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gaming ace

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Posts posted by gaming ace

  1. @l0lz!:

    > Most of the character renders are out of focus on the signature, try not putting them off to the side and cut down on the premade brushes for your main effects. You just gotta be more creative with what you know.

    Alright, sounds good. Thanks
  2. Haha guess you could say so. Anyways here's a few more:

    DK v1.0

    DK v2.0

  3. @Tyr:

    > Guild wars 2 blow all current NCsoft games away. Aion was just a side project I guess. (In between GW & GW2).

    Agreed, GW2 looks amazing. Can't wait for that and SWTOR. Been a while since an mmo that I'd like to play has been released
  4. @Kreator:

    > @Mike:
    > > I would definitely join in if you went through with this, having a community for music would be fantastic. Go for it man, I'd love to see it happen. And also, "Expression on Interest" is probably one of the coolest names I've ever heard ;D Props
    > LOL thanks, I wasn't going to call it Expression of Interest. I called the topic that because it's for people to express whether or not they would be interested in a 'music forum' for learning to compose.

    Ohhh, haha god damnit. It all makes sense now, got it  XD
  5. @Harris:

    > Can you link the tutorial please. I want to make one now. :D

    Haha yea here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ-1T4CZUek


    > awww… his arm was chopped off...  :icon_crap:
    > that's the best one yet.

    Haha not really actually, hes just grasping a spell that he's about to cast.


    > Your shadows aren't nice at all. Do a black shadow which is even around all sides.

    Alright, will do.
  6. Haha don't ask me how I just thought of this, but anyways here's my idea. For all those guys out there who want practice and just enjoy pixeling, here's a game for you! Basically how it works it one person will pixel an item (helmet, plate, sword, axe, shield, polearm, anything), and then the next person will take his work and 'enchant' it in any way shape or form. Take that item and pimp it out  ;D Anyways, here goes nothing!

    Here's my item to start things off, I figured we'd start simple. There's even an empty socket on the hilt to make it easy for you guys  :azn:

  7. @Devo:

    > Unfortunately tutorials dont teach you how to make sigs, they teach you how to replicate 1 particular image often without teaching you the fundamental principles involved.
    > Other than that sig is ok, ive seen worse.

    Mm, yea gotcha. I see what you mean, thanks Devo. *Off- topic Btw, hows Genesis been working out for you??


    > It looks pretty good. What software did you use?

    I'm using GIMP 2.0.

    Alright I just tried making a new one, with a lightly different style to it, I really like it, but it could prrobably use some touching up in a few areas. What do you guys think?

  8. @Kinjiru:

    > Looks cool, very nice

    Thanks man.


    > There's nothing wrong with it, but I've never been a fan of that style. I find it quite generic. _Everyone_ has done a signature in that style, and it's getting stale.

    Yea I know what you mean, I was following a tutorial pretty closely when making this, so it turned out pretty generic. Now that I've gotten the basics down somewhat, I'll be trying some new styles and whatnot. ;D
  9. I've just gotten into some more graphical work making sigs and stuff, it's a blast  :cheesy: . Here's my first attempt at a sig, tell me guys what you think.

  10. Hey everyone, just recently created the Tales of Eberly Forums: http://talesofeberly.forumer.com. Feel free to register! The forums are quite empty right now  ;D I'd like to get a community going. Anyways, what do you guys think about it the layout and theme? Rate out of 10?

  11. Hey everyone! I'd like to announce that job opportunities are opening up for joining the Tales of Eberly Dev Team! I've been going at it alone so far, and it's proved that Tales of Eberly probably isn't going to turn out how'd I'd like it to without some help. To learn about Tales of Eberly you can visit the WIP Board (http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/board,480.0.html) or Forums (http://talesofeberly.forumer.com). Here are the jobs currently available:

    Item/Paperdoll Artist

    Experienced VB6 Programmer


    If you interested in applying for any of these jobs, please send me a PM telling the amount of experience you have in the area, the amount of time your're available, anndd 3 awesome things about yourself  ;D

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