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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Um… like this? ``` Case 3 Select Case Value Case "D" If Prompt = 3 Then Dim Score Call PlayerMsg(index, "Correct!", 15) Score=PutVar("accounts\"&GetPlayerLogin(index)&"\"&GetPlayerName(index)&".ini","Temp","Quiz",GetVar("accounts\"&GetPlayerLogin(index)&"\"&GetPlayerName(index)&".ini","Temp","Quiz")+1) Call PlayerMsg(index, "Options", YELLOW) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q2C1"), YELLOW) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q2C2"), YELLOW) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q2C3"), YELLOW) Call PlayerQueryBox(index,GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q2"), 0) End If Case Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "That is incorrect!", 12) End Select ```
  2. OK. Just ooooone more problem. ``` Call PlayerMsg(index, "Options", YELLOW) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q1C1"), YELLOW) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q1C2"), YELLOW) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q1C3"), YELLOW) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q1C4"), YELLOW) Call PlayerQueryBox(index,GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q1"), 3) Call PlayerMsg(index, "Options", YELLOW) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q2C1"), YELLOW) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q2C2"), YELLOW) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q2C3"), YELLOW) Call PlayerQueryBox(index,GetVar("scripts\Quiz\Gunner.ini","Beginner","Q2"), 0) ``` When a character steps on a tile with this code, most of the time, a Runtime Error (400) occurs. Once in a while, it doesn't happen, though. I'm pretty sure it's running the first QueryBox, then running the next one right after… without giving the player a chance to type in the first QueryBox. How do I stop this from happening?
  3. @Admiral: > This can be done. > > Just store the questions and answers in ini files, and use GetVar to output the text onto Custom Menus, or run the quiz in the chatbox using Call PlayerMsg. Alright. I'll try that out. Um… one more thing... is there a way to get what a player types in the chatbox and store it in an ini file?
  4. Heheheh… I probably should've explained all of that. >.> I wanted the quiz to be for stepping on a tile OR for talking to an NPC. I don't want players to be able to make quizzes. I just want them to take quizzes for classes in things such as Gunner classes or Swordsman classes. I wanted the quizzes to be easy multiple-choice questions.
  5. I want to make a quiz in my game, but I'm not sure how to. I don't really care how it's done or what it looks like as long as it works, but the original plan I had in mind would be for a window to pop up, prompting the player… something like this: 1 + 1 = ? a) 7 b) 2 c) Penguins will conquer the world (The player types their answer here) If that can't be done, I'll take any other form, really. I just want the quiz to be in the game.
  6. NostalgiaX

    An Error

    They are using Vista and I am still using TE.
  7. NostalgiaX

    An Error

    @ÅÐмiядζ: > Have you changed any of the client's source code? > If not, have they installed all the Library Files? Source code? I don't think so… as for the library files, I assume they did.
  8. NostalgiaX

    An Error

    I gave the Client to someone and when they started it, they got an error. > File: frmMirage.frm > Procedure: txtChat_GotFocus > Error #5 > Description: Invalid procedure call or argument. What do I tell them to do?
  9. Yeah, it's a part of the OnNPCDeath Sub. Sorry. Forgot to mention that.
  10. I added Polkm's Good and Evil System to my Main.txt, but it's not working properly. I think I've narrowed the problem down a bit to these lines. ``` 'Good Bad npc Dim NPCSIDE Dim GoodPoints Dim BadPoints NPCSIDE=GetVar("NPCData.ini",GetNpcName(NPC_Num),"G\B") GoodPoints=GetVar("accounts\"&GetPlayerLogin(index)&"\"&GetPlayerName(index)&".ini","Good/Bad","GoodPoints") BadPoints=GetVar("accounts\"&GetPlayerLogin(index)&"\"&GetPlayerName(index)&".ini","Good/Bad","BadPoints") If NPCSIDE = G Then Call PutVar("accounts\"&GetPlayerLogin(index)&"\"&GetPlayerName(index)&".ini","Good/Bad","GoodPoints",""&GoodPoints - 1) 'Call PutVar("accounts\"&GetPlayerLogin(index)&"\"&GetPlayerName(index)&".ini","Good/Bad","BadPoints",""&BadPoints + 1) End If If NPCSIDE = B Then Call PutVar("accounts\"&GetPlayerLogin(index)&"\"&GetPlayerName(index)&".ini","Good/Bad","GoodPoints",""&GoodPoints + 1) 'Call PutVar("accounts\"&GetPlayerLogin(index)&"\"&GetPlayerName(index)&".ini","Good/Bad","BadPoints",""&BadPoints - 1) End If ```I edited the code a bit. Here's what the NPCData.ini looks like. ``` [Koopa] G\B=B [Goomba] G\B=B [Toad] G\B=G [Bob-Omb] G\B=B ``` Whenever you kill ANY enemy (even if the enemy isn't on the NPCData.ini list), you gain a GoodPoint. How can I fix this? I am using EE2.7
  11. @Bone: > You shouldnt tell us that your not that good, > the reason your looking for a job is because… your good at soemthing > people dont want someone with low self esteem I've heard music that's a lot better and most people I try to help out have extremely high expectations. I'll fix that right now.
  12. Here are some samples of my work. KHU Battle Theme (for an RPG I'm making) http://h1.ripway.com/NostalgiaX/KHU_BattleTheme.mid I did not finish this song, yet, though. There are still places in the song that doesn't have a melody. Weeping Melody http://h1.ripway.com/NostalgiaX/Weaping%20Melody.mid Weeping Melody Remake http://h1.ripway.com/NostalgiaX/Weeping_Melody_Remake.mid This next remake, I didn't do. I am the original composer, but Lotusware remastered the song. I apologize, for I cannot find my version anywhere. KHU Boss Theme http://h1.ripway.com/NostalgiaX/Boss.mp3 You'll most likely catch me by emailing me or IMing me. [email protected]
  13. NostalgiaX


