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Everything posted by killerminx

  1. would this allow you to click on people and a menu come up?
  2. well i mean u can lock a player from moving and i want to be abe to use it on npcs
  3. im wondering cause the spells i use work on other players but not npcs so what can i do?
  4. i made one a while bk just wondering if i should want some feed back on the idea.
  5. Im thinking but would like a 2nd point of view before i do it. Out of theses creatures in order which do u think is the strongest -Horned Beetle (blue walking bug with a horn on the front) -Flying Bug (looks like a giant lady bug with creepy legs) -Little Lizard (little as in smaller than the beetle and bug) -Frog -Rat
  6. I need a spriter to sprite just a few monsters, for my game. Its nothing to difficult like i need a snake and bug, stuff thats pretty easy. Would like to have this done soon :D.
  7. Need ppl with knowledge of eclipse (please ppl with knowing aliitle bit) and knowledge about naruto to plan on some stuff. I have too manmy ideas and i need to dim them down. So id like a small group of designers basically, easy work all you'll do is when we plan to meet well all get on msn or aim which is better and well discuss ideas for my game. If your interested reply here or pm me. if we can't meet you can put your ideas here [http://narutolifeofaninja.webs.com/forum.htm](http://narutolifeofaninja.webs.com/forum.htm)
  8. Wondering because im making a script to make a clone of yourself but need to know how you would go about that.
  9. Im making a naruto game. About everyone knows this been doing it for months well now its time to have jutsus (spells) well all my spells will be scripted like it better that way. So i making a list of jutsus from the show i can use and some f you want to make up. heres what you dill out name- what it do- element- other- (any information you want to slip in ther) Also ill give you an example fireballjutsu spits a fireball at the enemy fire only for a uchiha character Anways there you go. So reply please could use all the help i can get.
  10. ok i need an explanation on how the stats ini works in server? for like hp and stuff
  11. is there a way to get the name of an item in scripting, like: call getitemname(index) or something need to know right away.
  12. i need the scripting command to call a bank?
  13. Its about scripting? I was wondering can cases cancle out eachother or something, like i have 3 versions of EE1\. one i script in the other i test in the final one is the one put all together. in test 1 my case0 doesn't work but case 1 does, and wen i put it in my final case 0 works but not case 1 there exactly the same….im confused. Also can script just not work sometimes even if there completly right. Like every thing last night was good woke up this morning and my skills no longer work.
  14. ![](http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s233/killermniko/menu.jpg) ok i need a custom menu so when u hit a hotkey this menu comes up.but i don't know how id go about doing it though. Need help.
  15. cause no matter hom many scripts i add to the bottom of my main they wont work how do i fix this ?
  16. Ive been working on my game for as long as…ah who knows...but i seem to cant get certain things to work. Ive studied scripting. I was able to place barons quest script in with ease. But ive tried for about 2 months now to get his skills to work, couldn't so i wrote my own fishing script it looked good but i cant get it to work either. I've been asking for about 3 months for a scriptor to help me for like 2 weeks and thats it. but no such luck. I cant finmish my game with out skills. So what should i do? wait longer for a savior.... uh just give up months of work and quit working on games... post my game with no skills and have absoulty nothing else to do in the game besides kill stuff btw heres my wip [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/index.php/topic,24967.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/index.php/topic,24967.0.html) heres my request of scriptor [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/index.php/topic,25234.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/index.php/topic,25234.0.html) heres my fishing thing[http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/index.php/topic,26719.msg229598.html#msg229598](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/index.php/topic,26719.msg229598.html#msg229598) so i just plainly need advice on what i should do?
  17. it won't get out of the intialising stage anymore it just stays in that. What is the problem? i shut the serever down for a sec.then turned it back on and boom won't work….
  18. i used parts of many scripts from eclipse and some stuff i made i need to see if its right ``` Sub Take_Item(index, number, value) Dim slot Dim taken Dim initial Dim final slot=1 taken=0 Do While Int(slot) < 25 If Int(taken)=0 Then If Getplayerinvitemnum(index,Int(slot)) = Int(number) Then If Int(getplayerinvitemvalue(index, Int(slot))) >= Int(value) Then initial = Int(getplayerinvitemvalue(index, Int(slot) ) ) final = Int(initial) - Int(value) If Int(final)
  19. so if something like this blah = man(1,2) Blah can only hold one number if im correct so what does it do to the 2 numbers add them subtract them, im confused….or does the varible hold it the 2 numbers seperate.
  20. On Attack Sub If GetPlayerDir(INDEX NUMBER) = 0 Then Call SpellAnim(1, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index) + 1) Else If GetPlayerDir(INDEX NUMBER) = 1 Then Call SpellAnim(1, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index) - 1) Else If GetPlayerDir(INDEX NUMBER) = 2 Then Call SpellAnim(1, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index)) Else If GetPlayerDir(INDEX NUMBER) = 3 Then Call SpellAnim(1, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index) + 1, GetPlayerY(index)) End If End If End If End If End Sub
  21. (i have degraded in knowledge for asking this) What is the direction number like what does 0 = down. I don't know which is which.
  22. Ok this will be the official eclipse cult. Its based off imagination not religion. So if you can make a rainbow shoot from your hands then don't bother joining the cult. I need to come up with a joining process…..
  23. theres this item bug that i really need fixed so im wondering have they fixed it yet?
  24. Ok, the person above you , you will have to turn the name into a wacky band name. ill do mine for example. Make sure the Username is in the band name. killerminx= The Killers in Pink Minx Coats :grin:
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