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  1. Hi, I'm using vb6 and I'm dynamically creating a series of pictureboxes. I'm giving them a background image, but the picture boxes change width depending on different variables. Is there a way to repeat the image inside the picture box? At the moment the picture shows, but once the picture box is larger that the image it just goes to the plain grey background. Any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks
  2. Is there a way of using the LoadPicture function to store the image in a variable to be used at another point? For example using something like this: ``` Beads(0).Image = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\gfx\bead" & i & ".jpg") frmMyForm.bead.Picture = Beads(0).Image ``` Instead of saving the image directly to the 'bead' image itself? I've been trying, but I can get it to work. Not sure if it's possible and if it is, I can't figure out what type of variable 'Image' should be (In Type Beads). Any ideas? EDIT: Don't worry I finally found the answer, by using a 'PropertyBag' which can be used to store any type of data.
  3. Not sure if this would be better of in this forum or the programming one, but here goes. I'm trying to set up the class().Name variable as an array, instead of a variable. I've changed everything that needs to be changed on the server (I think..) apart from the actual ClassRec properties. What I'm trying to do is this: ``` Type ClassRec 'Name As String * NAME_LENGTH
  4. In the map editor, where is the morality selection box getting the info from? I can see how it's receiving the data for what the map's morality currently is, but I can't figure out where it's getting the list of other options from. I can't find where it's getting the text for the options from either (presuming that it's receiving the data as an integer representing each morality and changing it to text to be displayed). I've searched for things like "no death penalty", "house" and "safe zone" but it doesn't find anything (On client or server). I need to pin-point where the data is coming from so I can add some things. I've been searching for at least an hour, maybe two, looking up everything I can think of and just can't figure it out. If someone who knows the code a bit better could point me in the right direction that would be very helpful! Thank you for any help!
  5. I'm getting strange results when trying to edit the credits screen in the client. I'm using the 2.5 source. What I've done is added my own credits for the game (which works fine) and changed the wording and placement slightly of the large "This game was built using eclipse.. etc" bit. For some reason though it doesn't want to change. Everything else looks fine, but that one label wont change or move. No matter where I place it it remains in the same place and also saying the same, original, text. I've attached an image. On the left is my frmCredits.frm file and on the right is what it outputs. I know I could simple remove the label and create a new one, but I'm interested to know why this is happening. Thanks
  6. I posted this in the eclipse source forum earlier, but on second thoughts I might get a better response here. Okay I'm having trouble compiling the source code for the client. Every time I try it throws up this error: @vb: > Compile error: > > Method or data member not found Highlighting '**Remote Host**' in this section of the modClientTCP module: ``` Sub TcpInit() SEP_CHAR = Chr(0) END_CHAR = Chr(237) PlayerBuffer = vbNullString Dim FileName As String FileName = App.Path & "\config.ini" frmMirage.Socket.RemoteHost = ReadINI("IPCONFIG", "IP", FileName) frmMirage.Socket.RemotePort = val#(ReadINI("IPCONFIG", "PORT", FileName)) End Sub ``` I'm very new to vb so I can't figure out what's causing the problem. I do have the winsock control installed and I know that RemoteHost is a member of winsock from looking up winsock in the object browser (and also because it's fairly obvious). From my (in)experience with with vb I'm assuming that, for some reason, it's not detecting the winsock control properly even though it is installed on the project. If I remove the line throwing out the error it gives another error for the next line (on RemotePort), so it's definitly something with the winsock component. Thanks for any help!
  7. Okay I'm having trouble compiling the source code for the client. Every time I try it throws up this error: @vb: > Compile error: > > Method or data member not found Highlighting '**Remote Host**' in this section of the modClientTCP module: ``` Sub TcpInit() SEP_CHAR = Chr(0) END_CHAR = Chr(237) PlayerBuffer = vbNullString Dim FileName As String FileName = App.Path & "\config.ini" frmMirage.Socket.RemoteHost = ReadINI("IPCONFIG", "IP", FileName) frmMirage.Socket.RemotePort = val#(ReadINI("IPCONFIG", "PORT", FileName)) End Sub ``` I'm very new to vb so I can't figure out what's causing the problem. I do have the winsock control installed. Thanks for any help! EDIT: I know that RemoteHost is a member of winsock from looking up winsock in the object browser (and also because it's fairly obvious) From my (in)experience with with vb I'm assuming that, for some reason, it's not detecting the winsock control properly even though it is installed on the project. If I remove the line throwing out the error it gives another error for the next line (on RemotePort), so it's definitly something with the winsock component.
  8. Okay, this is my first time using vb, but I'm used to programming so I'm hoping it wont be too hard. I'm just working on adding an extra option to the create character screen and was wondering what this was: ``` lblHP.Caption = STR(Class(cmbClass.ListIndex).HP) ```I'm looking in frmNewChar. I know what it's doing (setting the hp dependant on the selected class), but I#m not sure how. being a noob with vb I can't quite see get what STR() or Class() are. Could someone please explain?
  9. What file gets all of the images from the client GFX file, and GUI file?
  10. HI, Is it possible to download the library exe file as the separate files that are inside the .exe? I'm wanting to package them together with my game client, so a user can install both in one easy package instead of having to do both separately. I tried installing the libraryfiles-1.exe into a folder and viewing the contents, but it said that nothing was in the folder (I have view hidden files set). Or if someone can list **all** of them I am sad enough to go through my system32 folder and find thtem all. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks EDIT: Just found this post.. http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,3979.msg199243.html#msg199243 seems like the library files only come in the exe, but luckily there's a list of them all which I'll look through.
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