    Hikaru Urabara: frmMirage.frm txtChat_GotFocus Invalid procedure call or argument. Hikaru Urabara: modGameLogic.bas GameInit ActiveX component can't create object This is what someone IMed me… I'm using TE. I'd use EE, but it doesn't work on my computer. Can anyone help? EDIT Also, when I tried to log in, TE would let me on for one second, then shut down on me.
  14. Maybe it helps to say that I'm using TE (EE won't work on my computer) >.> ``` ':: Access :: 'ADMIN_MONITER = 1 'ADMIN_MAPPER = 2 'ADMIN_DEVELOPER = 3 'ADMIN_CREATOR = 4 ':: Text Color Code :: 'Black = 0 'Blue = 1 'Green = 2 'Cyan = 3 'Red = 4 'Magenta = 5 'Brown = 6 'Grey = 7 'DarkGrey = 8 'BrightBlue = 9 'BrightGreen = 10 'BrightCyan = 11 'BrightRed = 12 'Pink = 13 'Yellow = 14 'White = 15 Sub JoinGame(index) Dim GameName Dim MOTD GameName = Trim(GetVar("Data.ini", "CONFIG", "GameName")) MOTD = GetVar("motd.ini", "MOTD", "Msg") ' Send a global message that he/she joined If GetPlayerAccess(index) 3 Then I = 3 Call SetPlayerPOINTS(index, GetPlayerPOINTS(index) + I) Call SetPlayerExp(index, D) C = C + 1 Loop If C > 1 Then 'Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has gained " & C & " levels!", 6) Else 'Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has gained a level!", 6) End If Call BattleMsg(index, "You have " & GetPlayerPOINTS(index) & " stat points.", 9, 0) End Sub Sub UsingStatPoints(index, PointType) Select Case PointType Case 0 'Gives you a set max If GetPlayerSTR(index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your strength!", 12, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerSTR(index, GetPlayerSTR(index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more strength!", 15, 0) Case 1 'Gives you a set max If GetPlayerDEF(index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your defence!", 12, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerDEF(index, GetPlayerDEF(index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more defense!", 15, 0) Case 2 'Gives you a set max If GetPlayerMAGI(index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your magic!", 12, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerMAGI(index, GetPlayerMAGI(index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more magic abilities!", 15, 0) Case 3 'Gives you a set max If GetPlayerSPEED(index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your speed!", 12, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerSPEED(index, GetPlayerSPEED(index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more speed!", 15, 0) End Select Call SetPlayerPOINTS(index, GetPlayerPOINTS(index) - 1) End Sub Sub ReplaceOneInvItem(index, olditem, newitem) Dim n n = 1 Do If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n) = olditem Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n, newitem) Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, n) Exit Do End If n = n + 1 Loop Until n > 24 End Sub Sub GoFishing(index, item, maxlevel, name) Dim c Dim level level = maxlevel + 1 If GetPlayerlevel(index) < maxlevel Then c = Int(Rnd * Int(level - GetPlayerLevel(index))) If c = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, GetPlayerName(index) & " caught a " & name, 2) Call ReplaceOneInvItem(index, 0, item) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, GetPlayerName(index) & " found nothing!", 12) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(index, GetPlayerName(index) & " caught a " & name, 2) Call ReplaceOneInvItem(index, 0, item) End If End Sub Sub ScriptedTile(index, Script) Select Case Script Case 1 Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "respawn", "map", GetPlayerMap(index)) Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "respawn", "x", GetPlayerX(index)) Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "respawn", "y", GetPlayerY(index)) Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your game has been saved!", 14) End Select Case 2 dim weapon weapon = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(index) If weapon = 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You don't have a fishing rod equiped", 15) ElseIf GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon) = 27 Then Call GoFishing(index, 28, 20, "fish") Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "You don't have a #EQUIPMENT NAME# equiped", 15) End If End Sub Sub PlayerPrompt(index, Prompt, Value) If Prompt = 6 Then Select Case Value Case 0 Call GlobalMsg("Hi This is a Yes answer!", 3) Case 1 Call GlobalMsg("This is case 1?", 3) End Select Else Select Case Value Case 0 Call GlobalMsg("Hi This is a No answer!", 4) Case 1 Call GlobalMsg("This is no case 1?", 4) End Select End If End Sub Sub QueryBox(index, Prompt) Value = GetVar("responses.ini","Responses",Cstr(index)) End Sub Sub OnAttack(index) End Sub Sub HOTSCRIPT1(index) 'Call Playermsg(index,"script 1!",14) End Sub Sub HOTSCRIPT2(index) 'Call Playermsg(index,"script 2!",14) End Sub Sub HOTSCRIPT3(index) 'Call Playermsg(index,"script 3!",14) End Sub Sub HOTSCRIPT4(index) 'Call Playermsg(index,"script 4!",14) End Sub Sub ScriptedItem(index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(index, "Itemz Work", 15) End Select End Sub Sub