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Everything posted by Zappy

  1. Alright, so I hate to be "that guy" but I really do need help. I know it'll be much more efficient to simply ask the experienced ones. (A.k.a, you guys ;) ) Now, from what I've gathered looking for help on other topics, to edit source code I HAVE to use VB6, and I have to recompile every module file plus the form file into a new server.exe. The problem is, I'm not sure how to go about this. I thought it would be as simple as throwing all the files into VB6, and then publishing it as the .exe, but I got an error like so: >! ![](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/6105/errorku.png) So… Do I have to link them some how? The error has to do with that specific line, but I'm new to this language so... ya. Sorry for sucking so badly, but everyone starts somewhere
  2. It's pretty simple and silly to be honest xD
  3. It's not something I pride myself on :3 But they do come in handy :D
  4. I might as well donate "something" These were completely half-arse animations I made to fulfill some small requirements :3 The frames flow together rather well, and they can be used quite frequently I find. Blood splatter! ![](http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/4482/64098473.png) Chop! (Made it for tree resources!) ![](http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/3125/50408880.png) Pick! ![](http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/7559/98766057.png) ALSO. I might as well include this last one, but I must say it's stolen. ![](http://img858.imageshack.us/img858/8783/187.png) I just googled "fist" in images and took some picture and turned it into this. ![](http://www.lostonwallace.com/fist7.jpg) (showing my source) The first 3 however are fully original, very boring and plain but… original! xD
  5. @Zeroâ„¢: > Characters: > [Picture 1](http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/zero_sig/Valor%20Online/Reaper_1.png), [Picture 2](http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/zero_sig/Valor%20Online/monsters.png), [Picture 3](http://i56.tinypic.com/2rclxcw.png), [Picture 4](http://i54.tinypic.com/2zobynl.png) > [Picture 5](http://i55.tinypic.com/mtnjub.gif), [Picture 6](http://i52.tinypic.com/rgvu6a.png), [Picture 7](http://i55.tinypic.com/2hxr7o3.png), [Picture 8](http://i54.tinypic.com/2yzljc5.gif) > > Maps: > [Picture 1](http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/zero_sig/Valor%20Online/new_town.png), [Picture 2](http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/zero_sig/Valor%20Online/new_wooka_map.png), [Picture 3](http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/zero_sig/Valor%20Online/water_tiles.png), [Picture 4](http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/zero_sig/Valor%20Online/xp3kvkjpg.png) > [Picture 5](http://i54.tinypic.com/mj1wmp.png), [Picture 6](http://i54.tinypic.com/fzadqx.png), [Picture 7](http://i53.tinypic.com/2v7yo1x.png), [Picture 8](http://i52.tinypic.com/v4wmbo.png) I must say, I love mostly all of that art work! Well done.
  6. @Robin: > @L: > > > I just want to ask for everyone to stop with the constant replacement of the word "ducking" with "ducking". I respect your intentions of "keeping it clean" but it's just silly. > > Either spell it "ducking" or don't include it to the sentence, it doesn't really add much strength to any statements being made. > > It's called a fucking word filter. HA! Just read my post, had no idea it was the act of a word filter, I feel silly now. Never seen a filter that changes the word, I've only came in contact with one that uses "****" Pardon my mistake!
  7. I just want to ask for everyone to stop with the constant replacement of the word "fucking" with "ducking". I respect your intentions of "keeping it clean" but it's just silly. Either spell it "fucking" or don't include it to the sentence, it doesn't really add much strength to any statements being made. It's ruining my reading material. This thread is so damn amusing; what with all the bickering and ranting. I love you all : D
  8. @Helladen: > It still puzzles me why people can be homosexual. Men and women aren't that much different. Can you explain this it confuses me, I don't understand your argument. It's like saying I understand why people have dogs as pets, dogs and cats aren't that much different. What your saying, is true, males and females aren't that much different. In terms of their rights, species and involvement in society. Genetically speaking, we are completely different. Males and Female's have unique instincts. We both have different chemicals controlling our brain activity, a different balance causing a difference in personality and perspective. We are both incredibly different, men and women. But even so, that has little to no relevance towards this topic. How would a man being slightly similar to a women have any significance to the argument, I'm extremely confused. Men usually look nothing like women, the distinct orientation between bones, flesh and hair can easily tap into ones limbic system.
