @Pete: What exactly do you mean by semantic? Sorry, not one for vocab terms…

    Basically, it's mixing presentational information with the HTML mark-up.
    eg, having "class="span4 box"" and the like.

    The best solution I know of is the [Semantic Grid System](http://semantic.gs/). But, I guess if you're not that bothered about semantics it doesn't matter.
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