ScriptedSpell(index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(index, "Spellz Work", 15) End Select End Sub Sub ScriptedNPC(index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(index, "NPCz Work", 15) End Select End Sub Sub Commands(index) On Error Resume Next Dim Portal Dim mapnum Dim x Dim y Dim i Dim TextSay Dim n Dim m Dim C m = GetVar("Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_MAPS") TextSay = GetVar("Scripts\Command.ini", "TEMP", "Text" & index) Portal = GetPlayerHelmetSlot(index) i = 1 C = 0 If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 5)) = "/wish" Then If Len(TextSay) > 6 Then TextSay = Mid(TextSay, 6, Len(TextSay) - 5) Do While C = 0 If GetVar("wishes.ini", "WISH", "Wish" & i) "" then i = i + 1 Else Call PutVar("wishes.ini", "WISH", "Wish" & i, Trim(TextSay)) Call PlayerMsg(index, "Thank You For Wishing!", 6) C = 1 End if Loop End If Exit Sub End If If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 9)) = "/warpmeto" Then If Len(TextSay) > 10 Then TextSay = Mid(TextSay, 10, Len(TextSay) - 9) ' Prevent hacking If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You need be of a higher access to use this command!", 4) Exit Sub End If ' The player n = FindPlayer(TextSay) If n index Then If n > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(n), GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n)) Call PlayerMsg(n, GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped to you.", 6) Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have been warped to " & GetPlayerName(n) & ".", 6) Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped to " & GetPlayerName(n) & ", map #" & GetPlayerMap(n) & ".", ADMIN_LOG) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "Player is not online.", 15) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot warp to yourself!", 15) End If End If Exit Sub End If If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 9)) = "/warptome" Then If Len(TextSay) > 10 Then If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You need be of a higher access to use this command!", 4) Exit Sub End If n = Mid(TextSay, 10, Len(TextSay) - 9) n = FindPlayer(n) If n index Then If n > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(n, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)) Call PlayerMsg(n, "You have been summoned by " & GetPlayerName(index) & ".", 9) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetPlayerName(n) & " has been summoned.", 9) Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped " & GetPlayerName(n) & " to self, map #" & GetPlayerMap(index) & ".", ADMIN_LOG) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "Player is not online.", 15) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot warp yourself to yourself!", 15) End If End If Exit Sub End If If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 7)) = "/warpto" Then If Len(TextSay) > 8 Then TextSay = Mid(TextSay, 8, Len(TextSay) - 7) n = TextSay If n > 0 And n 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "Social Commands:", 15) Call PlayerMsg(index, """msghere = Global Admin Message", 15) Call PlayerMsg(index, "=msghere = Private Admin Message", 15) Call PlayerMsg(index, "Available Commands: /admin, /loc, /mapeditor, /warpmeto, /warptome, /warpto, /setsprite, /mapreport, /kick, /ban, /edititem, /respawn, /editnpc, /motd, /editshop, /ban, /editspell", 15) End If Exit Sub End If Select Case LCase(Trim(TextSay)) Case "/away" 'If GetPlayerAccess(index) >= 1 Then If GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status") = 0 Then Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " is now away.", 14) Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status", 1) Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName", GetPlayerName(index)) Call SetPlayerName(index, GetPlayerName(index) & " - Away") Call SendPlayerData(index) Exit Sub ElseIf GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status") = 1 Then Call SetPlayerName(index, GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName")) Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has returned from being away.", 14) Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status", 0) Call SendPlayerData(index) Exit Sub End If 'End If Case "/setportal" If Portal > 0 Then If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, Portal) = 18 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have created a portal opening at this spot! You may now return to this spot at any time by typing /portal", 1) Call PutVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "map", GetPlayerMap(index)) Call PutVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "x", GetPlayerX(index)) Call PutVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "y", GetPlayerY(index)) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have that ability.", 4) End If Exit Sub End If Case "/portal" If Portal > 0 Then mapnum = GetVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "map") y = GetVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "y") x = GetVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "x") If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, Portal) = 18 Then Call