  9. Sounds pretty awesome :D It is a rather great game. :3 Luckily it runs perfectly on my computer, which is weird since my laptop can barley handle anything D:
  10. One of my favorite computer games, it's never gotten old. I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in playing, because I never play online, since their aren't actual online lobbies, just private connections. SO. Anyone up for it :D? Also, of course this whole thread can rise a discussion on the game itself overall
  11. @DDunit: > I am born as a cannibal. We eat people that aren't part of our tribe. We find it morally accepted. A bunch of soldiers scouting the jungle in search of [insert reason] stumble upon my camp. We accept them but eat them one by one. When one the last one runs away after seeing too much, he comes back with more soldiers and kills everyone of us. > > Which is immoral; the cannibals surviving the way they always did or the genocide of said cannibals due to their "immoral" conduct? Though I understand the point your trying to make with an exaggerated example, it does not actually represent the situation very well. In a way, your scenario states that homosexuals have sex with people of other sexual orientations. SO a homosexual in this tribe would rape a heterosexual. Which would be extremely wrong, since rape is wrong in any situation. Also cannibalism is of course completely immoral, if it's acceptable inn their tribe, then they may eat others that follow their morals, but if they eat those who are innocent in the society of today, then they must be stopped. The genocide however, would be over the top. THOUGH at the same time, I strongly believe in the death penalty, for serial killers that is. In certain situations murder is almost acceptable, when you have no other choice. But if your killing to feed your stomach when you could easily eat anything else, with much more ease, then the fault is your own. Since you can't just as well arrest an entire tribe of serial killers, I see no other choice. Though we could also just throw the most evil killers onto the island for the tribe. But this debate is on gay rights/what your parents would do if you we're gay. So yes xD Above was all my opinion.
  12. Made me consider homicide. Then made me commit homicide. I buried that priests corpse in a septic tank. *sigh* No I didn't kill him I'm not cool enough for that : ( It's people like that who make my want to vomit out my innards, preferably all over their face.
  13. It's hard to hold my optimistic/friendly mannerisms around such ignorant people. -.- (people against homosexuality.) Though I must say I find it easy at the same time because of all the respectable, open minded people : D. (For homosexuality) Though some might find it ignorant to say "you wrong, I'm right" In most cases, there is always a right and wrong. In this debate, I know that the side for homosexuality is 100% right. Since the side against homosexuality does NOT benefit any being in any way, it is 100% wrong. Their views are purely self based, disregarding the world around them. Unfortunately for us the side against homosexuality is protected by civil rights. Situations like "I must rob a bank to save my friend's dying sister from a disease that they can't afford." Now in that scenario, it would be very hard to determine which side would be in the right (Robbing the bank, not robbing the bank) Again, these are all my opinions.
  14. I'm impressed so many people are accepting of it :D Sucks though, I always liked Australia, guess I'm not going to be going there anymore D: Also, another point. If you think about it, homosexuality is like another way for nature to control population growth. In fact, as humans, we NEED more homosexuals. Our numbers are growing to fast -.- If we have a few more people who live in a way the stops them from reproducing, then we can stunt our number growth a bit more. Along with how they can give orphans home through adoption, though not in the America since marriage is technically illegal in the USA. Also, I refer to them as "they", because I'm not homosexual but bisexual, so I can't speak for homosexuality fully. The most harassment I get is being told to "pick one". It bothers me, but I can manage.
  15. Hmm, I live in Ontario too xD Only area I have knowledge of as well. And I found neither hard to tell my parents. Atheism was like breathing, for my household is all atheist, and my bisexuality wasn't hard either for the expected it the whole time xD My family and my family are very open and fun :D My dad would always say "Some day, I'm going to come in the door, and my son is going to have a dick in his mouth, and I'll say Well, I'm not surprised."
  16. I must grow up in a strange community, because where I'm from we've never felt it odd to be gay :S Anyone who's gay is treated just as anyone else, I'm scared to leave the province if thats what it's like out there xD rofl
  17. @Christmas123: > If I where gay then my parents would probley try to get me into some counciling. That's… That's depressing. T-T
  18. What can I say, I like the english language. Here's a scenario for you: Dog 1 : I love watching this show, luckily it's dubbed in bark. Dog 2 : That's not right, you can only watch it in woof. Dog 1 : But I can't speak woof, and my aural sense is more sensitive then my vision. Dog 2 : Your not aloud to watch it unless you watch it in woof. Poor dog 1. What I mean by that is I love the animation style, but am fluent in english. I'd prefer to hear voices then read words.
  19. Oooo and it's dubbed too! How great :D!
  20. @Robin: > @Helladen: > > > I don't understand why people are gay. Women and men aren't that much different if you think about it. If your gay your basically just wanting to be a women anyway, which I love being a guy. Women always complain and talk shit about each other. > > > > Not saying it makes them bad or anything, but I just like the way men handle things, if you start doing that kind of stuff your going to most likely get some sense knocked into you. > > > > I will never support it and I just think it's against our entire existence. Whether you believe in God or not, it's still wrong to be gay. > > ![](http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e112/Kite_Minase/Reaction/kagami-in-thought.jpg) Happened along time ago, but what's that pic from robin? xD If it's an actual anime, I wanna watch :D
  21. Unfortunately we'll always have certain families that remain corrupt and continue to teach their kids that being gay is wrong, that being anything but white is bad, and that everyone should be catholic, or go to hell, the world will never rise from the filth stricken gutter it lies in. Luckily it's not always that said family will enforce all three of the above.
  22. Your point just fell down a hill. It's lying on it's side as we speak. Nah just joshing you : ) It's a relevant point >:3
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