PlayerWarp(index, mapnum, x, y) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have that ability.", 4) End If Exit Sub End If Case "/bell" Call SetTile(1,3,11,1,1,1,8) Call GlobalMsg("*dingy* *diny* *ding*", 7) Call SendMap(1) Exit Sub Case "/killall" Call SpellAnim(1,1,1,6) Exit Sub Case "/blah" Call PlayerMsg(index, GetTileX(1,0,16,8), 15) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetTileY(1,0,16,8), 15) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetTileSet(1,0,16,8), 15) Case "/block" Call SetAttribute(1,GetPlayerX(index),GetPlayerY(index),1,0,0,0,"","","") Case "/bleh" Call PlayerQueryBox(index, "Hello?", 3) Case "/bloop" Call SetPlayerWeaponSlot(index,1) Call SendWornEquipment(index) Call SendIndexWornEquipment(index) Exit Sub Case "/blip" Call PlayerMsg(index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(index), 15) Exit Sub End Select Call PlayerMsg(index, "Thats not a valid command!", 12) End Sub Sub DropItems(index) If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(index) > 0 Then Call PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(index), 0) End If If GetPlayerArmorSlot(index) > 0 Then Call PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerArmorSlot(index), 0) End If If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(index) > 0 Then Call PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(index), 0) End If If GetPlayerShieldSlot(index) > 0 Then Call PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerShieldSlot(index), 0) End If End Sub Sub OnDeath(index) Dim mapnum Dim x dim y mapnum = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "respawn", "map") x = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "respawn", "x") y = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "respawn", "y") Call PlayerWarp(index, mapnum, x, y) End Sub Sub SetBlock(map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,1,0,0,0,"","","") End Sub Sub SetWarp(map, X, Y, warpmap, warpx, warpy) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,2,warpmap,warpx,warpy,"","","") End Sub Sub SetHeal(map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,7,0,0,0,"","","") End Sub Sub SetKill(map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,8,0,0,0,"","","") End Sub Sub SetItem(map, X, Y, item, value) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,3,item,value,0,"","","") End Sub Sub SetNPCAvoid(map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,4,0,0,0,"","","") End Sub Sub SetKey(map, X, Y, key, take) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,5,key,take,0,"","","") End Sub Sub SetKeyOpen(map, X, Y, keyx, keyy, message) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,6,keyx,keyy,0,message,"","") End Sub Sub SetShop(map, X, Y,shop) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,9,shop,0,0,"","","") End Sub Sub SetClassBlock(map, X, Y,allow1,allow2,allow3) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,10,allow,allow2,allow3,"","","") End Sub Sub SetArena(map, X, Y,amap,ax,ay) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,11,amap,ax,ay,"","","") End Sub Sub SetSound(map, X, Y,filename) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,12,0,0,0,filename,"","") End Sub Sub SetSpriteChange(map, X, Y,sprite,item,cost) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,13,sprite,item,cost,"","","") End Sub Sub SetSign(map, X, Y,line1,line2,line3) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,14,0,0,0,line1,line2,line3) End Sub Sub SetDoor(map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,15,0,0,0,"","","") End Sub Sub SetNotice(map, X, Y, title, text, filename) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,16,0,0,0,title,text,filename) End Sub Sub SetChest(map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,17,0,0,0,"","","") End Sub Sub SetScripted(map, X, Y, script) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,18,script,0,0,"","","") End Sub Sub SetBank(map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,23,0,0,0,"","","") End Sub Sub SetHouse(map, X, Y,item,cost) Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,21,item,cost,0,"","","") End Sub '******************************** Sub Give_Item(index, number, durability) '******************************** Dim slot slot = 1 Do While slot < 25 If Getplayerinvitemnum( index, Int( slot ) ) = 0 Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, Int( slot ), Int( number ) ) Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(index, Int( slot ), Int( durability ) ) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, Int( slot ), Int(0) ) Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, Int(slot) ) slot = 25 End If slot = slot + 1 Loop End Sub ```
  15. @dg1423: > in Sub OnDeath, take out those setMap, X, and Y lines and replace em with this: > > ``` > Dim mapnum > Dim x > dim y > > mapnum = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "respawn", "map") > x = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "respawn", "x") > y = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "respawn", "y") > > Call PlayerWarp(index, mapnum, x, y) > > ``` That didn't work…
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